General Chat Thread: waves hello

Just picked up a Squeezebox Radio. That's a cool WiFi internet radio. Been listening all day from medieval Gregorian to 70's prog and purely thrash broadcasts. 1000's of stations at you fingertip, coolest thing I bought in ages ...

I'm totally stoked, I just watched the new Exodus DVD from Wacken '08 and I'm in so many of the crowd shots... brilliant! I always wanted to be in a band DVD! :)

That's so cool! :worship: If you can take a still from the DVD and post it here will be excellent (if you want of course :D)
That's so cool! :worship: If you can take a still from the DVD and post it here will be excellent (if you want of course :D)

I tried but for some reason it didn't work. I will try again though! So chuffed! :)

Wacken is great, probably the best metal festival I have been to (and I have been to a fair few!) They have a huge beer garden, and German beer is the best! Also they always get bands to play that would never make any bill in the UK because they're not 'commercial' enough... there was so much thrash at that festival... brilliant!
Also they always get bands to play that would never make any bill in the UK because they're not 'commercial' enough... there was so much thrash at that festival... brilliant!

Not even Bloodstock? Some German friends deep into thrash, epic metal, and underground stuff prefer KIT or HOA over WOA, they said it has become too commercial :lol:
All I know is that when I went I saw Mortal Sin, Warbringer, Holy Moses, Kreator, Exodus and more... you wouldn't get that in the UK... I've never been too excited by any Bloodstock lineup...

Alright, I was asking out of curiousity. Never have been in any massive festival , the biggest one I have attended are PPUSA.
Hello gang!

Long time... I know. Been busy as hell...

I hope you are all well, just to let you know all of my family and friends in Chile are OK.... thank the metal gods!
Hello gang!

Long time... I know. Been busy as hell...

I hope you are all well, just to let you know all of my family and friends in Chile are OK.... thank the metal gods!

Thankfully indeed. I read your posts at MySpace and Marvina gave me some info too.

Despite the terrible situation is good when family and friends are alright.

Take care and best wishes.
Can't remember when I first came in and said hi, it was years why not do it again?

So yeah..hi! :)

Hi again, your nickname ringed a bell when I checked another thread some days ago. Welcome back :cool: