fucked up dreams

Fucked up dreams?

I live in a fucked up reality.

No but really I've had dreams where I've been gunned down in a 1940's style gangsta-drive by. And Swat's tried to capture me as I evaded them through McDonalds.

Dreams are cool. Pity I can't remember most of them :(
I had one recurring dream when I was about 7 or so, that I was being chased through a junk yard at night by those dog demons from ghost busters.

It scared me so much, I refused to go to sleep.
I hate when you play a video game all day and then that night you can't sleep because you lie there with images of the video game flashing through your head non stop and its like you're trapped inside the video game system and can't get to sleep. It's a weird feeling, I can't even describe it but has anyone else experienced similar? :lol:
Troops, I've had that after a day shooting rabbits or targets.

Keep seeing the fuckers for hours and hours.

Aussie Outlaw, when you wake up in the morning, write down everything that you remember. Do that for a few weeks, and you remember heaps.

(Just remember to eat your notes as soon as they are written. You don't want the BB to know that you are secretly desiring Alexander Downer's job.....and fishnets)
Yeah happened to me once after playing Mortal Kombat years ago when I was a kid on SNES haha. I went to bed and all I could see was game situations and I think the best way to describe it is that mentally I was still playing the game all night even though I was half asleep and its really weird haha! My mind was totally concentrated on it and I couldn't relax or sleep haha!
I get bitten by snakes a lot in my dreams, and not just once, they keep biting me and it sucks.
Blitzkrieg said:
I am sure I had a dream last night with Coops and Aces in it,
Oh Blitzy... I never knew you felt that way... to dream about me!!! :blush:


That's pretty screwed up though. You gonna come to Anthrax? I should be coming over for it and I think Aces is too... then we can really mess with your head!!!
Cooperman said:
then we can really mess with your head!!!
:lol: :lol:

Nah I don't think I will be, but I will catch you at a gig one day. Maybe when you guys come and play in Melb! :rock: :tickled:

I have ones like that Shannow, where you half wake up and then go back to sleep and can kind of control the direction the dream goes in. I often have those when I am sleeping in, and half wake up a few times in the morning and go back to sleep, and the dream is similar but has changed. Weird stuff.
I had a dream once where I was skateboarding down the Bathurst St. exit ramp of the Western Distributor with some guys from some Sydney punk bands. Apparently it was a chicken run and you had to get to the bottom before the lights turned red. After that the scene changed to this great big warehouse that was being used as a car park except all the people who worked there (??) were having a huge party and guys were BASE jumping off the roof.
spawn said:
I get bitten by snakes a lot in my dreams, and not just once, they keep biting me and it sucks.
If you believe in dream translation this means that your not really being your true self, the inner you is trying to get you to take control of your life instead of others controlling it.Snakes often are related to the feminine, unconsious force.People who often dream of snakes biting them are in a state of passive submission to themselves.
:lol: @ Dravenmist's Immortal dream! :lol:

I had a dream about Coops once, which I duly recalled on this board. Was weird.

When I was ten I had the same nightmare every night. Used to scare me fucking shitless, but make my family laugh. I'd run around the house, start screaming, jump up and down on the kitchen table and stuff like that. I could see everyone but was in some kind of alternate reality or something. Was scared out of my brain until I snapped out of it and woke up. Happened a few times at mates' houses, which wasn't the best...except to give others a laugh. Ended up going to a dream specialist and being given some kind of medication. It was full on - I was scared to go to sleep! Like a bloody Freddy Krueger movie or something. :(

15 years later I still occasionally get the same dream, but a morphed version of it. It used to involve doing something too soon, but now it involves doing something that is absolutely impossible to do, which is really scary. Any dream experts got any ideas on what it means and why I've had the same dream (more or less) for so long??!!
It means that you are yet to deal with the subject matter that the dream is pointing at. You have to remember that dreams don't depict an event in the same state i.e A woman giving birth doesn't mean she is pregnant or going to give birth. You have to look at other factors with the dream. Like what is around you, what others are doing, how you feel about some of the things, what it feels like, if anything really stands out.
It used to involve random people, like my boss, friends or footballers, but now is just weird. Only happens once every few months, and doesn't involve me running round the house these days. :) Just wake up and think about something else, then go back to sleep.

Nothing I can really relate to real life stands out....I just to this amazingly scary thing that is humanly impossible to do, which is rather horrible! I'm not quite sure what it is I do......it's just something unpleasant.
Why is everyone dreaming about me? :erk:

Blitzy... this will be the 6th time I've come over for a gig... and the 9th time in total in 3 years and you've never come down once... oh oh oh... there's a word on the tip of my tongue I just can't get out... P... P... PIKER!!!!!! :p