Dimmu Borgir-Death Cult Armageddon


Nov 29, 2002
I just downloaded a few tracks from this album. I've heard a lot of negative comments about this album but I really like what I've heard so far.
What do you all think of it?
I really really love Puritanical but not any of their other stuff. Maybe that's why some people have told me it sucks. It seems to me that out of nowhere, they decided to be a great band, not just another generic keyboard black metal style band.
I liked what I heard of the album(the whole album actually)... anyone who says that they didn't change at all from PEM to DCA is dead wrong... listen to the backing orchestra and you should be able to notice a major difference. I'm a little dissapointed though because most of the songs didn't seem to have the "sinister" atmosphere that PEM got from the live orchestra.
You've seen a lot of negative comments about DCA??? Huh?! There's like 5 people including me who critisize it or something! hehe

but bah, people are praising it like its the best thing since Master of Puppets. :erk:
LuminousAether said:
I fail to see how Dimmu Borgir can be called generic when they were one of the innovators? That's like calling King Crimson generic because so many bands became prog rock after them!

umm, who here called it generic? Stop being a fanboy and stepping ahead of yourself with the blind fanatical defenses.
SculptedCold said:
umm, who here called it generic? Stop being a fanboy and stepping ahead of yourself with the blind fanatical defenses.

I said in one of my previous posts that their earlier material was a bit generic...
Ive only heard one song from it, which was "Vredesbyrd", and I must say it surprised me...in a good way...I hated Puritania...that was pure sell out shit.
But, at least with "Vredesbyrd" you can hear that this is the band that brought us the great albums "Stormblåst" and "For All Tid", which were really good.
And the fact that "Vredesbyrd" is sung in Norwegian is really a step forward...well out of the sell out abyss...
maybe I should check out some of the other songs on their new album...though the title sounds quite crappy.
LuminousAether said:
Puritania was the best song on PEM, I was hoping they would model this album after it. Instead, this album has 2 of their best songs and a bunch of other songs I fast forward past.

Really?? I welcomed Puritania. It was definately an interesting and successful experiment...but I agree that it doesn't really stand-up to repeated listening. heh, one of my friends got absolutely hooked on Puritania (omg that is an AMAZING riff! the said riff being one of those completely anonymous distorted ones that I wouldn't even have NOTICED was a riff.....his all time fave band is korn so that explains that) but he didn't bother looking into the rest of Dimmu.

My favourite song on PEM is Kings of the Carnival Creation. That song is amazing.