Let´s talk about dreams.

Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
Now.. tell us something about your dreams... What is the weirdest dream that you have ever experienced?
Do you usually die? Have you ever killed someone in a dream?
What about kinky dreams?

RealHazard, the man who tries to keep up the life in this forum.
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I get dreams about meeting band members, including Dark Tranquillity. But that hasn't happened yet. :(
i have "out of control" dreams, where everything is going wrong, or not-quite-right, like driving. i have work-related "nightmares" where im at work doing my same ol' boring job. then i have to wake up and go to work for real. i should get paid overtime for that. sometimes i have action/sci-fi/fantasy dreams. these are cool, but not very restful. i have a reoccurring "nightmare" about going to summer camp and realizing that i am the only 22 yr old that is still a camper. oops. the worst are those sleep paralysis half-waking dreams. last night i had an amazing sex dream in that half-awake state though.
mm, last night i was standing outside my house and there was a monkey with some chinchilla babies. i took the monkey because i didnt see any relation to the babies, and it was squeezing me to death, then there were some cows running down the street and i saw that my neighbor was havign steak for dinner, but it got away. i called them assholes and then a zookeeper showed up and tried to take the monkey and the chinchillas, and then someone stole my posters from my room.

usually i have dreams like i'm driving my moms precious car without a license being chased by the cops.. or i'm being chased or someones breaking into my house and i can't scream. it's stressful
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I have a re-occuring dream, (once a month or so), that takes place at a house I lived in about 14 years ago, (I would have been 10, but in the dream I am my current age), and these is some dude that breaks in while my brother and I are alone. I try to kill him with a gun, and he won't die. Sometimes, I am beating on him with my fists and absolutely nothing happens.

I don't know what it means, but it is weird.
Sometimes I remember my dreams and at other times I don't. I went through a period where I would write my dreams down as soon as I woke up. I had this ridiculous notion that I could somehow find relenting meaning in my dreams; a kind of "meaning of life" type of thing. Meh. Most of my dreams consists of unrelated events or something cryptically silly and unimportant. I wish I had more sex dreams...maybe then I wouldn't have to masturbate so much, hehe. When I worked in retail I used to have a lot of work related dreams. I dunno...maybe I will try to keep a dream log again...
I have disturbing, or at least, strange dreams. I used to dream a lot about blood and the colour red, but not often now. Mostly in dreams, I'm wandering and searching for someone, a guy, but it's unclear who though. Freakily, I also have powers connecting with magical items I occasionally have in my dreams... At least once I've dreamed of dying, same with killing someone. Sometimes have those types of dreams too. ;)

Recently, I've been having troubled sleep connected to some things and I usually don't remember them, but I wake up feeling "ugh". :/
Sorry for being an asshole. :p
Oh well, some of my dreams come in sequels, with a lot of time in between...
Most of my dreams are very very weird and make no sense whatsoever, but a couple of them was proved to have revealed some facts to me in some way.. call it the sixth sense. :loco:
@Siren: that wasn't assholish at all. I do that all the time in places. :D

The sixth sense thing reminded me of a high school friend of mine who had dreams which would come true. His stories were pretty creepy. I've never had any dreams which came true. Too bad perhaps.
BigFakeSmile said:
the worst are those sleep paralysis half-waking dreams.

You get those too? I get those, and have never met anyone else who knows what the hell I am talking about. I am capable of jerking myself awake, but only if I try to violently jerk, otherwise nothing happens.

Also, I never wake up in that state, it is usually as I am going to sleep.
I think i once had this sleep paralysis thing too, i woke up and realised everything around me, but couldn't move or speak, and i thought i had fallen off the bed and broken my neck, it was awful. :err:
I've had a few dreams with In Flames. One in particular they came to my house and everyone except Bjorn went downstairs, so he started making supper for me. Hehe...he was cleaning cauliflower and was worried it wasn't good enough.

Anyway, I used to get a lot of nightmares, like every single night, but I went to this white magick chic last month and I don't get them anymore.
Does anyone dream of falling? Sometimes before I go to sleep I get these dreams/sensations of falling, and I startle and wake up. Then I go back to sleep. It's quite odd...

I once dreamed I was dating Daniel from In Flames (nothing inappropriate though :p ) , and I once dreamed about meeting Anders while walking around in some city. :D
Hehe interesting topic. I have the weirdest epic-like dreams. It all started when I was a kid. Back then, we used to live in this house that was haunted (if you believe in that kinda stuff). I had a recurring dream of being chased by this large shadow and it would always end up the same way: me hiding behind the bed (oh yeah, like that would help!) and I'd remember this figure looming at the doorway. For the duration of the dream, I'd feel my feet being tickled. That's why I always sleep with my feet covered. Pretty freaky to a 5 yr old :erk:

I've had all kinds of super bizarre dreams, ranging from puppets to aliens to zombies to landing an airplane in a shopping mall (that was fun
). One time I dreamed that my dad was a Tibetan monk who went around teaching people how to sing that song that goes 'I got 9,999,999 tears to go.'

One of the coolest dreams I ever had was me being the head of an elite underground team of hackers (wtf??) and we fought the baddies kung-fu style.

K, done rambling
Most of my "nightmares" involve some kind of invasion/attack, either personally, or upon my area.... by aliens. :oops: yeah, silly. I quite like them, but don't nearly have enough of them...

The other day, I had a dream that I woke up, realized I was dreaming, woke up again, then realized that was a dream, and then woke up... That was quite weird.

I've also had dreams where I've died... I'd go into details, but not feeling up to it right now. :erk:

One of the weirdest things is Sleep Paralysis... It's just so bizarre in a lucid/waking state to try to move, and feel your body not able to... I actually kind of like it. :Spin:
mousewings said:
@Siren: that wasn't assholish at all. I do that all the time in places. :D
Oh and that makes it good? ;)

Yes, I was just gonna tell, the best dream I ever had, was when I died in that dream. It went very..easily.. Smooth. It felt right. So peacefull..

I was really..happy, when I woke up. I never felt so peacefull.
My friends thought it was creepy, but it was wonderful. Ah, I even feel better when I am actually talking about it. :cool: *peace, sit you down, you shall not budge* Chill

See, in the dream, I was just standing in some weird shop, with funeral ornaments or something, and suddenly.. I felt death coming ..from my feet :/ it crept up my body and slowly I completely paralyzed. (Didn't hurt!) I regarded life, and understood. It was like falling asleep, in a safe ..place. And I faded away.

There was something after that, but I can't remember correctly and I don't really want to bother to explain now.
Have a great life