Do your parents like Bodom?

I'm not sure. My dad is abit close minded about music and only really listens to the stuff he listend to when he was younger like sabbath, maiden and megadeth, loads of others stuff. But then again he also apritiates anything with good guitar or drum playing. Haha funny story, once my dad was flicking through the music channels when Hold back the day (devildriver) came on and he left it on. I said to him "wow, you like devildriver?" He replied with " it's not bad, i like abit of 'anger music' every now and then. :lol:

New genre FTW!

My mum might, she is into alot of glam metal bands usually, but recently she has got into bands like Threshold witch alot of melodic parts and the occasional growl

Mabie i need to introduce my parents to bodom
my parents are totally closed minded but tolerate what i listen to.
my dad doesnt really give a shit... my mom actually thought the
band played a part in the murder at bodom :waah:
but she got me the Chaos Ridden Years DVD ;)
still she wont buy me the hate crew deathroll hoodie
because it features the grim reaper from the album
covers :( gah i hate my parents
My dad's a music freak and yeah he likes the melody stuff in Bodom's music and he thinks Jaska's a great drummer for this generation, if you get me. But he doesn't like Alexi's screaming xP I guess that's kinda typical xP
My mom hates it..she hates rock/metal anyway xD
My dad can't stand Bodom, which I don't blame him for, but he loves Arch Enemy. Once I told him the face behind the voice is a female, he was sold; and then I showed him a live video. Now I get the questions- "So Shan, can ya do that crazy singing like that Angela chick yet?"
I can, and pretty damn well. :) I'm a second alto already and my tone is naturally very gritty and thick-sounding.
Unfortunately not. I live in a dorm with 5 music-hating chicks who don't even dig the guitar playing, forget my voice which carries like a lion's roar during mating season. Too many "keep quiet" rules in this damn building as well. I'm moving out this weekend so maybe soon.
That is a pretty interesting question... well, my dad likes the actual music... but didn't like Alexi's vocals too much... haha, my mom HATES every single band I like!
My mom loves them :)

See went with me the first time I saw them live, didn't get in the pit but said she had a blast!
My dad can't stand Bodom; he's into easy rock like Journey and stuff like that; says all of my music is "way too crazy" for his tastes.

I showed my mom the Stockholm Knockout DVD, and she says she enjoys the instrumentals of each song (apparently she likes Angels Don't Kill a lot), but "can't stand the screaming" (as if Alexi can do proper screams anymore, anyway).

It's a good thing we weren't listening to Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper then, in that case. Godly vocals on those albums. :rock:
Well, it's useless to even dream that they want to listen Bodom at home, car etc. They don't like but don't hate. My mom likes the music, not Alexis singin :D