Let´s talk about dreams.

Last night (or should i say morning..) i dreamt that my grandma had broken her knee and i should take her to the hospital but i was being late because of other things..
Then i had a verbal fight with an old friend who i rarely ever see anymore.
And then i was going somwhere with some friends through the buildings of a uni-school i often spend time at, only said buildings were more complicated and difficult to pass through (bridges and so), and at a point we were crawling on a bridge next to some train tracks, avoiding wagons at the last second from killing us. :guh:
Siren said:
Last night (or should i say morning..) i dreamt that my grandma had broken her knee and i should take her to the hospital but i was being late because of other things..
Then i had a verbal fight with an old friend who i rarely ever see anymore.
And then i was going somwhere with some friends through the buildings of a uni-school i often spend time at, only said buildings were more complicated and difficult to pass through (bridges and so), and at a point we were crawling on a bridge next to some train tracks, avoiding wagons at the last second from killing us. :guh:

I get alot of dreams like that too, where one minute you're in one place and the next you're somewhere completely different. They're totally unrelated and irrelevent to each other, as well. Weird eh?
@Incendiare: Yeah, and whatever happens in each place is totally insane and somehow unrealistic, even tho some details could be connected to our everyday life, recent events, hopes or fears..
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Siren said:
even tho some details could be connected to our everyday life, recent events, hopes or fears..
A dream I had last night was, in fact, in regard to something I was thinking about last night, which is the fact that the college phase of my life is ending. I remember sitting at a roller skating rink :err: talking to someone that is still in high school back home. I only remember discussing what makes graduating almost be a depressing thing to many people. I think it was in a roller skating place because the guy I was talking to told me he goes to one once in a while, although I haven't been in one since elementary school. Weird.
i can never remember my dreams but i think it might have somethign to do with my life. i seem to have deja vu a lot, liek it feels like ive been here and done this before. but i can never remember my dreams and pinpoint if i had the same dream, its always a feeling of familiarality. also the dream i had last night had somethign to do with me crazy a spaceship on some island that housed gnomes, well not gnomes but small black people and some guy that i thought i knew in the dream. :loco::err: somethings wrong with me.
City said:
i can never remember my dreams but i think it might have somethign to do with my life. i seem to have deja vu a lot, liek it feels like ive been here and done this before. but i can never remember my dreams and pinpoint if i had the same dream, its always a feeling of familiarality. also the dream i had last night had somethign to do with me crazy a spaceship on some island that housed gnomes, well not gnomes but small black people and some guy that i thought i knew in the dream. :loco::err: somethings wrong with me.

oh i have deja vu and that sort of familiarity too, maybe i have a dream and when i wake up it's like if i already knew that thing/dream but i wasn't aware of it before when awake, in the previous days. :goggly:
City said:
i can never remember my dreams but i think it might have somethign to do with my life. i seem to have deja vu a lot, liek it feels like ive been here and done this before. but i can never remember my dreams and pinpoint if i had the same dream, its always a feeling of familiarality.
I used to have that feeling quite often in the past, now it's been a long time since i last had it. I remember one time when i could clearly remember having seen the "live" thing in a dream of mine weeks or months ago. And this was probably because after seeing that dream i had a special feeling about it and "marked" it in my memory or so. :err:
Well, in any case, some of those deja vu things can be pretty odd and kinda disturbing...
mousewings said:
Does anyone dream of falling? Sometimes before I go to sleep I get these dreams/sensations of falling, and I startle and wake up. Then I go back to sleep. It's quite odd...

That's supposed to be symbolic of immintent death :/
Eh, I didn't exactly have a dream (perhaps because I didn't sleep) but I thought of a very specific scenario yesterday which happened today. Stopped me dead in my tracks and made me go :eek:

It used to happen a lot at one time.
Yeah, deja vu can be pretty creepy at times. I read in some books it means you are in the right track in life or something.
I recently dreamt about watching a passenger jet collide into a mountain. It was really weird because it was absolutely humungous and was going up and down and doing barrel roles before it crashed. I just remember standing there watching the plane going wtf. And then it was as if a nuclear core exploded when it collided. Really strange.
I had a pretty horrible dream last nite, for some reason my parents
decided that cos it's my moms birthday (it's not) I need to cut my hair.
So I was screaming when they did and ended up with blonde army cut.
When I woke up I was pretty damn happy that it was a dream :)
Heh, sunday is mothers day...
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Anders Friden was in my dream last night. Basically, I found this cool Maudlin of the Well hoodie I wanted, and Anders came out of nowhere and went psycho.
Incendiare said:
Anders Friden was in my dream last night. Basically, I found this cool Maudlin of the Well hoodie I wanted, and Anders came out of nowhere and went psycho.

if i ever remember a dream again, i want it to feature anders friden going psycho too.
