Do/did your parents accept your music taste?


This is huh, wow...
Apr 7, 2009
Melbourne, Aus
I'll just like to hear from you guys.

My parents hate my music. My old man tolerates it but my mum is always yelling about it. She says Varg Vikernes sounds like a dog barking.
Well I moved out 11-12 years ago so that's not really an issue right now (but my girlfriend who I live with doesn't really like my music to put it nicely :p)...

But I don't remember my parents caring much about what I was listening too. I wouldn't say they enjoyed any of it but they never mentionned anything either.
Nope my parents dont accept my music taste at all. My mum doesn't care that much I guess, but I am sure they would rather me listen to radio friendly music..fuck that.
My dad doesn't mind, he listens to classic metal (Maiden, Priest, Sabbath), but he is not a fan of the more aggressive styles. My mom just complains when she has to drive in my car with me.
My father is really ignorant about it... calling all death metal grind and black metal "Satan Worship" -___- Yet... he likes old Metallica and even Wolverine Blues.

My mom doesnt like it but it doesnt bother her that I listen to it... And I've caught her with my Hypocrisy ~ The Final Chapter shirt on.
Parents don't really care. Dad's into Santana, soft rock and other jazz. Mum's more into the mainstream side of things. Pretty sure they came to terms with it about 9 years ago when I started listening to heavier stuff. Besides, I think they're glad that I have a hobby instead of wasting my life infront of the telly, and doing stupid dodgy shit.
My dad's pretty much entirely into classical and my mom's into classic rock. Neither like metal at all, except that once I was listening to Sinergy and my dad came in and said he liked it, which was weird. They put up with it, though, because they have no real choice.
My parents don't know really. My dad thinks Lynyrd Skynyrd is about as heavy as music gets and my mom took forever to accept that stuff as heavy as even Opeth or something was music - I would never let them hear any real death metal or black metal.