

god is in the radio
Dec 29, 2005
1. Do you dream?
2. Have you ever had a prophetic dream?
3. Is dreaming but the random firing of synapses?
I do dream, I think everyone does to some extent only our awareness of it varies across peoples. I've never had any sort of prophetic dream, and I have problems with prophecy as they always seem somewhat self fulfilling.

In all honesty I'm not sure what dreaming is. The psychological analysis of sleep is quite interesting from what I remember of a brief undergrad course on it. Some believe dreaming is simply the minds mode of occupation when the body is out for the count. But dreams do seem to mean alot more to many people than to simply be the firing of synapses. I'm not sure, is my honest answer.
This past year I have had 5 prophetic dreams .. I don't get them anymore often than that, but when they happen ..90% of the time they're of a sick family member of which I had no prior knowledge of, nor could I have (ie., relatives out of town).

And Final Product, I was expecting that sort of answer ..and honestly I would agree that is the case in the vast majority of cases. And sure, our minds do have a tendancy of connecting certain dots while disregarding others in accordance only to what we want to believe, rather than what is.

I will say this though, Princeton has done a lot of research and has proven the minds ability to affect randomly generated numbers.
http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/ .. Though this project is not directly related to dreaming, it is related enough to question the nature of mind in this discussion.
i do dream ... they're random in the sense that the things that happen in them make no sense and can be anything from pertinant and current people/objects/situations/etc to things that i haven't thought of for years ... they're rarely "prophetic" in any way ... but i always have this really nagging sense of deja vu for instances of everyday life.
judas69 said:
And Final Product, I was expecting that sort of answer.

It was a somewhat generic response, yes. My general thoughts are that sleep is incredibly difficult to study, let alone what happens when we are asleep. Dreams seem powerful to me, and I sorta like the mystery.
Sort of an unrelated question, have any of you guys played around with a Ouija board before?
When i was 14, yeah! Not since i became an adult and found that whole thing to be nonsense.

People expect things to happen and as a consequence people believe things they want to believe.
Well, I'd like to think I'm pretty good at separating what I want to believe is true, from what I know to be true.

As far as the Ouija board goes, it was something I too dabbled with in my youth and was convinced of it's authenticity almost right away (we used it to guess peoples passwords and find out questions on exams).

I personally had enough success with it to believe that something was definitely going on .. and that the other person was not doing all the pushing. If they were pushing it, honestly, it would seem a complete waste of time for them to spend hours pushing the thing around for what gain? ..and of course them to reveal information with that level of accuracy, with no forseeable way for them to gain in the first place.
judas69 said:
Sort of an unrelated question, have any of you guys played around with a Ouija board before?
the people that worshiped me would make the piece move without any body phisicaly touching it but i could never figure out if it was an actual spirit moving the thing or if it was the people moving it with telekenisis
I don't believe in prophecies, God, ghosts, Ouija boards or any of that bullshit, however, I'm fascinated by dreams. What goes on in our minds while we're sleeping is fascinating enough. For several years I wanted to become a neurologist and studied my dreams and others dreamsand read books on them. I realized I wouldn't be able to get over the fact I can't stand seeing peoples/animals insides though...

Who else can become lucid while dreaming? I've done it about twice, both for irritatingly short amounts of time. Since I've been at school I haven't had time to train myself anymore, so my dreams are less and less clear now.
dreams are fascinating because ... if you thikn about nightmares and night terrors, like the things little kids get ... it's really scary to think that it's actually our own minds producing these things that scare us. you watch a horror movie and "your mid plays tricks on you" when you're awake, and you have a nightmare while you sleep ... it reminds me of how your body will start to break down its own fat and muscle tissues when it doesn't get any food .... that's a really messed up analogy that probobly doesn't make any sense, but it freaks me out nonetheless.
I had a night terror in high school. I didn't know what the hell it was when it happened (obviously I thought it was really happening). I woke up (I honestly woke up) and was laying in bed, all of a sudden there was a black shrouded figure on top of me, it layed on me and pressed me down, with all of it's weight on me. Then I got the feeling it was going to try to have sex with me so I tried to scream but I coudln't. I was able to move my arms at first and shove it away, but soon they were paralyzed too. Then as quickly as it came it left and I felt it was the most terrifying thing ever to happen to me, but at least I then realized I was dreaming or something. I must have slipped back into unconsciousness without knowing it.

I read about it afterwards, apparently these kinds of visions are where Incubi and Succubi originated. I was afraid to go to sleep for a while after that...
In high school I was astral projecting .. which is like a lucid dream x1000.