Do you fit the profile of a metalhead?

I have long dark hair, wear black cargo pants and black band shirts or plain black T-shirts or button-up shirts and I have a black leather trenchcoat. And black army boots.

I look something inbetween a metalhead, a goth and a computer geek (I'm a programmer, so hey).
Al Bundy has one of those bowl hair cuts from the middle 90's.
I wear black shirts (band shirts included), jeans and combat boots. Most people can tell I like "heavy music".

My hair isn't long but it isn't short. It would probably be longer if I lived in Germany or Scandinavia.
i have long hair, dont use (although i have lots of them) band shirts, use black sweat shirts with no logos and shit, i like simple stuff, jeans, etc and i wear other colours besides black too, specially in the summer.
my look is like an intelectual well dressed in black with long hair lol no beard too, i look clean lol i try not to fit in the metalhead stereotype but sometimes i do look like one lol
not usually unless a wear a band shirt, however I wear band shirts all the time.

also, I have a denim vest with Napalm Death, Obituary and Disrupt patches on it.
All of my clothes -- with the exception of a pair of pants -- is black, I wear a jacket and band tees, and my hair's relatively long, so to a certain degree, I fit the mold of your typical Metalhead. I steer clear o' the drinkin' and the excessive moshin', though, so I'm probably more of a darkly-clad shoegazer than anything.
long dark hair, ripped jeans, plain black and white t-shirts, (my band t-shirts aren't all metal bands), flannel and shit like that. So more grungy-indie than metal head.
I wear nothing but white t-shirts. Why? Because I'm a poor ass student who needs to pay for graduate school instead of metal t-shirts. I also wear blue jeans/shorts 99% of the time. I have two jackets but I only really wear my light one from Gap that was on sale.
I shave my hair short(as short as possible while still having hair) because I haven't got time to deal with it in the mornings, and because long hair is uncomfortable. I usually grow my beard out a bit before shaving my hair so it is the same length as the short cut hair.

So no, I look nothing like a metalhead. Maybe its because I'm a history/philosophy major and am doing TA work where I can't exactly look like I listen to Metal and be taken seriously.
metal paddy said:
paddy has long hair big beard i wear denim jacket with no arms over my bikers leather and tight leather pants and big motor bike boots and ihave got avery old bsa that i ride and i am always up the ACE CAFE :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
paddy, please tell us the next gig you are going to. I think you should have a fan club waiting for you.