Do you fit the profile of a metalhead?

i'm clean cut and good looking so NO!

but i did just get a watain hoodie in the mail not because i'm a huge fan of watain, ii mean they're pretty good, but because i had dispossable income and i like how it says VERBUM NON ACTA, and i'll wear it tomorrow FUCKING OWNED BORING STOCK EXCHANGE COMPANY WITH WHOM I AM TEMPING AT THE MOMENT
Actually, today a kid I knew asked to see my ipod, him and the girl next to him put on "To The Gallows" by Kalmah to see what it was, the expressions on their face was funny, because they never would of thought I listened to metal.
hair down to about my collarbone so kinda long and the only t shirts i own are either plain black ones or band t shirts and i wear plain black jeans so i guess i kinda fit the metalhead mold but not all tha tmuch, no jackets or anything. at least not yet.
UndyingDarkness said:
Actually, today a kid I knew asked to see my ipod, him and the girl next to him put on "To The Gallows" by Kalmah to see what it was, the expressions on their face was funny, because they never would of thought I listened to metal.

Always a fun experience, sharing the Ipod. When girls who look like they just came in from the beach ask me about it, I usually give them some Esoteric. They usually complain about how its sucky and how i don't have any "good music".
i don't think people try to guess what music i like.everyone i know knows what i like.i really don't wonder what others think of my appearance too much.i like to keep my hair short though.i never have to comb the shit and it dries off in a highschool though i wore leather boots leather jacket hair halfway down my back always carried illegal periphinilia ..typical stoner metal-head.
Long black hair, always in black. I can wear (some)metal shirts to work as long as they arent offensive, so thats cool. I sold my leather jacket when i was poor, now I own a black trenchcoat. I had a few different denim jackets (one was covered in WASP patches only) on the go when i was younger. Thesedays I only own a combat jacket, its still covered in patches with spikes on the lapels but I hardly wear it anymore.
Priest of Evil said:
now I own a black trenchcoat

Hair to my shoulders, black band shirts, black jeans or camo pants (green or white). No leather jackets or pants just yet, but ive been meaning to buy some boots over the next few days.

