
what kind??? some chemicals can increase seeing future/seeing ghosts/seeing into alternate realities/astral projection abilities

I believe it was Oxycotton (I don't know if that's how it's spelled, but that's what it sounded like) Strong stuff.
I've heard of skrying .. but I'm not sure if it's more remote viewing, or astral projection.

I do know Nostradamus used this technique in his predictions ..
i have skryed its like having a vision either in the sky in dark water or in a dark shadow its slightly better than astral projecting because you get to see things that may eventually come to pass.
I definitely have some belief in a transcendent reality beyond the one we conceive. Perhaps dreams are a part glimpse into that.

I have taken many hallucinatory drugs in my life and many of them have, i believe, helped me experience something greater than ourselves. I've also studied meditation alot which is also a gateway to this sort of transcendent experience. I dont know exactly what to make of it, but those experiences are more often than not largely pleasant. This whole area of philosophy is hugely interesting to me.
helix_of_darkness said:
i have skryed its like having a vision either in the sky in dark water or in a dark shadow its slightly better than astral projecting because you get to see things that may eventually come to pass.

If you want the full experience you astral project. You can also visit what many refer to as the "hall of records" or "akashic records" and view all things past, present and future .. so, to say skrying is better than astral projection or that astral projection is limited in some way .. is to not understand the fundamentals of what's going on, or at the very least, to not understand what astral projection is really about.
Final_Product said:
I definitely have some belief in a transcendent reality beyond the one we conceive. Perhaps dreams are a part glimpse into that.

I have taken many hallucinatory drugs in my life and many of them have, i believe, helped me experience something greater than ourselves. I've also studied meditation alot which is also a gateway to this sort of transcendent experience. I dont know exactly what to make of it, but those experiences are more often than not largely pleasant. This whole area of philosophy is hugely interesting to me.

This is a weird comment from me, but hear it out. A science geek friend of mine was going on about some new theory in physics, that proposes that we are actually in ten different dimensions, but conscious, or able to understand just three of them. So, perhaps one hits a different dimension in transcendense?

I have also had alot of weird deja vu type dreams. Alot of them; like two or three a week. In fact, these dreams are the only ones I can remember.
If you want the full experience you astral project. You can also visit what many refer to as the "hall of records" or "akashic records" and view all things past, present and future .. so, to say skrying is better than astral projection or that astral projection is limited in some way .. is to not understand the fundamentals of what's going on, or at the very least, to not understand what astral projection is really about.

Oh i know astral projection isnt limited i never said that i just think that skrying is better in a sense that you can call upon dieties to help guide you to knowledge.
speed said:
This is a weird comment from me, but hear it out. A science geek friend of mine was going on about some new theory in physics, that proposes that we are actually in ten different dimensions, but conscious, or able to understand just three of them. So, perhaps one hits a different dimension in transcendense?

I have also had alot of weird deja vu type dreams. Alot of them; like two or three a week. In fact, these dreams are the only ones I can remember.

Thats not weird in the slightest. I find that a plausible theory. We use little of our brains total ability and i find it hard to believe our 5 basic senses can experience everything there is.
Many believe we have an energy body in each of those dimensions.. and robert monroe even talked about projecting from the astral plane to yet another.

Interesting to think about at the very least.
helix_of_darkness said:
Oh i know astral projection isnt limited i never said that i just think that skrying is better in a sense that you can call upon dieties to help guide you to knowledge.

You can do the same with astral projection :) ..
judas69 said:
Well, that 10% of your brain thing is a myth... maybe I can find a link here.

http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/tenper.html ..

I know the way i phrased it set me up for that, but that wasnt exactly what i was meaning. I just find it to be true that areas of our brains are perhaps dormant, or at least open to functioning in different ways. The brain is complex beyond our understanding, so i wouldnt totally disregard any theory that claims we do not use it to its full potential.
...so what would happen if a person became cappable of using 100% of his brain... Stargate SG1 answered this but is their explination really accurate/feasable???
I have had a chance to meet and even spend some short time with a person that has both hemisphere active almost 100%.
Well, you could easily see that this person is different. Not much need for sleep, many different talents, extremely god memory and very fast learning, also some... well you could call that "special abilities". Hyperactivity, enormous resources of energy that you can literary feel physically. Some strange ilnesses happening and then recovering from those same illness very fast and easily. Hard to tell how person is old, hard to put it in usuals personality cathegories, character that is very adaptable. Not only extremely high IQ, but high emotional intelligence, can handle any kind of person or situation in no time, there is a constant feeling that you have bean read easily as a book.
All in all, no matter what I say could explain this person in a right way. Someone quite unusual in any possible way you could think of.