
I have lots of strange dreams , but I don't believe they really mean anything . The other night I dreamt that one of my sisters was killed , and when I woke up I was freaking out and had to call her right away to make sure she was alright (she was) .I don't know much about symbolism in dreams and all that , but to me they're just a random mess of things in your mind thrown together in your subconcious and shown to you while you sleep . Everything you've ever seen , felt , etc. will probably show up in a dream at some point in your life , I think . And possibly the future , as well .
Alot of sleep theory believes that dreams are actually just the minds occupation while our bodies are inactive. With no real, physical environment for the mind to root itself in, it becomes distracted and tends to wander through unassociated thoughts, images, situations, memories and so on.

I see alot of sense in that view. As much as it would be nice for dreams to mean something more, I'm not sure they actually do. However, I guess that our relatively shallow understanding of sleep and its various cycles, in tandem with our basic understanding of the mind could mean our ability to really understand why we dream and what function they serve is pretty damn limited.
DeviousDVO said:
^My thoughts exactly .


I think I'm taking a reasonable view on the topic. I think dream interpretation is alot of mumbo jumbo, outside the most basic of conclusions, so that leads me to believe that perhaps our dreams do not mean anything specifically. It sits easier with me that my dreams are my bored mind wandering as my body lays still.
Final_Product said:

I think I'm taking a reasonable view on the topic. I think dream interpretation is alot of mumbo jumbo, outside the most basic of conclusions, so that leads me to believe that perhaps our dreams do not mean anything specifically. It sits easier with me that my dreams are my bored mind wandering as my body lays still.

A few days ago a friend of mine showed me this book about dream interpretation that she'd just spent $20 on ... and it was total crap . Nothing I looked up in that book made a bit of sense to me (or anyone else , for that matter) . I think people are just trying to find meaning in their lives , but looking in silly places . :cool:
DeviousDVO said:
A few days ago a friend of mine showed me this book about dream interpretation that she'd just spent $20 on ... and it was total crap . Nothing I looked up in that book made a bit of sense to me (or anyone else , for that matter) . I think people are just trying to find meaning in their lives , but looking in silly places . :cool:

Entirely true. Rather than really trying to sort themselves and their lives out, people seem to be spending masses of money on self help books, quick-fix spiritual remedies and other such things. Ironically, this superficial and selfish approach to spirituality completley disengages from the actual intent of such practices.
Final_Product said:
Alot of sleep theory believes that dreams are actually just the minds occupation while our bodies are inactive. With no real, physical environment for the mind to root itself in, it becomes distracted and tends to wander through unassociated thoughts, images, situations, memories and so on.
Actually, there are (rougly) three kinds of dreams we have:
First is one you are talking about, these are just the way mind is dealing with informations and impresions we have during time we are awake. This is mechanism that helps us to deal with problems psychologically.
Second are dream that are internal comunication, subconcious to consiouss mind, and can be different, going from dreams that are telling us how to cope with certain problems, or telling us more about ourselves, and our daily problems, and even giving us short look at future. (Btw, nothing fantastic, our mind is capable to "precalculate" some things, even if we are not able to use that capability intentionally. At least most of us)
While dreams from first group are more "muddy" not so clear, and does not leav strong feelings most of the time, the second group is much more easy to remember, leaves strong feelings after we woke up, and we have a feeling that it was a kind of "special".
One nice example (kind of short time prophetic) from this group would be a dream when I was dreaming phone call from a friend that I haven't seen in months. I picked up a phone in a dream but sound was still ringing. I have tried to explain to him that phone was broken, because I have picked it up, but it still rings. At that moment I have been awaken and found out that phone was ringing for real, and that it was reason for dreaming phone ringing. I have picked up a real phone finding out that it was actually this friend I have not seen for a long time calling, for real.
Other example would be when I have had a complicated love affair with one girl. In this dream there was a short conversation that was telling a lot about my motives in real life. I woke up, and while making morning coffee, I have found out myself singing chorus of an old Rainbow song (even if I am no particular Rainbow fan) that goes something like So coooooold etc. No meaning in that. After few minutes it finally hitted me that verse of this song (even if I was not dreaming verse only chorus of the song) was something like this: "Every night I have a same old dream, about you and me and what's in between, too many faces, too many lies". So in this example, subconsiouss mind was using this chorus that is more short and easily memorable to point me out to the key of understanding meaning of this dream.
I have choosen two more interesting and simple examples, but dreams can be very complicated, giving detailed explanations about events and psychological motives. Generally, the more person is open to know his inner feelings and motives, dream is less cluttered and symbolic, and can even become literar explanation.
Some of those dreams can also be very creative, I know that I am not only person to dream whole musical pieces, and even a new video from their favorite band, all together with a song, even it does not exist in reality.

Third group of dreams are rare, and some persons never have it and some have it few times during their lives. They are vivid, in a sense that they are more real than usual reality. Colors are stronger, sounds are bigger, senses are sharpened. They have feel of ultimata in the air and coming as a "Message from above", at least person can feel about it like this and carrying a taste of this dream for days and even weeks. A lot of great artists and historical persons were talking and writing about having those kind of dreams at important points in life, and those dreams have had deep influence on decisins in their life from that point. Search biographies and interviews with famous people for those events. (be it scientist or musician)

Btw, first two kinds of dreams are officially accepted (excluding some of the clairvoyant types) even from a point of modern psychology, so... not much use questioning that. Third group was partly accepted in some new schools of psychology but again as a part of the second group, because psychology is mostly part of atheistic religion by its nature. In religion, third group was taken very seriously

Talking about "Dream interpretations books", they are bullshit 95%. The language of dreams is universal, but just to a certain point. For instance, house, or closed box, can in a lot of cases represent ourselves, or very being soul, or water, see or river can represent emotional flow. But if someone has read some kind of a book as a kid where symbolicaly river represents flow of life, than in his dreams, river be a symbol for a life, not for emotions specifically. If someone is working on a dreams, first thing would be to learn a lot about symbols, language of symbolics, and then find out what is what in his own dreams. Dreams can even modify in time according to our self research. When I have found out that House probably represents my personality, few dreams showed me in no time that rooms will represent a parts of my personality, and that house I was growing up in will be part of personality built in childhood and my new appartement will represent parts of personality I got later in life etc. So in a way, it is a mutual learning, so if you learn about the way your subconsiouss mind, it will adopt too, and respond to your ideas, even choosing new symbols. So it is a kind of conversation, like two people from different cultures learning to communicate.

So at the end , again , not much use from books about interpreting dreams.

Also there are so called "consiouss dreams", but if someone gets consiouss in his dream and is able to control it, than it may be not dreaming anymore, but just different way of being awake.
Some years ago, I kept a "dream journal" for 32 months.

My original impetus was the desire to achieve the ability of "lucid dreaming." In the end, I was not able to significantly increase this ability, but I gleaned three bits of useful information from the exersise:

1) The more I recorded my dreams, the more dreams I was able to recall.
In the first few months, I averaged a recall of 0-2 separate dreams per night. After about six months, I was averaging a recall of 6-9 separate dreams per night (this was the plateau).

2) The more dreams I could recall and the longer the period over which I recalled dreams, the more they presented themselves as coherent/connected, night to night.

3) Dreams are most closely linked to the events and thoughts of the previous day's events.


-Dreams are chronic
-Dreams are coherent
-Dreams are serial
my dreams often repeat in sequential stages, often with images of violence and symbolism. there is also a great deal of colour and a feeling of constant falling. often in my dreams, the character i recognize as the portrayal of myself carries a staff or blade, and has grey wings.

one theme that seems to recur the most is this projection of me, on the edge of a precipice. it is usually but not always a gothic style building with stained glass, through which i jump, shattering the window. on the other side of the window, i fly or fall into a vast darkness filled with what looks like stars, amidst the shards of glass and drops of my blood cut from the jump. on several occassions i find myself then in a landscape of low dry grass, distant mountains, and a single tree sillouhetted against a brilliant sunset.
Of course I dream, and I believe that my dreams are often somewhat prophetic. I dream things, and then they happen. Seriously. Somethign will happen and immediately thereafter I will freeze up in a strong sense of deja vu. Only to realise shortly after that this exact scenario had been played out in a dream of mine. Even the dialogue seems too familiar to be comfortable with. I don't know whether it actually happens, or whether I'm just majorly fucked in the head and think it happens, but either way it's fucking freaky.
ARC150 said:
Some years ago, I kept a "dream journal" for 32 months.

My original impetus was the desire to achieve the ability of "lucid dreaming." In the end, I was not able to significantly increase this ability, but I gleaned three bits of useful information from the exersise:

1) The more I recorded my dreams, the more dreams I was able to recall.
In the first few months, I averaged a recall of 0-2 separate dreams per night. After about six months, I was averaging a recall of 6-9 separate dreams per night (this was the plateau).

2) The more dreams I could recall and the longer the period over which I recalled dreams, the more they presented themselves as coherent/connected, night to night.

3) Dreams are most closely linked to the events and thoughts of the previous day's events.


-Dreams are chronic
-Dreams are coherent
-Dreams are serial

Thats quite intersting. I think I may do such a thing myself.
ARC150 said:
Some years ago, I kept a "dream journal" for 32 months.

My original impetus was the desire to achieve the ability of "lucid dreaming." In the end, I was not able to significantly increase this ability, but I gleaned three bits of useful information from the exersise:

1) The more I recorded my dreams, the more dreams I was able to recall.
In the first few months, I averaged a recall of 0-2 separate dreams per night. After about six months, I was averaging a recall of 6-9 separate dreams per night (this was the plateau).

2) The more dreams I could recall and the longer the period over which I recalled dreams, the more they presented themselves as coherent/connected, night to night.

3) Dreams are most closely linked to the events and thoughts of the previous day's events.


-Dreams are chronic
-Dreams are coherent
-Dreams are serial
You won't be able to have lucid dreams just based on recording dreams (except you have a natural talent). You need a set of exercises that will eventually make you become "awaken" while dreaming. Were you just recording dreams or using also some other techniques?

Of course I dream, and I believe that my dreams are often somewhat prophetic. I dream things, and then they happen. Seriously. Somethign will happen and immediately thereafter I will freeze up in a strong sense of deja vu. Only to realise shortly after that this exact scenario had been played out in a dream of mine. Even the dialogue seems too familiar to be comfortable with. I don't know whether it actually happens, or whether I'm just majorly fucked in the head and think it happens, but either way it's fucking freaky.
If you have written down this dream or you are 100% sure you have been remembering this dream before the event from a dream happened, than, maybe. On the other hand if something happens and then you have a sense you have already dreamt that, it is a form of Deja Vu, not prophetic dream.
I have prophetic dreams where i can remember the dream before the event happens where i know it's not deja'vu also when i'm awake i'll have these "psychic flashes" where i'll "see" about 10 seconds of something and then several days later those 10 seconds actually happen but it gets frustrating because the only 10 seconds i actually see is just before my life gets fucked up and i can never see anything that helps me prevent the bad things from happening