I remember reading this post a long time ago and never bothered replying to it. Me too I like mocking those kids hanging at the mall, those who say it's cool to scare old ladies and children with their stupid corpsepaint and spikes everywhere. Well for some time, it's funny to see them from acting that way but I dont think that they really care for the music they listen to. Most of them.
Of course the "trend" they're into might help them have a listen to some good bands, and I dont blame any of those bands they listen to. What I think is a shame is that some bands might turn into jokes because of their fans (i.e. Slipknot, Korn, etc). Now that would hurt if that would happen to european metal bands like In Flames, no?
Maybe not. Not if you look at it from the outside.
Even if the musicians claim to write music for themselves they still think about their eventual listeners, that's why they'd talk about social problems and speak the "youth's language" in certain context. Hey, that's the nu-metal style! Yes, that's what I call the "emo" lyrics. With swearing and all that crap to catch some attention from the little rebels that lie in all teens.
However on the other side of the ocean, it doesnt work that way. I admit I started listening to In Flames while I was into punk, grunge and Metallica. The first thing that caught my attention was the music. I never bothered reading the lyrics for a long while and at that time I was also learning to play guitar (thanks IF for this gigantic influence!).
Later on I was playing for a short while in a hardcore/emo band in high school. I made them hear a bit of In Flames music, and ya know it's not easy to have an open mind on music when you've been into a certain style for years. Those hardcore/emo kids said they didnt like the vocals. Well yeah, it's not nu-metal (or "USA metal dealing with teens social disorders")!
You cant get people to change their habits from a day to another, it's never possible anywhere. Those kids you call "fans of Slipknot and Linkin Park", they would start listening to more extreme (or "not ordinary") music once they're ready. Or... once they're done dealing with their pre-teen problems?
At that moment you can wonder if they'll keep their piercings and spikes and start working 9 to 7 and say "yeah, I was once a rebel ya know..."
So that's it for my socio-psychological essai.
And seeing how In Flames are being dynamic in their musical evolution, how can you get people to like their stuff in general? You'd make them download a song or two from Kazaa, like "Moonshield" or "Ordinary Story", and the rest they'll check out, like "Behind Space" they'll say it's shit. Just because it doesnt sound the same. And anyway, they'll always tell you that the vocals suck.