Old Spice eh Marcus!!! what, are you 60?![]()
Hhahaha I lol everytime at "Mental Focus Matrix" though.
Pfffft you guys and your axe stuff - you should avoid it for the same reasons you (and dear god I hope you) avoid their body spray deoderants.
American Crew - if it's good enough for the cast of Mad Men, it's definitely good enough for me.
I don't touch anything AXE apart from the hair shit. It's only 5 bucks. Jcrew is 18.....simple decision. I keep that shit to myself though except here haha.
Shit's mad expensive, though. At least on my standards.
I also need to get into the tailoring thing. Clothes just don't fit me at all.
I suppose - its like 15 bucks at most department stores, and a can lasts me 3-4 months. I pay ~.15c a day to have my hair perfectly styled and not at all stiff or smelling like ass, and am able to sleep at night knowing I don't support that godawful company.
I need to have like dress shirts tapered at the waist or something so I don't look like a fucking fatass.
And I loathe people that wear clothes 2 sizes too big.
Shiiit. I think it's about $35 for a 3oz can around here :/
Yup - standard "American sizing" fail, especially when it comes to anything remotely dressy.
Also sucks being so buff, since your neck and chest sizes will be disproportionate to standard cuts. Slimming a shirt is like 12 bucks for sides + sleeves - as long as it fits in the shoulders, neck, and the sleeves are the right length, it's cheap as balls.
But I'll basically eat anything as long as it had parents....
NOS Energy Drinks.
Holy fucking shit. This stuff is fucking serious. Like drinking 5 redbulls.