Did you have a Nu-Metal phase?

Did you have a Nu-Metal phase before you got into Metal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 50.7%
  • No

    Votes: 37 49.3%

  • Total voters
During my earlier high school years, I liked bands like Disturbed, Godsmack, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Powerman 5000, Rammstein, Rob Zombie, Soil, Static-X, System of a Down, and The Union Underground, because it was the heaviest stuff playing on the radio at the time, and I didn't have internet access, so in my ignorance I was convinced that what I was listening to was the heaviest music available. Fortunately, this only lasted for about two years before I heard Kalmah's Kill the Idealist for the first time.
My high school was very immature. The majority of "metalheads" there listened to bands like Marilyn Manson, Static-X, Korn, Slipknot, and the really shitty ones, like Limp Bizkit and stuff. I was a Limp Bizkit fan *shudders* for a while, then got into slightly heavier nu-metal, like Godsmack, Korn, Disturbed, etc. I still like Disturbed, Static-X and Godsmack, mostly because they moved past the nu-metal kind of sound and became more like rock bands (save for Static-X), and I'll listen to the occasional Slipknot song, but I've moved past the nu-metal phase.

My parents and Ender are really the biggest influences I've had in metal, my parents were headbangers back in the 80's, so they love stuff like Maiden, Crue, old Metallica, etc, and a LOT of glam (pisses Ender off when I play that shit), and Ender got me into more progressive/heavy stuff, like Opeth, Nile, Behemoth and the like.
No, but I am sure anyone who knows anything about me already knew that. I was lucky enough to be a teenager in the 80's, so I got into metal by metal. If there were "gateway" bands for me, then it was Black Sabbath and the Scorpions.
The heaviest stuff my parents ever listened to was Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith, so I owe it to nu-metal for setting my path towards metal. Before I got into nu-metal, all I liked was classical music because (1) my parents raised me on nothing but that and (2) the fact that my rival sibling, my older sister, listened to all the mainstream garbage like Blink-182 and Jay-Z naturally made me despise all forms of popular music.

Luckily my stint with nu-metal was my only involvement with the mainstream, and since I drifted to heavier, less accessible and more extreme music, metal, where I once again assumed the position I was raised upon, that being good taste.
I used to listen to bands like Linkin park and other mainstream rock bands. Around this time my brother would play Pantera and I would like it when I was in 5th grade. My brother got me The Black album a year later and then I started to get more into metal. I also heard Iron Man when I was younger and I would make up random words to go along with it. :lol:
I live in a hallway full of African-American gang-bangers...ah hell, they're my pals. There's a difference between African-Americans and my pals, and these are my pals. All I hear is gangsta rap all goddamn day. This alone makes me hate modern mainstream music. We have noise wars all the time, and every time, we've won.

EDIT: In response to Zeph's post.

Metal = awesome
Rap = chauvinistic garbage that I would rather sandpaper the asshole of an alligator in a phone book than listen to.
I am Afro Man,
Running through the woods from the Ku Klux Klan,
Scary men with pointy hats,
Chasing me with baseball bats.

:lol: The lyrics I made didn't even make sense at all. They were like "Will he fall down a well or will he go to tell".
Not all rap is bad. The underground stuff is good.

I enjoy a bit of old school rap, like Run DMC and Will Smith's older material, and a bit of the underground stuff isn't bad at all. The main problem I have with it is that the mainstream stuff is so uncreative. I have the ultimate respect for bands who can put together words that I couldn't even think would be used in the same song, like Eminem on his first album. I may not like it, but I respect the talent. Shit like "Soulja boi" or however the fuck you spell it, and "hey, baby" just pisses me the FUCK OFF.

I am Afro Man,
Running through the woods from the Ku Klux Klan,
Scary men with pointy hats,
Chasing me with baseball bats.

That shit would get me shot in this hallway.

Peoples jaws drop when they hear that I hate Soulja Boy. I wonder why. (sarcasm)
The problem with these rap arguments is that the people complaining how rap is worthless always seem to approach it from the "I know some people that listen to [insert list of mainstream MTV rap artists here] and they all suck so that means rap sucks" angle. It's pretty much equivalent to someone who doesn't know anything about metal saying that metal sucks just because they've heard some Slipknot, Korn and System of a Down and didn't like them. Yet by and large people on these forums are outraged whenever someone makes that claim (going by the numerous posts by anti-social dorks boasting about how much better they are than their surroundings for liking metal and how stupid everyone else is for dismissing it).

The mainstream segment of pretty much any music genre largely blows and there are pretty much always worthwhile (atleast on an artistic/creative level) bands in the underground scenes of said genre. Obviously certain music styles just may not be your cup of tea altogether but dismissing an entire genre as artistically void based on a bunch of mainstream artists is pretty stupid.
People wonder why I'm so angry all the time...I tell them it's because in order to keep from killing half my hallway, I have to blare metal at extreme volumes, and Lamb of God has been known to incite extreme anger in my brain.

Add alcohol to that ( :kickass: ), and those niggas best stay tha fuck away!
The problem with these rap arguments is that the people complaining how rap is worthless always seem to approach it from the "I know some people that listen to [insert list of mainstream MTV rap artists here] and they all suck so that means rap sucks" angle. It's pretty much equivalent to someone who doesn't know anything about metal saying that metal sucks just because they've heard some Slipknot, Korn and System of a Down and didn't like them. Yet by and large people on these forums are outraged whenever someone makes that claim (going by the numerous posts by anti-social dorks boasting about how much better they are than their surroundings for liking metal and how stupid everyone else is for dismissing it).

The mainstream segment of pretty much any music genre largely blows and there are pretty much always worthwhile (atleast on an artistic/creative level) bands in the underground scenes of said genre. Obviously certain music styles just may not be your cup of tea altogether but dismissing an entire genre as artistically void based on a bunch of mainstream artists is pretty stupid.

This is my problem with people who hate metalcore et al. :p