do u go to concerts alone or with friends?

Sexi Alexi 94

Oct 10, 2006
a lot of times there's concerts that i want to go to but i dont because i don't want to go alone, but then i end up regretting not going :cry: . what do you guys do?

i've gone by myself a few times but it's kind of lonely and i dont like it that much. i want to go to see the fear factory show but i only like hypocrisy and decap., do you think it's worth going alone and paying for a ticket and everything if i only like the first 2 bands? has anyone been to this tour, how was it?
I've gone to quite a few shows on my own, if the bands are worthwhile. Frequently I end up talking with people and it turns sociable,and if not, I'm there for the music not interaction. Same with going out to dinner, movies, and even drinking sessions. Not sure I would have been as cool with single activities when I was your age, though. In the case of music, I'd say go for it.
Usually I go with people, but I've gone to plenty alone. When I go alone, I talk to more people than I would if I were with someone and I don't have to babysit my non-metal friends. I really don't care either way.
a lot of times there's concerts that i want to go to but i dont because i don't want to go alone, but then i end up regretting not going :cry: . what do you guys do?

i've gone by myself a few times but it's kind of lonely and i dont like it that much. i want to go to see the fear factory show but i only like hypocrisy and decap., do you think it's worth going alone and paying for a ticket and everything if i only like the first 2 bands? has anyone been to this tour, how was it?
i went to go see nevermore and hate eternal when both of those bands were opening for chimaira and arch enemy. i went to support NM the most followed by hate eternal. i ended up getting into chimaira and AE more than i was before. you should go to also discover new bands and stuff.

my dad normally takes me to concerts. hes normally to the side of the floor where there are seats while im on the floor. during the stage set ups and stuff i talk to people about how the previous set was before and stuff and just metal in general. its pretty fun acutally.
I do both. While it's certainly nice to go with friends, and I prefer not to be in some of the neighborhoods alone, really, I can't expect my friends to be available for everything I want to do, and I'm not interested in missing something 'cause they're all busy. Prolly 1/2 of 'em don't even listen to metal.
I have always gone to shows with friends. When i moved to the north west I have missed quite a few shows due to not really knowing anyone. And the ones I do know don't listen to metal. In 2001 I talked my wife into going to NM. I went to NM by myself when they did the DVD show, i couldn't miss it. It was awesome.
I haven't been to a show in over a year.

The last one was Classical music.

I went alone.

They played Shostakovitch's two Piano Trios and some Tchaikovsky piece.

Do I rule or what?
If I go alone, I'm usually planning on meeting someone. I've been to local shows alone and it blows, but a bigger band would probably make up for being alone.

You wouldn't believe how ridiculously hard its been trying to find people to attend the Celtic Frost show with me. And these fuckers call themselves metalheads.
Hey, same here. My friend was supposed to go with me to see Celtic Frost, but he couldn't make it and apparently lost my phone number, so I ended up hanging out with some people I had met at shows earlier.

Just go by yourself. It's a great way to make friends.
MajestikMøøse;5552669 said:
I haven't been to a show in over a year.

The last one was Classical music.

I went alone.

They played Shostakovitch's two Piano Trios and some Tchaikovsky piece.

Do I rule or what?

You do.

For hearing that, I would have joined you. ^^
I prefer to go with people. I generally despise your average metal kid and like to run color commentary on the band to folks I know.
if no one can/wants to go with me i usually end up not going. the cost/hastle of going to the city alone, paying all the tolls and parking and gas alone, finding your way there alone, standing around alone just demotivates me. id go to a show in Sac alone, but those are pretty rare, and everyone wants to go to a show thats only 20 min away! fuckin bastards.