Endorsing some items - everyone pitch in

Is that Grape-flavored shisha? How odd... (though I've never smoked out of a hookah, so maybe it's not too out-of-the-ordinary after all)
first time i saw it i thought, WTF!? this does just not fit together...then smoked it...absolutely nice!
it does not really taste like fresh grapes, more like some wine gum, wha tisn't that bad actually! :)
*grabbing thread defibrillator* *loading* wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "Stand back!!" *POW*

It´s alive!^^

I discovered my new favourite candy bar yesterday.


It´s almost impossible to find here in bavaria, but our local gas station sells it :rock:

And of course the best beer in the world:


Ortofon 2M Red Cartridge
awesome shit if you're on a budget and want a nice clean sounding cartridge with an elliptical stylus!

To keep my mop in fucking check like a 70's pimp keeps his bottom bitch in check.


I started to take this as a preworkout. I havent taken any supps besides protein powder for fucking a year, but this was a nice change of pace.


My new family favorite (we all take it) WPI




Eat a pack of these fucks in one sitting. HA HA.

Funny, I was just thinking of bumping this thread for my own similar but not quite the same endorsements :D



I went for this one just because it's one of the few that's caffeine-free, which was a must since I usually don't get a chance to lift until like 8 PM - "working out" great so far! (ho ho ho)

And this


Are the only fragrances I need, and my lady approves greatly, which is good enough for me :D

Oh, but seafood sausage looks fucking nauseating dude :lol:
Wow, axe and dymatize really???

Hhaha BRODAWGS apparently haha.

How's that stim free Xpand. I was thinking about getting some of that because I might start working out later when school starts.
A lot of preworkout supps are fuckin wack anyway...I might get it just cause I want that shaker though hahaha

Seafood sausage is fucking dank amigo. But I'll basically eat anything as long as it had parents....

Booze has been BEAM RED STAG. A glass with a few ice cubes clinking around and a bit of that is all I need.
Haha, yeah, can't beat the cheapness factor with the AXE, and the XPand is good stuff, I can definitely feel the rush to get me to squeeze out that extra rep, and the caffeine-free factor was the major selling-point over N.O. Xplode, Superpump 250, etc.

Oh, and this has been my brew of choice this summer

Pfffft you guys and your axe stuff - you should avoid it for the same reasons you (and dear god I hope you) avoid their body spray deoderants.


American Crew - if it's good enough for the cast of Mad Men, it's definitely good enough for me.

Two semi abstract pictures to represent concepts more than anything:


Tailoring. Recently took a few items in, and am absolutely fucking hooked. Not expensive, at all, and your clothes end up fitting dead-on perfectly - no fucking around at all.


Thrift Stores. Have been finding some really awesome shit for dirt dirt dirt cheap lately. Snagged a Burberry suit for $9 last week, just ridiculously cheap shit.

And for booze:


Blue Moon's Honey Moon. Absolutely fucking delicious.