Do your parents like Bodom?

Alassë;6523534 said:
49 :D And you're right, everyone listens what they want, there isn't any age limits (or any other reasons) why not to listen. :D

It's strange. I played a CoB mix CD in my grandmother's car, and she says she loves it.

However, with my parents on the other hand; one can't stand it, and the other is neutral towards them (doesn't hate them, but doesn't like them either).
Well, my parents think Iron Maiden is using drugs and all metal bands are satanists.. (almost at least :D)

so... no, they don't like it.

They found the Passage to the Reaper guitar lesson pretty amazing, and they recognised it was based on Vivaldis Summer.
Well, my parents think Iron Maiden is using drugs and all metal bands are satanists.. (almost at least :D)
my mother actually say nothing at all about music i hear, only thing she is always complaining about are my lovely t-shirts (you know maidens eddie, megadeth with that countdown to exctintion skull, and roy of course) every morning she is like "would you mind getting some normal t-shirts someday" and i am getting some trivium and nightwish now so she will be happy :D :D :D
when i get som new dvd i just put it instantly in video player and i dont give a fuck if there is whole family watching some stupidity, dad is always interested then but only because of sound, cameras, you know production stuff, amplifiers.. when it comes to music they are all drug adicts and satanists of course..
my whole family loves pop and radio is turned on whole day (slovak radio stations are like this: :Puke: whole week each day the same shit songs)
only my younger brother is little bit to rock now, my influence :rock: i started pushing him to buy drums, i am not going to let family to make a pop pussy out of him :Smokin: :rock:
my mum don't like COB that much but she doesn't say anything when i play the songs on guitar. She says they "Sound so angry all the time" :lol:
She likes Nightwish a lot more tho.:rock:
Mom.. listens to some shitty country music, so does my Dad, but he also listens to rock but doesn't like metal that much:erk: but I got him to go to a concert with me in 3 weeks and if Bodom comes I'm gonna take him with me:heh::p
my dad likes wintersun.. :P he's even trying to play some sweeping on guitars but fails at 30% speed :D

yesterday he asked... hey dont you listen to children anymore? i said.. eh no very seldomly.. he said: that dude has a problem he is swearing all the time and now hes gay too (no idea where he's got a clue from..)
my dad likes wintersun.. :P he's even trying to play some sweeping on guitars but fails at 30% speed :D

yesterday he asked... hey dont you listen to children anymore? i said.. eh no very seldomly.. he said: that dude has a problem he is swearing all the time and now hes gay too (no idea where he's got a clue from..)

Maybe he searched Bodom on google or something:p
Im a parent and I love Childen of Bodom - I also like Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, Borknager, Cradle of Filth etc. I take my son with me to concerts - he is 13 and am flying over to to Paris today to see Dimmu Borgir. Strangely enough MY parents dont like what I like!!! Its good being my age and liking these bands as I can afford to go where I like to see them - does anybody want me to adopt them!!!???
me wants :lol:
Im a parent and I love Childen of Bodom - I also like Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, Borknager, Cradle of Filth etc. I take my son with me to concerts - he is 13 and am flying over to to Paris today to see Dimmu Borgir. Strangely enough MY parents dont like what I like!!! Its good being my age and liking these bands as I can afford to go where I like to see them - does anybody want me to adopt them!!!???
my mum is 59 and loves them...although the other day she was trying to remember the name of queens of the stone age and couldnt remember what they were called...and then said "oh, is it babes of bodom!?!?"
never laughed so much in my life. she was laughing too...bless her.
but yeah...shes cool. shes really likes cob because she can hear how f-ing talented they are.
my dad thinks they are talented but doesnt really like them.
luckily i dont live with my parents and have my own place with my partner so we can play bodom as loud as we like and it doesnt matter....not that it mattered much to me when i was at home with mum and dad lol.
its nice to have cool parents parents met at a hendrix gig and also met jimmi hendrix himself that night....
me and my boyfriend met at a bodom gig and met alexi, janne and henkka that night. awesome!