Elementary school shooting

That is you.
I asked you to imagine that you are not you, but someone DETERMINED to do it and to find a way around the no gun problem.
You failed.
Imagination and creative thinking are good for you.

It would be too hard without guns.
Yeah just like it is so hard to buy some gasoline and light it with a match in a closed space filled with people... (i will not give the way more horrible examples).
It is almost surreal to what lenghts of absurdity you will go to defend your point of view.
Do you really think guns are the only tools one can use to inflict heavy damage on a human body ?

You are still stuck in thinking that everyone else should think like you and that your way is the only way. You put your hands on your ears and shut down in denial everytime someone has a different idea from yours.
Your idea is to use the law to disarm people that don't care about any laws, because they will commit suicide right after breaking that law to escape any punishment.
That is highly illogical and i can only guess why you can't see it - no i am far from assuming that you are not an intelligent person, i think that you are just too attached to what you believe in to dare to question and analyze it.

I have the feeling were coming from 2 different directions towards this topic, cause I don't really get were you're heading
We have two completely different topics here.
One is how to prevent mass killings and the other is if the citizens should have a right for an effective self defense.
Some here think that one has a major influence on the other, i think that the link is very weak.

gotta watch out for those childen!
Ah the crazy meme makers and the bending of the objective truth for their biased views... :)

Every modern leader knows how important is the image of his soldiers fighting for the benefit of the country and every modern leader would prefer his enemies to fight in woods and deserts instead of hiding behind women and children of the local population and then blaming the other side for their deaths.
Heavy collateral damage is just not good for the broadly understood interests of the country fighting in any war and insinuating that a politician as intelligent as Obama doesn't care about it is just not smart even if done half sarcastically.
That is you.
I asked you to imagine that you are not you, but someone DETERMINED to do it and to find a way around the no gun problem.
You failed.
Imagination and creative thinking are good for you.

Yeah just like it is so hard to buy some gasoline and light it with a match in a closed space filled with people... (i will not give the way more horrible examples).
It is almost surreal to what lenghts of absurdity you will go to defend your point of view.
Do you really think guns are the only tools one can use to inflict heavy damage on a human body ?

Your idea is to use the law to disarm people that don't care about any laws, because they will commit suicide right after breaking that law to escape any punishment.
That is highly illogical and i can only guess why you can't see it - no i am far from assuming that you are not an intelligent person, i think that you are just too attached to what you believe in to dare to question and analyze it.

We have two completely different topics here.
One is how to prevent mass killings and the other is if the citizens should have a right for an effective self defense.
Some here think that one has a major influence on the other, i think that the link is very weak.
I don't imagine about how to kill people, apparently you do. The killers don't use gasoline or any other DYI method because they can easily buy loads of heavy weaponry and ammo and use them. Way easier and no need to learn some bomb chemistry. It is surreal but it's the reality. Guns are not the only tools but they are the easiest and most effective.

I think you're the only one here defending your guns. Some day they come and take your army toys away from you. :wave:
no need to learn some bomb chemistry
Here, learn some oh so advanced bomb chemistry:

Same substance just a different amount:

And yes i think such amateur pyrotechnics play should be illegal, not because it would stop any bomber killer, but because these kids could kill themselves with it.
I think you're the only one here defending your guns. Some day they come and take your army toys away from you. :wave:
If you think i have any guns, your reading skills are not very good. :)
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No, you misunderstand me.
See this:


The US has a significant homicide problem, which appears to have a strong link to the number of guns they have lying around.

To be honest, looking at this data, i'd say the statistical argument isn't complete, but there's still this question:

Why the fuck do americans like to kill each other so much? Is it because they're more often armed, and therefore more easily able to kill? Is it because they have a segregated rich/poor racially divided society in large parts of their major cities? A culture of individualism that encourages a lack of care in those already predisposed to it? There's clearly something very wrong.

Any Americans care to postulate a reason?

Lets make a HUGE fucking useless chart so the difference between 3 per every 100,000 and 7 per every 100,000 looks MASSIVE!

This entire thread is a joke. 50 people with opinions based on flawed data, not knowing US gun regulations, and just uneducated drivel....

You all need to go buy some guns and shoot yourselves in the fucking head. Especially 90% of the Americans in this thread cause you dont even know the laws or statistics in your own fucking country.

Makes me sad to be a fucking American sometimes. Your idea of patriotism is "Ammurrrrrrica! Fuck Yea!" ... its fucking sickening.
Lets make a HUGE fucking useless chart so the difference between 3 per every 100,000 and 7 per every 100,000 looks MASSIVE!

This entire thread is a joke. 50 people with opinions based on flawed data, not knowing US gun regulations, and just uneducated drivel....

You all need to go buy some guns and shoot yourselves in the fucking head. Especially 90% of the Americans in this thread cause you dont even know the laws or statistics in your own fucking country.

Makes me sad to be a fucking American sometimes. Your idea of patriotism is "Ammurrrrrrica! Fuck Yea!" ... its fucking sickening.

Your idea of mixing drums is fucking sickening. :loco:

Sorry, I'm an argumentative twat lately. But yes: the vast majority of this thread (except for my contributions of course) failed to bring knowledge or lulz... and therefore fail hard.
Lets make a HUGE fucking useless chart so the difference between 3 per every 100,000 and 7 per every 100,000 looks MASSIVE!

This entire thread is a joke. 50 people with opinions based on flawed data, not knowing US gun regulations, and just uneducated drivel....

You all need to go buy some guns and shoot yourselves in the fucking head. Especially 90% of the Americans in this thread cause you dont even know the laws or statistics in your own fucking country.

Makes me sad to be a fucking American sometimes. Your idea of patriotism is "Ammurrrrrrica! Fuck Yea!" ... its fucking sickening.

Yes - you've added so much data to this conversation and you've demonstrated absolutely zero knowledge on the laws and statistics your questioning? You may indeed have some knowledge and statistics of your own, but you've chosen not to share them in this thread. Is it simply the fact you disagree with the whole subject matter? If that's the case - please do share your "wisdom" and "insight". Not exactly sure what your point is. You've added nothing yet bitch about those that have at least shared more than a simplistic "you suck" rant. Great job :kickass:

As for your last statement about being sad to be an American sometimes - you certainly have the option to move to a country more befitting your ideals. Please do tell once more, exactly which country on earth that would be.
If I try to open page 10, Chrome tells me content from "www.freeimagehosting.net" appears on the page and can harm my computer. First time I ever get this message, anyone got it as well ?

EDIT : well yeah, the difference between 3 and 7 is only 4, but it's also a 175% improvement ratio, or also a 133% addition. I don't know what number you would be referring to, but guns or not, pro or con, it's kinda "massive". Your post also reveals wonderful traits of character BTW !
EDIT 2 : you didn't exactly read the chart like it's supposed to be read (because yes, displaying charts is an art and is always biased since they are about telling something, but the datas stand still). The way to read it is, also, to note how unique the case is, compared to the cloud of points made by almost all other countries defined by the criteria of selection. The more there are numbers and the most relevant the selection is, the most objective and the less subjective the point made by the chart.
Yes - you've added so much data to this conversation and you've demonstrated absolutely zero knowledge on the laws and statistics your questioning? You may indeed have some knowledge and statistics of your own, but you've chosen not to share them in this thread. Is it simply the fact you disagree with the whole subject matter? If that's the case - please do share your "wisdom" and "insight". Not exactly sure what your point is. You've added nothing yet bitch about those that have at least shared more than a simplistic "you suck" rant. Great job :kickass:

As for your last statement about being sad to be an American sometimes - you certainly have the option to move to a country more befitting your ideals. Please do tell once more, exactly which country on earth that would be.

Opinions are like assholes, they all stink.
Lets make a HUGE fucking useless chart so the difference between 3 per every 100,000 and 7 per every 100,000 looks MASSIVE!

This entire thread is a joke. 50 people with opinions based on flawed data, not knowing US gun regulations, and just uneducated drivel....

You all need to go buy some guns and shoot yourselves in the fucking head. Especially 90% of the Americans in this thread cause you dont even know the laws or statistics in your own fucking country.

Makes me sad to be a fucking American sometimes. Your idea of patriotism is "Ammurrrrrrica! Fuck Yea!" ... its fucking sickening.

aren't you the one going around posting that this was a government conspiracy so "Obama can take ma guns"?
"Sandy Hook Shooting = Gov't Conspiracy! They know Civil war is coming, they are trying to take our guns! WE NEED TO STAY ARMED AMERICA!

Its not a conspiracy theory, there is no conspiracy. Look at all the MAJOR gun crimes in the past year, they are riddles with Assault Weapons, Ex-Military, Loaners, People who are not sociable, this guy way 20. I bet in the next few days we find out hes part of a paramilitary group, was using an assault weapon, AND had ties to some form of government agency ..... Mark my words."

I marked them Jay ... still waiting for the big revelation

btw, lol at "loaners" ... I guess the banks are in on it too?
Whoa. I didn't think that starting this thread would turn our members crazy and against each other...... :(

That Chevy pickup exploding was fucking AWESOME though!

I like guns. I have a rifle close by, just in case. Lately some type of animal has been getting into my garbage over night. Chances are it's just a stray cat or something, but in the event that I check outside and it's a bear, I want to at least have some sort of protection. Or, if bad guys decide to try to rob my place.

I like shooting targets and pumpkins and watermelons.

I'd NEVER harm a human being with a gun unless my life was seriously at stake.

One good thing about being a "redneck" and raised in the sticks was being taught discipline with guns at an early age.
And your point is what Carlos? That I made a post on my Facebook wall stating that I believe its another False Flag campaign?

Do you see me coming here spouting that information, or that belief? That's not the issue I was responding too here. You wanna try and throw shit Carlos its fine, but at least base your shit throwing on something relevant to what I was actually addressing in the thread.

Now lets get back to the ACTUAL subject of this thread and what I actually posted on / about.... Gun Control

Look at every post in this thread about Gun Control. False made up bullshit data from tainted sources. Find me one VALID source of information that hasn't been tampered with that has been posted on this subject in this thread ... I dare you... No worries ... Ill wait ....

Yea Ok that's enough waiting, your not going to find the info you are looking for anyway.

My outlook on Gun Control is very simple. We don't need it, its been proven time and time again (yet doesn't get reported) that armed civilians prevent more crimes then the police do. Average response time of local police once called is 6 minutes. Average response time of a civilian with a gun is under a minute.

Would you rather sit around and wait for the cops for 6 minutes, or have a civilian with a gun take the perp out and be safe in under a minute...... Choice is yours ....

Ill take the grandpa with a gun over waiting for the cops anyway. I have shit to do during the day and don't have time to wait around for some asshole cop to respond. Cops dont prevent crimes, they just try and solve them after the fact. Armed civilians prevent crimes.

Get your facts straight.