Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

Do you have a girlfriend/wife that regularly listens to metal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 31.7%
  • No

    Votes: 28 68.3%

  • Total voters
...erm, dude?


I really couldn't give a shit about what my grandma wanted me to turn out as. Besides, I don't dress metal. And, yes plenty of awesome girls listen to metal, but there are also many, many freaky goth chicks.
i guess il just say wat again

I don't think anyone said all metal chicks dress slutty, or that wearing "ripped jeans and offensive t-shirts" is slutty

I'm not going to dismiss a girl who listens to metal (although I will be quite wary since, as I have stated, in my experience they have been attention whores), just as I wont go seek out a metal chick. I will judge a person on who they are and whether I like them, not solely on their music.
That PanzerKunt guy made an extremely good point. I agree with him entirely and think plenty of the comments here are kind of infantile.
"i dont want my girlfriend to listen to metal boo hoo"
you think being metalhead is a status you have to aquire somehow and girls just don't fit in that pool of people? there are lots of great girls who mappen to be fan of the same music as you are. you don't own the genre, and i'm sure your grandmas don't think your ripped jeans and "offensive" tshirts make you apprear as the gentleman she was hoping for.

No one implied this in any way and I'm sorry you construed it this way. I never implied or said anything about disliking girls who like metal or even expressed disinterest in dating a girl who liked metal (though it won't happen because I plan on staying with my current girl 4evar), but merely was agreeing with sevag's point that he would just be happy with a girl who liked some bands you get her into. I don't care either way but I was stating my comfort with what I have, not a vehement distaste for metalhead chicks.

In fact I've seen quite a few cool girls from around the world on who are into metal. :cool:

For the record, musical taste, how someone dresses, etc. aren't really problems of "love" so much as problems of shallow aesthetic judgment and are inhibitive of real love imo.
My girlfriend makes fun of me because I listen to metal.

It's a mentally abusive relationship.

She does, however, like the song "Meadows of Heaven" on the new Nightwish album; but it's not actually a metal song.
So just because Alter and I (allegedly) share similar views on things, you can go around drawing exact parallels between both of our thoughts even though I just disavowed my possible implication of hating "metal chicks."
You better believe it baby, it's the internet.

No really, take a look at your own post up there almost at the top of this page. You say your gf like a couple metal-ish songs but that's enough for you. What the fuck? Where do you come in here? Would you dump her if she started GETTING INTO METAL OMG and gain more "knowledge" about it than you do? I mean, what if she suddenly found grindcore covers funny instead of offensive? Seriously, it's just music. You don't have to act so tough about it.
No, it's not a fucking case of either/or you absolute retard. Just because I like my girlfriend as is does not instantly mean any and all change is absolutely reprehensible. What the fuck is your problem?

I think you're really getting me wrong here; I refuse to have my thoughts and posts misrepresented by someone who doesn't understand what he's reading. My girlfriend likes some metal stuff I like, and I am fine with that how it is; if she got into metal it would be a little random/weird but I'd still love her because I actually don't care about significant others' musical tastes as much as you (apparently?) think I do. Since when am I acting tough about it? I even expressed distaste with people who think that music and appearance are the ONLY yardsticks by which to judge a potential/current girlfriend/significant other's worth in my last post.

edited: not sure why I said I'd "probably still love her" but that seemed contradictory so I re-thought it and removed the "probably" :)
I'm exaggerating, and you're contradicting yourself with the "she listens to some but that's mainly enough" followed "it would be weird if she got into it but i wouldn't care in the long run", unless you mean that you have made her listen to some but she wasn't that interested so you stopped bothering, as opposed to telling her "stop there woman, i can't handle you listening to any more METAL" in which case you are free to walk out of my "stuck up metal wannabe elitists go here" booth and exclude yourself from all the "you people"s I have made in this tread as it is clearly not directed at you. All that, in one sentence.