General Chat Thread: waves hello

Hello to all my Old School friends and family. First let me say I hope you all have been well and I have missed you all.:rock:

I haven't been around much, if at all, in the past months and hopefully that has come to an end. I have been absent due to some things that have been going on in my life, and just have not been in a mood to be on any message boards. Life sometimes decides to kick you in the ass and I guess it was my turn. It has not been a good year for me, so far, but, we all have our problems and mine are no more important than anyone else's.

Some of my Progpower brothers & sisters already know that I won't be able to attend this year, due circumstances surrounding all this. I will miss you all this year, but know that I will be back next year with a vengeance.:heh:

Anyway, I will try to return to 'regular' status around here, as things do seem to be getting somewhat back to normal for me.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^EFFIN GREAT TO SEE YA!!! Will for sure miss you at PP but there is always next year. Hoping things are better for you and will continue to get better each and everday!! Take care and Hugz, Kristy
Some of my Progpower brothers & sisters already know that I won't be able to attend this year, due circumstances surrounding all this. I will miss you all this year, but know that I will be back next year with a vengeance.:heh:

Anyway, I will try to return to 'regular' status around here, as things do seem to be getting somewhat back to normal for me.

Gerry, I was wondering you wherabouts. Sorry to hear about your personal situation, I know what is when shit hit the fan.

Since I'm not going to attend PPVIII, I know we are going to dance again with Kitty and Pabla on Saturday night at PPIX :kickass:

Welcome back old buddie, may life shine again now and on the years to come.

NP: Omen - 'Be My Wench'
Gerry, I was wondering you wherabouts. Sorry to hear about your personal situation, I know what is when shit hit the fan.

Since I'm not going to attend PPVIII, I know we are going to dance again with Kitty and Pabla on Saturday night at PPIX :kickass:

Welcome back old buddie, may life shine again now and on the years to come.

Thank you my friend and I can't wait until we can rock together again in person.:rock:
Well I'm back from the woods. Free food of dubious quality, downpouring rain and boring conferences. Thanks God tomorrow I go to work normally, at least that's fun!

On the other hand is amazing how your best plans always got screwed because somebody wants to be "helpful". I was hauling three albums and I had the chance with CDUniverse or Amazon. The total including S&H inside USA (to my Miami addy) and from USA to Costa Rica (via courier) was cheaper with Amazon.
Well what do you know Amazon decided to be "friendly" and split my haul shipping one of the albums in advance, so now even if the S&H inside USA is free (>$25 purchase) my courier providedr will charge me $8.41 per package, so instead of paying once I will have to pay twice for the same three albums, it ain't dandy? So the money i saved with Amazon finally will cost me more thatn if I had ordered from CDUniverse.
Of course I sent a complaint and I will probaly won't buy again from Amazon. There's a refrain here: wanting to make a grace you created a toad.

NP: Girlschool - 'Yeah Right'
I think Bryant mentioned something about this a few days ago and was just doing some reading on it:

This is a really cool article about how Remastering and cranking the music is destroying modern music. Personally, I can't stand "hyper-compressed" albums that are commonplace these days.

It's also the reason we had our music mastered at decent levels... if you want the song louder, turn the volume up! :)
Is amazing how your best plans always got screwed (AGAIN) because somebody wants to be "helpful". I was hauling six albums and I had the chance with, because the prices were really good including the new Lion's Share and the S&H inside USA (to my Miami addy) it's free so I thought: hey I'm only going to pay the $12 for the big package. Well guess what, the "very kind" people at Tower has been shipping the damn albums ONE BY ONE! So actually I don't know now if I'm going to end with six packages at $8.48 the piece or what?

Cheap is expensive. I guess I'm going to stay with CDUniverse, LaserCD and The End even if their prices and availability are not that good.
Oops I almost forgot Happy New Year to everybody. May this one be full of health, work, food, sex and metal :D
Oops I almost forgot Happy New Year to everybody. May this one be full of health, work, food, sex and metal :D

haha, you could have wished me good health earlier this year, that part sucked, could be your fault :p

Tomorrow of to the one year celebration of Digital Steel. Meeting Hawk again and doing the food-part in your wishes justice with a BBQ. I'll probably gain another few pounds again...gotta get into shape again soon :waah:
Today I crashed my car. Poor old dear got the front totalled againts a metal bumper of a truck. Nothing happened to me but that doesn't diminished the anger and sorrow (expecially because I can't blame anyone). Sure the guy was parked in the highway, but is not his fault our highway sucks (no shoulder space) and he had his hazzard lights on, I just couldn't avoid him. Maybe I was driving too fast, I'm sure I'm not, but again now who cares?).

Now the whole thing, repair shop, insurance, traffic court, etc. Oh well I guess when your number is on there's no avoiding to do.

NP: Zoser Mez - 'Wasteland'
Today I crashed my car. Poor old dear got the front totalled againts a metal bumper of a truck. Nothing happened to me but that doesn't diminished the anger and sorrow (expecially because I can't blame anyone). Sure the guy was parked in the highway, but is not his fault our highway sucks (no shoulder space) and he had his hazzard lights on, I just couldn't avoid him. Maybe I was driving too fast, I'm sure I'm not, but again now who cares?).

Now the whole thing, repair shop, insurance, traffic court, etc. Oh well I guess when your number is on there's no avoiding to do.

Fuck, that's bad news...Glad to hear you weren't injured though. As I recall from an earlier pic you had a pretty cool car, hope damage isn't too bad....hopefully all works out fine !!
here's a pic to cheer you up :

Fuck, that's bad news...Glad to hear you weren't injured though. As I recall from an earlier pic you had a pretty cool car, hope damage isn't too bad....hopefully all works out fine !!
here's a pic to cheer you up :

It's a Honda Civic 1998 at first glance the hood, radiator, hydraulic direction liquid tank, wiper washer liquid tank and possible the AC got damaged plus the right light and of course damages to the front including bumper.

I'm crossing fingers that's all, that the car is fixable, repairable and that insurance company will pay minus 20% deductible. I will know by Friday I hope.

And thanks for the babe, one of those may cheer me up now. On the other hand I have metal to listen so...:lol:

NP: Lordian Guard - 'Winds Of Thor'
Today I crashed my car. Poor old dear got the front totalled againts a metal bumper of a truck. Nothing happened to me but that doesn't diminished the anger and sorrow (expecially because I can't blame anyone). Sure the guy was parked in the highway, but is not his fault our highway sucks (no shoulder space) and he had his hazzard lights on, I just couldn't avoid him. Maybe I was driving too fast, I'm sure I'm not, but again now who cares?).

Now the whole thing, repair shop, insurance, traffic court, etc. Oh well I guess when your number is on there's no avoiding to do.

NP: Zoser Mez - 'Wasteland'

Hmm thats bad buddy. Glad to read you are alright. Lets hope the insurance will pay.
Gosh Wyv that sucks! :( I'm sure glad you weren't hurt. I don't have a picture to give ya! :blush:
