Fav DT album

Fav DT album


    Votes: 2 4.5%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 12 27.3%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 3 6.8%

    Votes: 6 13.6%

    Votes: 1 2.3%

    Votes: 6 13.6%

    Votes: 15 34.1%

  • Total voters
Well, I just started posting last night so hello. And I voted wrong. I voted Skydancer but I really wanted to vote Skydancer/Chaos. I only have that one and Damage Done and I really like the guitar work on Skydancer. They went through more emotions on that one that they did on DD. But I'm not a huge fan of the band so I may not understand the whole progression of their albums.
I voted... How can we vote a favourite when all are so individual and good, I probably considered ticking every single box for a couple of seconds. Minds eye is such a tight and ace album... projector mixes all the aspects which rule about DT but isnt quite heavy enough. Haven Is just beautiful, on a par with this is damage done which is the heaviest and most groove laden, but I had to go with the gallery. every song just rips, especially the last two, the album really goes out with a bang. LOVE EM ALL, TOO HARD TO CHOOSE BUT ... :Smokedev: The GAllErY
DeepInMisery said:
there are already polls like this so i see no point in voting on my part. :zzz:

Surely there was equally little point in posting that. Theres no such poll as this on the front page and not everyone is a hoary veteran who has already seen several such of these.
I went with projector as well, it has that special feeling for me, it's the album that affects me most on an emotional level..
King Chaos said:
Projector has some of the best songs, (There in, sun fired blanks) but I never get drawn totally into the album :( sorry to say that.
Maybe you're not depressed enough? :p
Reading the lyrics usually helps me get into albums, in case i can somehow relate to them. From Projector atm i love Nether Novas and On Your Time and Auctioned and...ok you get the point. :p
To be honest though, most of the times i avoid listening to it, it's too overwhelming for me to handle..
so which do we think are best out of The Gallery and Damage Done???? its such a difficukt choice cos the albums are so different but at the same time I dont want it to stick on 27% each forever and for me to never know what the masses think!!!!
well, i think the gallery is the least interesting dt album. while i would rate damage done as third out of the total (after skydancer and projector). so that's my answer, i guess. :p
Siren said:
To be honest though, most of the times i avoid listening to it, it's too overwhelming for me to handle..


*Plays Projector at full blast* :heh:
When you're ready to succumb to my will, all you have to do is say it and the suffering will stop
And yes, I have the only controls for the stereo
MagSec4 said:


*Plays Projector at full blast* :heh:
When you're ready to succumb to my will, all you have to do is say it and the suffering will stop
And yes, I have the only controls for the stereo

i mean, what does your "will" involve? :rolleyes:

throws a bucket of water and stones on stereo :heh: