General Chat Thread: waves hello

Tomorrow's Maiden concert, I'm at ease. I know somehow I will eventually get in and stand in the field: front, middle or back, don't care. I guess people are going too crazy instead of savor the moment.
Tomorrow's Maiden concert, I'm at ease. I know somehow I will eventually get in and stand in the field: front, middle or back, don't care. I guess people are going too crazy instead of savor the moment.

I realy envy you, hope you have a good one, try and take some pics like Kitty did.
I realy envy you, hope you have a good one, try and take some pics like Kitty did.

I'm counting in one of the guys in our bunch to carry a cell phorne with pic capabilities since cameras are forbidden. The Maiden management are a bunch of idiots :mad:

NP: Iron Maiden - 'Twilight Zone'
I just interviewed Jakob Molberg from Mercenary by phone. It was really interesting. He had a lot to say about the new album. Which is great by the way!

Wyvern lots of fun at the Maiden gig! Despite the stupid management!
I'm counting in one of the guys in our bunch to carry a cell phorne with pic capabilities since cameras are forbidden. The Maiden management are a bunch of idiots :mad:

NP: Iron Maiden - 'Twilight Zone'

Tell me nothing, when I saw them in Earl's Court they wouldn't let me keep my ticket stub for memrobilia, even after I've pleaded with them, I mean it's torn in half already, it's not like I can give it to someone else.
Well I survived :D, see my post on the Iron Maiden tout thread.
I'm getting trashed. I just had the last of a bottle of wine and I will have something else in a moment, it's too early to say why I'm celebrating, but I'm doing it as I promised to myself.:kickass:
You won the lottery ?

Nah that I'll be running naked in the streets. Not finally they fix my car, but still a piece missing (the Honda front logo) so I was celebrating that since October that I had the crash I finally have my car complete.

Now I have to rectify the axis before taking it to technical check-up next month, it's eroding the tire more on one side than the other. Probably a sequel of the crash it ended misaligned. But I can't take risks with the guys of the check-up they are a bunch of bastards and it's mandatory :mad:

NP: Leatherwolf - 'Too Much'
Ah, cool you have your car back !!
I'm in the last days of a full restoration of an old Volvo of a friend, took me a "little" more time than expected, but it was this guy's first car, I'm sure he'll be happy with it. When the Volvo leaves next week I have a '67 Mustang in line to replace the empty spot in my garage, little gift for my wives 40'th birthday, she'll be speechless for sure :hypno:

Greetings from Vicious Robbie and Wyvern from Psycho Motors

I think you guys have a nice place there!! No good biker pubs in the neighbourhood anymore over here, well, I don't come out that often any more so I could have missed 1 or 2 :lol:
My car it seems had an aftermath from the crash in the form of some electrical circuit that drains the battery even if the car is off. So now is on the repair shop again, a complet drag for me since I have to take mom's car which leaves her without mobilization. And the days she needs it on the mornings I have to take her first and then go to work in the middle of rush hour, whohc of course increases your stress. :erk:

Sorry for the long rant but I needed to take it off my system.
yep, a car mostly suffers some smaller damages after a crash...

My wive drove through a pretty big hole in the road a while ago...The front wheel was damaged and replaced. But I had a feeling the car wasn't driving very well any more after that. Just untill last week we replaced the tires and saw the rear wheel was hit too. Now it drives like an angel again :-)
I luckely allways have some spare oldtimers for when the daily drivers need repairs. Cars can be a drag indeed, but you just can't miss them.
Cars can be a drag indeed, but you just can't miss them.


Oh I already spent nearly $US150 to repair the front axles covers and a bushing on the rear wheel support, plus a tire (with two nails in it).

It seems my mechanic nailed the electrical problem and he will return most probably (NOT) the car tomorrow.

A drag...

P.S. After $468 now the car is fixed on the electrical system and the engine has been cleaned complete, now I have to go to check-up on Tuesday, wish me luck. My mean machine is back!
We had a 5.2 earthquake around 5:30 this morning and another smaller 4.something at 11:14am. About 5 aftershocks, so far. I hope there is no more! :(
We are accustomed to quakes in here, I guess it was quite shocking for you.