Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

Do you have a girlfriend/wife that regularly listens to metal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 31.7%
  • No

    Votes: 28 68.3%

  • Total voters
Normally I wouldn't put any comment in that thread, but the last post made me think..

I can't imagine being with someone who I couldn't relate to on a musical level.

Is it a really important for you to have a partner who enjoys the same music as you do? I would never put it as a main factor. Of course people could be different depend on music they enjoy (and as Vossyrus said the music a person listens to reveals a lot about that person), but the realtionship is something more I think. It happens that even if we both (my partner and I) like metal we like different bands. I also listen to different stuff alone like jazz, rock, even pop etc. I don't look like a metal chick and we hardly talk about music at home.
We have different passions, different interests and sometimes different opinions. I like he does accept my way of being and I let him enjoy whatever he wants (as long it is not another girl ;)) Somehow we are happy in the relationship. Common passion? Does it need to be one?
Is it a really important for you to have a partner who enjoys the same music as you do?

Not necessarily the same, but similar yeah. Music is my main passion in life, so being with someone who shares that passion is a priority. We don't have exactly the same taste, there's some stuff that we disagree on, but that's healthy I think. She has gotten me into some great stuff that I wouldn't have given the time of day before and vice versa.

Basically I couldn't be with someone that listened to top 40 shit. As Vossyrus said, the music a person listens to can reveal a lot about their personality. Anyone who likes shit mass-produced garbage is going to clash with me big time.
I get on very well with different people who are not into metal (some of my mates at work, my friends I've known for years..) but same - not everyone who is into metal is my soulmate, not even close sometimes.

Same passion doesn't mean you are made for each other and you will get on very well. It happens that my best friends are not into metal at all. However I don't suffer because of that. We have some different things in common and what we listen to is never a problem. Why would it be?

I had a boyfriend who was so passionate about the music that he put it before me. I couldn't be in such a relationship either.
My girl likes some bands like Black Sabbath/Ozzy, Def Leppard (yeah I know, not metal, blah blah), and Iron Maiden. I got her into Sonata Arctica and Sanctity as well. She's however, more into pop punk bands like MCR though.
I can't imagine being with someone who I couldn't relate to on a musical level.
This makes sense to me because if my girlfriend was appalled by me listening to satanic bands, hanging posters up in the garage, it just wouldn't work. I'm happy she goes to metal shows with me at least. Although I judge whether it will be too heavy for her or not. I figure she might have to sit out the upcoming Dimmu/Behemoth show.
Yep. Metal is kinda part of worldview, lifestyle etc. So it is important. So the more common points both of you got - the better. It's not a rule but it's definitely appreciated. Depends on both ppl actually.
^:lol: Isn't that the mopst commonly worn black metal shirt? I don't know, I've never seen a Darkthrone shirt before, I've seen Immortal, Dimmu Borgir, and Dark Funeral though.
I don't like metal chicks at all, they usually wear in a sluttish way. But i like chicks who don't listen to metal, but appreciate some bands because of you.
My ex listened to metal. In certain ways it wound up being a curse, but some of that probably had to do with the person she was, as opposed to "metal" being involved.

Anyway, I agree with sevag and V5. In my experience, metal chicks have been attention whores, so it's not surprising when most dress slutty.

I will probably not date a metal chick again tbh. Unlike most "metal guys," I have never really been attracted to the idea of a "metal chick," as I look at whether I like the person before I even think about metal or music. However, I'd certainly appreciate my significant other having some sort of musical intelligence, whether it be playing an instrument, or delving deeper than the mainstream.
"i dont want my girlfriend to listen to metal boo hoo"
you think being metalhead is a status you have to aquire somehow and girls just don't fit in that pool of people? there are lots of great girls who mappen to be fan of the same music as you are. you don't own the genre, and i'm sure your grandmas don't think your ripped jeans and "offensive" tshirts make you apprear as the gentleman she was hoping for.