Do you fit the profile of a metalhead?

Décadent said:



People are often surprised to hear that I like metal. I suppose that it's because I wear glasses and I dont ever wear the color black.
I don't look like a metalhead.....yet. Naturally, I would never have short hair, but I forced into cutting some of mine off. I am growing my hair back (yes, I am not that old). Bandshirts, yes. Black, not always.
Tony Macalpine is one of the best guitar shredders I've ever heard(although you guys are all idiots when it comes to guitar), and he is black.

He once accidentally owned Steve Vai in a solo duel Vai was supposed to win.
pretty much so. I only own one band shirt but 60 million other black shirts and clothes. I also have quite a bit of camo in my closet since I love anything military inspired... Hair lenght wise I keep it up to my sholders. It's really thin so it looks horrid if I grow it out any longer.
Most people are surprised that I listen to Metal because of my appearence....the blonde hair, not head-to-toe black (goth fear) go over to GMD picture thread if you dont know what i look like. I like wearing black and chunky shit that is metal but sometimes is hard to incorporate into some situations.