Polluted Soul
I'm not sure. My dad is abit close minded about music and only really listens to the stuff he listend to when he was younger like sabbath, maiden and megadeth, loads of others stuff. But then again he also apritiates anything with good guitar or drum playing. Haha funny story, once my dad was flicking through the music channels when Hold back the day (devildriver) came on and he left it on. I said to him "wow, you like devildriver?" He replied with " it's not bad, i like abit of 'anger music' every now and then. 
New genre FTW!
My mum might, she is into alot of glam metal bands usually, but recently she has got into bands like Threshold witch alot of melodic parts and the occasional growl
Mabie i need to introduce my parents to bodom

New genre FTW!
My mum might, she is into alot of glam metal bands usually, but recently she has got into bands like Threshold witch alot of melodic parts and the occasional growl
Mabie i need to introduce my parents to bodom