
I was up till about 4am (on a school night) texting a guy, along with a 'goodnight' he told me to not dream about him too much, so I had a dream about dog food instead =S. I can't remember the dream at all very well, but I can remember seeing a bowl of dog food. :lol:
Yesterday I have a nightmare the wolf eating the raven (if you know sonata arctica you´ll understand the stupid joke)

My last dream it was freak, friends, me, strange places, i don´t remember very well, but i know it was really strange
had a really bizarre dream last night. i was at my friend's Hannah's house, and she has a rat. Now, the rat was in the cage, hidden in the bedding, then the bag with the new bedding was also in the cage, then there was an extra bit of cage on top of that and a snake (exactly like my snake) was curled up on top. My snake's cage was right next to the rat's cage, so i opened it and took my snake out to make sure she hadn't escaped, then I got out the snake from the rat's cage and realised it was much smaller. i turned to hannah and showed her the two snakes and explained it wasn't my snake that had gotten into her cage to which she replied 'i know' completely not bothered by the fact there was a snake in her rats cage...
and that was my dream...
lil confusing

i had a creepy dream today..yes another O_O

..well it was a constantly stage scene dream, we were goin to a reunion party, 2 of my friends, me and some random guys, so we tried to fit in my bro's car.. the guys couldnt so they left us and took a cab..then scene was changed, from me in the car, till have a fight with an special corporation in a university generetion reunion coz one of my class mates become a spy, and also a conspiracion against a workmate made by the goverment to disguise an activity made by them :ill: i dont know where those things came from ...

in last part, i was beside my friends watching a show of COB..my mind is mean, even in dreams i cant see them live, so it was a kind of transmition of a live festival. Its the most creepy/ridiculous dream ive had involving COB, it supposed they were playing some kind of sexual song, maybe something of WASP, i just cant remember..and the most scary came in that moment, shirtless Janne appeared in front of Alexi dancing kinda gay O_O he was trying to look sensual :lol: till that part i only saw back of Alexi end half body of them, nothing more..but was weird..then camera made a close-up of Rope ..but not his face or hands..the close-up was for his ass wtf? and he was wearing something like a short white skirt :zombie: in that moment Janne back to their keyboards, and open the image and centred in Henkka who was playing with a toga holded by 2 golden hoops and a leaf crown and said something about cheer up girls :u-huh: and he was the Cesar WTF? it suppose for some strange reason they decide was good idea go at stage dressed up as Romans :hypno:
I had a bizarre dream that me my parents, my bro and his fiance went to see Gladiators being filmed, but my dad bro and fiance went to the toilet, then they wouldn't let them back in, then they did but they wouldn't let them sit near us, then Michael Barrymore was the present and I ended up marrying him in a red satin dress.... as you do...
So I had two bizarrely related dreams last night. i'm off to hellfire fest on saturday, i'm getting the train which i never do, and i'm rather paranoid about being late and missing it. So in my dream I drive into town to get the train, then realise i'm supposed to walk into town so i have to drive back home, but get slightly lost (and for some reason leeds looks like rome, all the roads are in the same place, but the roads are cobbled, the sun's shining brightly, and all the buildings look like they belong in Rome). So I get home, realise i'm going to be late (and that my bedroom has turned into a changing room/locker room from a sports centre) so I ask someone for a lift back into town and jen, a girl i used to be friends with at school but fell out with a few years ago and haven't spoken to her since, offered me a lift. this seemed strange even in the dream. Then i realised it was twenty to 11, but my train left at 8:15, i started to panic, realised it was a dream, turned back time and began walking to the station...
end of dream one

my alarm went off this morning, waking me up, i snoozed it for five minutes, in that five minutes i dreamed that i'd looked at my phone and it said 8:16, it should have said 7:50, so I looked at my camera (which doesn't actually have a clock on it, but in the dream...) which said 16:30, so i started to panic, realising an electric surge had knocked out all the clocks and i had no idea what time it was or whether i was late for work. My housemate came in, completely unphased by the fact he may have missed a job interview, i got out my laptop to check the time on the internet, to find my laptop was already turned on... then my alarm went off again and i woke up properly.
Had a dream a few nights ago that a friend of mine that I'm really keen on got drunk and starting shooting his mouth off saying he was only leading me on and when I found out and went to talk to him about it, he was with two other girls and said he'd only talk to me about it because he had to walk the same way I was going, otherwise he wouldn't be. But then one of the other girls mentioned that she actually had to drive that way, so he went off with them instead and when I asked him what the hell was going on, he said he only ever did what he did with me to "be polite".

I started crying and I told him that I loved him [was a dream, I wouldn't say I love him IRL - don't know him well enough, just like him amaaaazingly much]. One of the girls turned to me and told me that she had been in the same position once, but that she gave him loads of time and that's why "he's with me now, and NOT you".

Woke up crying in a massive state of panic.
Realized it was a dream, kept crying with relief but couldn't shake that uncomfortable feeling that it may unfold like that one day. Fell back asleep and had another dream. About my ex.

He turned up to my brother's house, where I was staying, and had two bunches of flowers for me. Then he gave me a massage and said he missed me.

Was so lonely and confused when I woke up.
So I've had barely any sleep for three days, then I had far too much sleep last night, which resulted in a bizarre, and vivid dream.

I was on a plane (jumbo jet) with some people I used to work with years ago. We'd been abroad for Georgina's wedding and were flying back. We realised that the plane was going to crash so i grabbed the wedding photo album, deciding it was important to save that. So the plane crashed into the sea, somehow about 6 of us survived and made it to the shore. My mum was there and she was concerned, then she took me shopping for her wedding dress as she'd divorced my dad and was marrying someone else. so we went shopping and in one dress shop I suddenly went into shock from the plane crash (shaking, crying etc.) so mum took me home... to her new home, her husbands home. Which was HUGE! and blatently haunted. I then realised that her new husband was my friend Alex's dad (despite the fact I don't know his dad in real life, and my parents are still together and happily married), so my friend was suddenly my step-brother.
the end

it was one of those dreams that just seems completely real, totally plausable (except for the whole surviving the plane crash), even down to the point of me going into shock in the dream. Note to self: never get too much sleep again
Or maybe get a regular amount of sleep.

I had a most wonderful dream. I was in some sort of fairy tale country with a nice castle (and of course my knight in shining armor, lol). I didn't want to wake up, but I really needed to use the toilet very badly *sigh*
I appear to be getting far too much sleep lately. Last night I dreamt that me, Mika and Tim went to the cinema, then decided there was nothing good on so we went to sit in an empty screen and the guy in charge put us some cartoons on. Then we went to another cinema and did the same thing, except this one was underneath Blackpool tower and Mika decided she wanted to go to The Opal right at the top of the tower (there is no such thing as the Opal) but to get there we had to go through this restaurant where everyone was dressed in tuxedos and cocktail dresses, funnily enough we looked out of place and the waiters wouldn't tell us how to get to the top, then they threw us out. So we go for a walk and run into Jeremy Clarkson, who stops us, asks how we're doing on this fine day, then Hamster and the other guy come along and they have to rush off. and i actually remember thinking in the dream "must tell my dad I met Jeremy Clarkson"

So in conclusion, must get less sleep so have less dreams :p