Elementary school shooting

Just like in America, where not everyone is an Obama fan, there are people in Afghanistan who don't like the Taliban.
Thats the majority.
Provide your sources if you have some conflicting info.

You don't bomb people for their religious beliefs.
There is only 1 side who bombs people for their religious beliefs.
The other side bombs people only when it makes errors.

9/11 had nothing to do with "Muslim Civilians". And collateral damage is still damage.
Again collateral damage is not intended damage, it both wastes ammunition and degrades the good image of the force.

Rape in Afghanistan has gone up since 2001. It's not easy to domesticate wild animals, therefore the Shariah.
Did you just insult Afghani people or did i get you wrong ?
Rape is illegal by law in almost every country on this planet.
You can't ignore the fact that sometimes in the old Afghanistan the Sharia law punished victims of rape with death.

I'm from the People's Republic of Bangladesh. A friend of mine was DUI, crashed his car, killed himself and some other civilians. If this was the "Islamic Republic of Bangladesh" I have reason to believe he wouldn't have been drunk.
I don't drink, so no comment on that.

Ahahahaha it get's better every minute. I present you, the NRAs great plan for more security: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/12/21/us/connecticut-school-shooting/index.html
I can't even begin to express how incredibly fucking stupid those fucktards are who call themselves "NRA". Use your fucking brain for a second.
At the same time, some idiot kills three people and injures three armed, trained troopers who try to stop him. Now think of highly intelligent NRA plans and tell me how exactly will some retard with a weapon (who else would try to get such a job), or a 80-years old ex-cop / veteran be able to stop someone on a rampage when three troopers hardly can? FUCK. So much retards in one fucking place. All the studies, all the statistics, all the fucking real world proof object the "more guns = more safety" argument, but I guess you can't except some people to use their fucking brain.
I give up, they're beyond fucking rescue. Hand out free assault rifles for everyone, at least that will safe the rest of the planet the pain to watch how fucking stupid this is, and the overpopulation problem might just be gone.. at least for one continent.
The day we turn our schools into essentially guarded prison like structures is the day we have really gone over the edge to a police state. After the "armed" officer at every school as the idiot Wayne LaPierre proposed today in the NRA's "official" meaningful response - also known as their contribution to the discussion, what next - perhaps armed towers around the school property, perhaps barbed wire - maybe jumpsuits so we can identify the students from the potential bad guys? Stupid answer indeed.

He also proceeded to blame everything 'except" for guns. Hey, I'm pro gun ownership in the right to defend ones home and for hunting, but at least I'm willing to say that guns do play a role in "gun violence" - look it even contains the word gun in it - duh! The last time I pulled a trigger in a video game 20 kids did not die in real life, the last time I listened to death metal no teachers died, the last time I watched a violent movie none of the actors really died (there was The Crow with the death of Brandon Lee which was indeed a tragic incident, but you get my point).

As I said earlier - this is not about the second amendment right to own a firearm as the NRA would like you to believe - this is about the manufacturers paying the NRA's salaries and the money they put behind their lobbying efforts. To not even mention that the easy access to firearms can even remotely be discussed is simply self-serving interests.
I really don't lilke the word "assault" rifle, that is a loaded word used to create the illusion that a certain gun is more deadly than another, which I will explain is not true in a bit.

If you see someone charging with a baseball bat or a knife at you, you still have a chance to run and survive. Not so when he has an assault rifle or semi-automatic pistol with big magazine.

Sure, a gun has range, so does a bow and arrow, that doesn't correlate to how deadly the weapon or projectile is, nor does the rate of fire.

I'm not and expert but I believe a certain type bullet does lot more inner damage than a knife for example.

This is where you would be wrong, a knife wound actually does more damage in the regard that more internal bleeding takes place and the time it takes to heal is much longer. It is actually very difficult to close up a knife wound. You get stabbed once in the chest and it is life threatening. You get shot with a gun, the round is X-rayed, they find if it needs to be removed, if not, they stitch up the bullet hole and possibly inside if you tore any major organs and leave you to heal. Also bullets that go all the way through you do less tissue damage than the ones that stop inside. Fun fact, the .223 round, the round used in M16s has a flaw where it doesn't disintegrate into the target and most times travels through, not doing as much damage as intended.

Even a shotgun and a normal rifle are a lot less effective because of the limited capacity, which are used for hunting/shooting most of the time btw.

This is how I know that you have no clue what you are talking about, but I will fill everyone in here. There is no difference from a "normal rifle" and an "assault rifle". Most hunting rifles have magazines, which large capacity magazines are readily available. Unless that hunting rifle is a bolt action, it is a semi automatic, which to translate means, a standard hunting rifle has the SAME shooting capability and rate as a "military assault rifle" as a lot of you claim them as. Simply put they are semi automatic rifles, that operate no differently than any other semi automatic rifle, including ones used for hunting. The only reason "assault riffles" are under siege is because they look scary and are used by the military, which are not by any means an indicator of deadliness at all.

Yes, really. A semi-automatic pistol or assault rifle gives them more gourage, a feel of superiority and it will boost their ego. Their whole assault is most likely based on the fact that they have several high caliber rapid fire guns at their possession and it's the final straw that draws them to do it.

Well the most common "assault rifles" used are low caliber so...high caliber rifles tend to be only bolt action except for a few semi automatic .50 caliber rifles but they weigh almost 30 lbs and have so much recoil that the average person has to have the gun on the ground with the bipod to even shoot it. And no semi automatic rifles don't have a high rate of fire, sure they can fire quick, but if you knew how hard you have to squeeze the trigger and keep in mind you have to engage it and fully let it go before you can shoot another round. And most gun noobs that perform mass shootings aren't very quick with their trigger finger, meaning, while they don't have to recharge the gun every time, they aren't just fucking spraying machine gun Rambo style.

I'm sure people felt the same way about slavery back then like you feel about having guns now. No slavery=only in a fairy land, they thought. Maybe we just need to wait the old redneck rampage generation to die away so we can start making changes. We finally got rid of the lead gasoline after a long time, why not guns too.

Human rights and slavery isn't even remotely the same as the right to defend yourself, jesus fuck me christ.

I'd really like to see Mutant or anyone else answer Glenn's (Dawkins') question. EVIDENCE.

Evidence? The only true evidence that has come from gun studies is that houses with guns are 3 times more likely to have a homicide and 5 times more likely to have gun related suicides. The same studies brought forth that people in the age range of 13-29 are 35 times more likely to be in a gun related violent crime than in any other country. While that points the the fact that these crimes can be related to the availability of guns, what isn't clear is how the dynamic of being around guns affected this age range, I would though put money on the fact that the ones more likely to do something of such violence had no formal training on how to use and respect guns. But still the findings for the most part have been inconclusive.

The only other thing worth noting is that the Brady Law, which required background checks did nothing to lower crime rates, it did however drop suicides by senior citizens by 6%. Also in Florida where they have the right to carry law, there was not an increase of gun related violence but it also did not drop the overall crime rate like it was expected to.

Other than that, there haven't been any conclusive data proving anything. Nothing that more guns and less restrictions brings crime down.

For the most part all findings and statistics have been inconclusive if not sort of point to the idea that gun laws and the availability of guns really does not effect gun related crime or any crime for that matter. So evidence, other than America having about double the murder rate than the EU countries, bascially doesn't exist. The only evidence that I have is that ever law abiding citizen has the right to defend themselves and their families.

Ahahahaha it get's better every minute. I present you, the NRAs great plan for more security: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/12/21/us/connecticut-school-shooting/index.html
I can't even begin to express how incredibly fucking stupid those fucktards are who call themselves "NRA". Use your fucking brain for a second.
At the same time, some idiot kills three people and injures three armed, trained troopers who try to stop him. Now think of highly intelligent NRA plans and tell me how exactly will some retard with a weapon (who else would try to get such a job), or a 80-years old ex-cop / veteran be able to stop someone on a rampage when three troopers hardly can? FUCK. So much retards in one fucking place. All the studies, all the statistics, all the fucking real world proof object the "more guns = more safety" argument, but I guess you can't except some people to use their fucking brain.
I give up, they're beyond fucking rescue. Hand out free assault rifles for everyone, at least that will safe the rest of the planet the pain to watch how fucking stupid this is, and the overpopulation problem might just be gone.. at least for one continent.

You have your head so far up your ass its not even remotely funny. I will provide a little interesting story however. When I was in school, the school district had one armed police officer at every school, high school, middle school, elementary school, during the first hour where everyone shows up and the last hour where ever yon leaves, they would have multiple officers, sometimes upwards to five or six. Yes they were armed with loaded handguns, pepper spray, night stick/baton and tazers with loaded shotguns waiting in the car and sometimes even k-9 units. Where those cops there to arrest and harass students? No, they were there to keep intruders off the property that hadn't been given clearance by the main office. For the most part, we the students never noticed the cops, they stood out in front at the gates and in the office, they didn't even go so far to stop students who were leaving campus to ditch class. No one though ever dared to intrude on campus though, and my 6 years at that district never saw or heard an intruder code. The criminals were smart, the sex offenders would go down the street trying to kidnap girls or expose themselves, the gun violence of gangs from other schools always just outside the school, everyone around was too smart about doing something stupid anywhere near any of those schools.

So yea armed police is actually a smart thing, oh and the school did have a no guns policy, but cops were allowed in with their guns, school administration and district administration had no issues with that and for good reason, nothing bad ever happened there.

I was also in a school that was in gang territory many many years back, and they had multiple school security on bikes, bright yellow shirts with security written on them and pepper spray. They were involved in all the riots that took place which I witnessed more than once. When you have students that are willing to throw punches and even knives at teachers and security, they need to make sure they have something to fight back with. Pepper spray to someone coming at you with a knife will stop them real quick. Right after I left that Jr. High, a kid was stabbed with a pencil in a fight. Around their the thugs liked using whatever sharp objects they could stab people with over guns, hell I had even been threatened to be stabbed with a scalpel. Without metal detectors at schools you have no clue which kid is going to pull out which weapon, or what intruder is going to come in to sexually assault or murder just for the fuck of it.
My middle and high school had cops armed at all times and there was never any crazy shit going on at our schools. after they stopped having armed cops at my old high school a kid got shot in the parking lot not more then 2 months after they stopped letting armed cops in the schools.
WinterSnow, how come the armies of the world don't use bows and arrows then if they are as deadly as assault rifles like you say? Yeah right.

You seem to try to pose as some sort of superior authority in here like everyone else know nothing. Do you even have any experience with assault rifles? I have when I was in the army. Trust me, the assault rifles armies use are way more deadly than bows, shotguns, knives or normal hunting rifles.

About the bullet damage as I said, "a certain type bullet", which refers to special bullets like a hollow-point bullet (Google it), that can rip your head/entrails off.
For the two that agree armed guards in school "is the answer", you are aware that in the Columbine shootings back in 1999, Columbine High School had armed resource officers that shot at one of the shooters, Dylan Klebold - what were the results of that armed guard facing off with the shooter - he had to call for assistance because he missed. Ultimately the end result - 16 dead (including the shooters), and 21 injured. Do you really think the answer is to turn us into a virtual police state where we have a immensely armed policing force visible in every aspect of your lives - seems counter to all those "fear of a tyranical government" types who is affraid the government is going to take over.

It's simple to say that's the answer for school gun violence when one thinks that it's always going to result in the "good guy with a gun" winning. But this discussion was simply triggered by a school shooting - it's not solely about school shootings however. As I've said more times that can be counted in this thread - it's a big debate involving many aspects of our society, but being a denier that sensible gun ownership is not in the equation simply shows ones true colors.

I know I said I was done with this thread - but those who actually think the NRA speaks for the majority of gun owners and not simply lobbying for firearm manufacturers are simply delusional.
WinterSnow, how come the armies of the world don't use bows and arrows then if they are as deadly as assault rifles like you say? Yeah right.

You seem to try to pose as some sort of superior authority in here like everyone else know nothing. Do you even have any experience with assault rifles? I have when I was in the army. Trust me, the assault rifles armies use are way more deadly than bows, shotguns, knives or normal hunting rifles.

About the bullet damage as I said, "a certain type bullet", which refers to special bullets like a hollow-point bullet (Google it), that can rip your head/entrails off.

Bows and Arrows isn't used because arrows cost more than bullets, and in a battle field have less range than a typical .223 (5.56mm) round. In typical rooms, Malls, Schools, Archery could be just as effective. My only argument to that is if you did band ALL semi automatic rifles, people who want to kill as many as possibly will take a few months to learn how to effectively use swords, archery or explosives to do equal damage. In the case of Tannerite, an equal amount of effort could take out more people. Flaming Molotov as well could take out many people and do mcuh more property damage.

As for my experiences with guns, I grew up on military bases with advanced military arsenal, and my house currently has more than enough guns to account for including all sorts of rifles, shotguns, handguns and even an AR-15. And the handguns, yes they have hollow points in them. Could possibly get nylon hollow tips which could penetrate bullet proof armor if need be.

Also, "normal rifles", I can say I have never seen a rifle that isn't a bolt action that has the ability to carry at least 10 rounds, 12 is common and they are usually .22s and just about any other typical hunting rifle has a 10-30 round magazine, even though in my state, you can only legally carry 10 rounds for any semi automatic gun and hunting your shotgun can't have anymore than 4 or 5 rounds IIRC.

And we don't have legal access to fully automatic rifles, including three round bursts, so even our "M16"s are only semi automatic which puts them in the same category as any other hunting rifle, they can have magazines that carry 30 rounds, but aren't legal. And I can agree with that, if you are using such gun as a home defense gun, do you really need more than 10 rounds? what are the chances that you will need more than that unless you have 20+ people strolling on in your home. That I can understand even if you can't just hold the trigger and spray rambo/scarface style.
For the two that agree armed guards in school "is the answer", you are aware that in the Columbine shootings back in 1999, Columbine High School had armed resource officers that shot at one of the shooters, Dylan Klebold - what were the results of that armed guard facing off with the shooter - he had to call for assistance because he missed. Ultimately the end result - 16 dead (including the shooters), and 21 injured. Do you really think the answer is to turn us into a virtual police state where we have a immensely armed policing force visible in every aspect of your lives - seems counter to all those "fear of a tyranical government" types who is affraid the government is going to take over.

It's simple to say that's the answer for school gun violence when one thinks that it's always going to result in the "good guy with a gun" winning. But this discussion was simply triggered by a school shooting - it's not solely about school shootings however. As I've said more times that can be counted in this thread - it's a big debate involving many aspects of our society, but being a denier that sensible gun ownership is not in the equation simply shows ones true colors.

I know I said I was done with this thread - but those who actually think the NRA speaks for the majority of gun owners and not simply lobbying for firearm manufacturers are simply delusional.

I know the NRA lobby's for the firearm manufacturers they are no better in that regard then the government lobbying with the big oil companies. I honestly do think more stricter gun laws should be put into place.

I think that people who have mental issues or people with depression or on any form of "mood stabilizers" should not own a firearm. Because they could be potentially harmful to other's and themselves.

Even more intense background check's should be put into order. And also they should change the way a person can buy rifles and shotguns. I don't really think it is right that a person can walk into a gun store and less then an hour later leave with a rifle and 1000 rounds of ammo and that's it.

But I do feel every american should have the right to get a concealed carry permit or to own a firearm for home protection and possible self defense in a life treating situation.

I am an NRA member but I also don't see eye to eye with all of their beliefs on con control. But to be honest I really don't think ar15's or any variant of an assault rifle should be taken off the shelves or banned. But I do think people should have to take a test and get trained on them and get a legal license to own one.
For the two that agree armed guards in school "is the answer", you are aware that in the Columbine shootings back in 1999, Columbine High School had armed resource officers that shot at one of the shooters, Dylan Klebold - what were the results of that armed guard facing off with the shooter - he had to call for assistance because he missed. Ultimately the end result - 16 dead (including the shooters), and 21 injured. Do you really think the answer is to turn us into a virtual police state where we have a immensely armed policing force visible in every aspect of your lives - seems counter to all those "fear of a tyrannical government" types who is afraid the government is going to take over.

it's a big debate involving many aspects of our society, but being a denier that sensible gun ownership is not in the equation simply shows ones true colors.

Dude no one said they were against gun law reform, KEY FUCKING WORD, REFORM, not gun control because gun control is stupid, we can reform our current laws and do what we can to prevent psychos from getting guns, not one person in this whole fucking thread ever said that gun laws should be left untouched and that all people should have guns, so everyone needs to get that stupid fucking notion out of their heads because they are too fucking thick to see that even gun supporters believe that correct reform in gun laws can help to some degree and other reforms in our society can have a much larger impact, it just isn't black and white.
I know the NRA lobby's for the firearm manufacturers they are no better in that regard then the government lobbying with the big oil companies. I honestly do think more stricter gun laws should be put into place.

I think that people who have mental issues or people with depression or on any form of "mood stabilizers" should not own a firearm. Because they could be potentially harmful to other's and themselves.

Even more intense background check's should be put into order. And also they should change the way a person can buy rifles and shotguns. I don't really think it is right that a person can walk into a gun store and less then an hour later leave with a rifle and 1000 rounds of ammo and that's it.

But I do feel every american should have the right to get a concealed carry permit or to own a firearm for home protection and possible self defense in a life treating situation.

I am an NRA member but I also don't see eye to eye with all of their beliefs on con control. But to be honest I really don't think ar15's or any variant of an assault rifle should be taken off the shelves or banned. But I do think people should have to take a test and get trained on them and get a legal license to own one.

Then your dues go against certain aspects of what you say you think are sensible gun ownership issues. The NRA has opposed closing the gun show loopholes that would require background checks on private firearm sales, they have lobbied against things that seem like no-brainers like stopping gun sales to people on the Federal Terrorist Watch list calling it a "slippery slope" in regards to privacy rights, yet today suggested a Federal Database for the mentally Ill - you really want all your medical records available to all government agencies for a background check? That's not a 'slippery slope"?

They have come out against any form of restrictions... they blame every aspect of American life including the violent metal music many of us here enjoy without feeling the need to kill anyone, except for the tools of the trade of killing. I was an NRA member for many years (I'm older than most here), but many years ago they stopped representing the hunters, the home defense gun owners and all they now really care about is the firearm manufacturers ability to both market fear and the need to purchase anything to protect oneself from the imagined bogeyman they say is out there.

An armed security force on every street corner is not the america I want to live in. I don't want the sensible guns I own removed from me either, but the answer is certainly not armed guards in every possible public place of interaction which is basically what crazy ole' Wayne offered up as "the answer" today.
I know the NRA lobby's for the firearm manufacturers they are no better in that regard then the government lobbying with the big oil companies. I honestly do think more stricter gun laws should be put into place.

I think that people who have mental issues or people with depression or on any form of "mood stabilizers" should not own a firearm. Because they could be potentially harmful to other's and themselves.

Even more intense background check's should be put into order. And also they should change the way a person can buy rifles and shotguns. I don't really think it is right that a person can walk into a gun store and less then an hour later leave with a rifle and 1000 rounds of ammo and that's it.

But I do feel every american should have the right to get a concealed carry permit or to own a firearm for home protection and possible self defense in a life treating situation.

I am an NRA member but I also don't see eye to eye with all of their beliefs on con control. But to be honest I really don't think ar15's or any variant of an assault rifle should be taken off the shelves or banned. But I do think people should have to take a test and get trained on them and get a legal license to own one.

You are the man phil. Like I said many pages ago, they can easily make a new government program like the DMV that issues out a gun buying license that can only be obtained by passing a background check and a psychological and anger management evaluation, that has to be renewed every year by having a new background check. Anyone that leaves their house for more than a day is required to have a gun safe and required to lock up their guns, and if they have children under the age of 18 must have the guns locked at all times unless the all children have passed a gun safety course which includes background check and psychiatric evaluation. I am pretty sure after laws like that, that the only mass shootings that would happen would be by people who bought guns from some Mexican drug cartel or local gang and really how many suburban white males would go through that kind of trouble to get a gun.

However I think most of those types would then look to explosives, but that is a conversation all its own.
Bows and Arrows isn't used because arrows cost more than bullets, and in a battle field have less range than a typical .223 (5.56mm) round. In typical rooms, Malls, Schools, Archery could be just as effective. My only argument to that is if you did band ALL semi automatic rifles, people who want to kill as many as possibly will take a few months to learn how to effectively use swords, archery or explosives to do equal damage. In the case of Tannerite, an equal amount of effort could take out more people. Flaming Molotov as well could take out many people and do mcuh more property damage.

As for my experiences with guns, I grew up on military bases with advanced military arsenal, and my house currently has more than enough guns to account for including all sorts of rifles, shotguns, handguns and even an AR-15. And the handguns, yes they have hollow points in them. Could possibly get nylon hollow tips which could penetrate bullet proof armor if need be.

Also, "normal rifles", I can say I have never seen a rifle that isn't a bolt action that has the ability to carry at least 10 rounds, 12 is common and they are usually .22s and just about any other typical hunting rifle has a 10-30 round magazine, even though in my state, you can only legally carry 10 rounds for any semi automatic gun and hunting your shotgun can't have anymore than 4 or 5 rounds IIRC.

And we don't have legal access to fully automatic rifles, including three round bursts, so even our "M16"s are only semi automatic which puts them in the same category as any other hunting rifle, they can have magazines that carry 30 rounds, but aren't legal. And I can agree with that, if you are using such gun as a home defense gun, do you really need more than 10 rounds? what are the chances that you will need more than that unless you have 20+ people strolling on in your home. That I can understand even if you can't just hold the trigger and spray rambo/scarface style.
RK 62 assault rifle (the one I've used) tell me you don't hunt with these! There's nothing left from your pray after this:

AK 47 assault rifle:

Glock handgun (the shooter had similar gun) this is also fucking insane considering you can easily hide it in your pocket:

Let's see your video how fast you can shoot arrows and we can decide which ones are deadlier.
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Dude no one said they were against gun law reform, KEY FUCKING WORD, REFORM, not gun control because gun control is stupid, we can reform our current laws and do what we can to prevent psychos from getting guns, not one person in this whole fucking thread ever said that gun laws should be left untouched and that all people should have guns, so everyone needs to get that stupid fucking notion out of their heads because they are too fucking thick to see that even gun supporters believe that correct reform in gun laws can help to some degree and other reforms in our society can have a much larger impact, it just isn't black and white.

If you are supporting the position of the NRA then your dues and sentimentality certainly are - you cannot be that dim to not research what they have opposed over the last many years using the old saying 'slippery slope" to prevent any tightening on background checks, closing of loopholes, ... the list goes on.

If you do think things should change in sensible ways then I have no argument with you, but if you send money to the NRA because you think they really want what's best for this country out of sincere non-fiscal reasons then the delusional statement stands.
You are the man phil. Like I said many pages ago, they can easily make a new government program like the DMV that issues out a gun buying license that can only be obtained by passing a background check and a psychological and anger management evaluation, that has to be renewed every year by having a new background check. Anyone that leaves their house for more than a day is required to have a gun safe and required to lock up their guns, and if they have children under the age of 18 must have the guns locked at all times unless the all children have passed a gun safety course which includes background check and psychiatric evaluation. I am pretty sure after laws like that, that the only mass shootings that would happen would be by people who bought guns from some Mexican drug cartel or local gang and really how many suburban white males would go through that kind of trouble to get a gun.

However I think most of those types would then look to explosives, but that is a conversation all its own.

See - sensible gun ownership. Unfortunately the leading gun lobby does not think this is reasonable thinking. It's a "slippery slope" you know. ;)
If you are supporting the position of the NRA then your dues and sentimentality certainly are - you cannot be that dim to not research what they have opposed over the last many years using the old saying 'slippery slope" to prevent any tightening on background checks, closing of loopholes, ... the list goes on.

If you do think things should change in sensible ways then I have no argument with you, but if you send money to the NRA because you think they really want what's best for this country out of sincere non-fiscal reasons then the delusional statement stands.

Like Phil said, just becuase he is a member, doesn't mean he supports everything they do or every position they have. I can say I am not an NRA supporter or member, I do believe that there should be a group that fights for teh right s of ownership like the NRA used to do, but as of late they don;t have the best interest of the people, more the gun cmanufactures. I can fully agree with you on that.

Sorry for getting a bit carried away though, I was upset with all the other posts, some people just have this mentality that all guns are bad, we should ban them and take them from everyone, and just let robbers and criminals and intruders do whatever they want if you want to defend yourself no matter the weapon used against you use your hands if you have to but don't fight let it happen because they might let you live. Every animal on this planet does not let others attack it without some form of defense, so the comments earlier about just letting criminals take your life into their hands really has me pissed off. If I have a say, I am going to fight for my life, I won't just let someone attack me and do nothing because some overly liberal group says let an attacker attack me and hope they may not severely attack or kill me. No not going to happen, I will defend myself anyway I see fit, I would rather die fighting, that live bowing a knee to someone else.
Yeah cause to be honest it is just way to easy to acquire a gun now a days. And I get pissed when I go to gun shows and dude's are just walking around selling their gun's to people they don't even know with just a hand shake and a see you later! Stricter gun laws and actually making sure people who are completely sane and take gun safety seriously should be allowed to own weapons. And it should be law that if you own more then one rifle you should have a safe for it to lock them up. I know I have a trigger lock and a case lock on my M4. And I always have my .40 on me at all times, but I do have my CWP.