Elementary school shooting

My point was that after saying shit like that its hard to take anything you have to say ON THE SUBJECT serious ... especially when its presented in such an overtly aggressive manner and condescending tone
My point was that after saying shit like that its hard to take anything you have to say ON THE SUBJECT serious ... especially when its presented in such an overtly aggressive manner and condescending tone

As stated earlier opinions are like assholes and they all stink. Honestly if all you plan to do is constantly criticize my thoughts then why exactly are you friends with my on FB? Why do you even give a piss.... I'm just wondering.

As for being condescending .... Oh yea that's why your my friends on FB so you can see this shit I post and laugh at it....

Still doesnt change the fact that we were talking about Gun Control and you had to bring up something completely different just to try and discredit what I was saying.... its all good, I get it. I ts cool to jump on the Guru's ass around here and shit on him. I forgot you have to do that to be part of the "cool kids" / "in crowd" on this forum.
oh fuck you Jay ... I'm criticizing 1 goddamn post because I thought it was retarded and then you jumped in here trying to sound like you're the foremost authority on fucking gun laws and everyone else is an idiot.

ONE GODDAMN POST ... thats far from "constantly"

I didn't realize you were so fucking thin skinned where I couldn't take issue with something you said that was fucking retarded and call you out on it given the manner in which you jumped in on this

give me a fucking break and stop being a crybaby about it ... "cool kids" ... seriously dude?
False made up bullshit data from tainted sources. Find me one VALID source of information that hasn't been tampered with that has been posted on this subject in this thread ... I dare you... No worries ... Ill wait ....

Do you even understand the basics of debate? Generally when one disagrees with statistics and "VALID" sources of information the burden of proof is upon them to counter with what they consider valid sources - not to simply say "you all suck". Am I to assume that that your resources are really unbiased and statistically valid simply because they jibe with your opinions on the matter?

In case you missed it - I'm a gun owner and I'm also willing to at a bare minimum discuss areas in which we do have lax policy including the need to background check every sale of a firearm. I was background checked, I passed, I took the required classes, I applied for an received my concealed carry permit (one that I've renewed twice since the original issuance), I bought and registered my pistol and store it in a combination gun safe. I suspect that even if some level of that broad term "gun control", a term you seem to immediately equate to "taking away my guns", were to happen that I'd still retain the firearms I currently own - thus be able to defend myself and hunt (if I hunted).

My outlook on Gun Control is very simple. We don't need it, its been proven time and time again (yet doesn't get reported) that armed civilians prevent more crimes then the police do. Average response time of local police once called is 6 minutes. Average response time of a civilian with a gun is under a minute.

Would you rather sit around and wait for the cops for 6 minutes, or have a civilian with a gun take the perp out and be safe in under a minute...... Choice is yours ....

Ill take the grandpa with a gun over waiting for the cops anyway. I have shit to do during the day and don't have time to wait around for some asshole cop to respond. Cops dont prevent crimes, they just try and solve them after the fact. Armed civilians prevent crimes.

Get your facts straight.

Facts? Facts require resources. I'm pretty sure you can dig up some. Are they unbiased? Do they have an equal counter argument possibly relating to the number of accidental gun related deaths that occur from un-secure guns in households, or the statistically greater chance of having a family member kiled by the gun in your home?

Listen, I believe those counter arguments are just as valid as several pro-gun arguments (I'm just not sheepish enough to believe all the pro-gun speak) but I've made the personal decision to still own a gun, I'm not a simply deny,deny, deny type that thinks "what problem? there's no problem" because something might be in my interest.

As to your Facebook post? Why would you think that something you posted on your Facebook page would immediately become part of this thread? trust me - I'm not going to your Facebook page to find your opinion on these matters.

I did however see an interesting Tweet a few minutes ago.... oh wait, you didn't see that one too? :loco::yow:

Sorry if I sound a bit like an asshole, it really is not intended to be as dickish as it seems. If you have statistics/data you believe more unbiased than those presented - please do share, perhaps instead of simply writing off open discussion you could participate and who knows - educate.

as always, individual mileage may vary.
you know me well enough to know I say fuck when I say good morning ... language has nothing to do with it. I put one part in caps to emphasize just how ridiculous claim of "constantly" was and no, not butt hurt at all ... really Jay? You really think that approach works on me?

as I said, you made a stupid fucking post, backed it up by other stupid fucking comments essentially doubling down on it and then come in here spouting off about how all the idiots everywhere have got it all wrong but now that you've taken some time out of your busy schedule you'll educate everyone so that they don't have to go through life as dumb as they were a few minutes before reading your post
Do you even understand the basics of debate? Generally when one disagrees with statistics and "VALID" sources of information the burden of proof is upon them to counter with what they consider valid sources - not to simply say "you all suck". Am I to assume that that your resources are really unbiased and statistically valid simply because they jibe with your opinions on the matter?

Yes I understand how debate works, but who said I even wanted to debate. I made a statement, plain and simple.

In case you missed it - I'm a gun owner and I'm also willing to at a bare minimum discuss areas in which we do have lax policy including the need to background check every sale of a firearm. I was background checked, I passed, I took the required classes, I applied for an received my concealed carry permit (one that I've renewed twice since the original issuance), I bought and registered my pistol and store it in a combination gun safe. I suspect that even if some level of that broad term "gun control", a term you seem to immediately equate to "taking away my guns", were to happen that I'd still retain the firearms I currently own - thus be able to defend myself and hunt (if I hunted).

Background checks are not going to stop criminals who want to get their hands on guns. I don't think anyone is going to "take my gun away". What you fucking morons seem to keep forgetting is if someone wants to get their hand on a gun they can, legally or illegally. Why dont we just make crack, heroine, and weed illegal so people cant ..... Oh wait they are illegal.

Facts? Facts require resources. I'm pretty sure you can dig up some. Are they unbiased? Do they have an equal counter argument possibly relating to the number of accidental gun related deaths that occur from un-secure guns in households, or the statistically greater chance of having a family member kiled by the gun in your home?

Listen, I believe those counter arguments are just as valid as several pro-gun arguments (I'm just not sheepish enough to believe all the pro-gun speak) but I've made the personal decision to still own a gun, I'm not a simply deny,deny, deny type that thinks "what problem? there's no problem" because something might be in my interest.

Smartest thing you have said yet.

As to your Facebook post? Why would you think that something you posted on your Facebook page would immediately become part of this thread? trust me - I'm not going to your Facebook page to find your opinion on these matters.

I did however see an interesting Tweet a few minutes ago.... oh wait, you didn't see that one too? :loco::yow:

Sorry if I sound a bit like an asshole, it really is not intended to be as dickish as it seems. If you have statistics/data you believe more unbiased than those presented - please do share, perhaps instead of simply writing off open discussion you could participate and who knows - educate.

as always, individual mileage may vary.

Ummm Carlos brought something I posted about the incident not Gun Control into the conversation. Do I think its a False Flag campaign, yer damn fucking right I do. Why? Cause I don't trust the fucking US Government as far as I could throw my fat wife.

I have had more dealing with the so-called "government" then I care to get into. See has seen shit first hand being a member of the US armed services. The shit that goes on is sickening, and horrible. There is tons of proof that this stuff goes on but you all just chock it up to us being conspiracy theorists. I have first hands accounts of children and women being murdered in order to make a statement.

But why bother giving proof? You all just dismiss it all anyway with the same arguments. "Oh our government cares about us, they would never do something so heinous" ..... LOL

Have fun running around in your little flock of sheeple. Cause we all know every retard in America has guns and runs around killing children they don't know....
The "fucking morons" would like to say they have been enriching the argumentation fully on the "a criminal will get his hand over a gun anyway"-thing for a few pages with a few points, and for some of them, without insult. Thank you.
This thread has been a barrel of laughs, and I'd like to call shotgun to the ride where we all take potshots at Jasons ego before becoming the undisputed kings of cool but I'm gunning for a unilateral ceasefire currently because my this could go on for a few rounds and triggering another impending flame war could up the body count significantly.

Sod it, I lied, I'm going bite the bullet to take a load off my mind and go in all guns blazing nail the perp whilst I up the caliber of this firefight. Jason buddy, it's far too easy to snipe from afar so lets make this close and personal because I'm packing more heat than your brains packing cells and since I'm a hotshot and you're a hothead labeling you with a mental deficiency isn't so much a hard sell as it is easy to shell.

Now I'm sure at this point it'd be easy to bolt because I'm not the kind to stand for your blunderbussing whilst you act all cross in the crosshairs making me cross eyed but I have range as well as depth so lets for one second pretend that dismissal of your opinion is not already automatic in this thread. Watching you tank is embarrassing, there's too much ammunition and us young guns don't need the validation. However I understand you're under the gun so I wont jump it but instead give you 45 to brush up on your rights (thats the one opposite from your lefts) whilst I'm in the mess still messing as I have matters much more pressing than watching you distressing.

Now to sign off and out with a bang - onomatopoeia by the way, not what the neighbor did to your wife yesterday.

And to the rest of the thread before you recoil at my lack of grace, just remember the rest of this thread is already in severely bad taste. Minds blown - figurative by the way, not what your girlfriends did to... -

Ah the crazy meme makers and the bending of the objective truth for their biased views... :)

Every modern leader knows how important is the image of his soldiers fighting for the benefit of the country and every modern leader would prefer his enemies to fight in woods and deserts instead of hiding behind women and children of the local population and then blaming the other side for their deaths.
Heavy collateral damage is just not good for the broadly understood interests of the country fighting in any war and insinuating that a politician as intelligent as Obama doesn't care about it is just not smart even if done half sarcastically.

The meme makers are biased towards humanity and not towards man made borders.

Damage is damage, collateral or not. And those "go-pills" can really fuck people up which we've seen last year or so.

Sorry man, all I smell is hypocrisy.
Background checks are not going to stop criminals who want to get their hands on guns.

You do realize that statistically in many shootings it's the first, and only, criminal act the person has ever committed and or that there are also a large number of accidental shootings each year, the later may not be directly related to the subject at hand but a statistic none the less.

But hey - bitch about the "morons", that feel differently than you do, all you wan't - it probably just reinforces a stereotype or perhaps a reality.

You don't trust government - I don't trust big money special interest lobbying groups even more. It's not the government I don't trust - it's those willing to sell their souls for whomever is paying the bills; that's the area that really needs concern.
The meme makers are biased towards humanity and not towards man made borders.

Damage is damage, collateral or not. And those "go-pills" can really fuck people up which we've seen last year or so.

Sorry man, all I smell is hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy is when you only see faults of one side of the conflict.
If it was so that when a terorist group has a base of operations only like 50 meters from other buildings in a village, then they can't be attacked - the war on terror would never progress a milimeter because terrorists would be perfectly safe under that shield.

Most of the time the local population is strongly against the Taliban bringing the war into their neighborhood, but they are forced to accept their presence or they would get declared enemies of Jihad and executed.

Sure that instead of bombing even with high precision hardware, sending troops to do surgical hits on such strongholds would reduce the collateral damage, but at a cost of the coalition soldiers lives.

So yes Obama is guilty of saving his soldiers at a cost of increased collateral damage and the Taliban are guilty of bringing the war to populated areas instead of letting the infidels kill them easily somewhere in the mountains.
Hypocrisy is when you only see faults of one side of the conflict.
If it was so that when a terorist group has a base of operations only like 50 meters from other buildings in a village, then they can't be attacked - the war on terror would never progress a milimeter because terrorists would be perfectly safe under that shield.

Most of the time the local population is strongly against the Taliban bringing the war into their neighborhood, but they are forced to accept their presence or they would get declared enemies of Jihad and executed.

Sure that instead of bombing even with high precision hardware, sending troops to do surgical hits on such strongholds would reduce the collateral damage, but at a cost of the coalition soldiers lives.

So yes Obama is guilty of saving his soldiers at a cost of increased collateral damage and the Taliban are guilty of bringing the war to populated areas instead of letting the infidels kill them easily somewhere in the mountains.

Translation: you're fine with the fact that Obama accepts killing children and other innocent people, because he's "saving his soldiers".

I always find the expression "war on terror" hilarious. What does war create? TERROR. You wanna know terror? Try being an innocent person who just wants to live his life but was unlucky enough to have been born in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Sorry for derailing the thread more than it already is, I'm outta here