ghost reveries is a weak album?

GR is not bad but its far from the masterpieces Opeth have recorded in the past. To criticize it a bit.

Firstly, the mellow songs on the album are not very emotional, with the exception of Isolation Years that has some beautiful melodies. Especially Atonement sounds very non-Opethian and the bongo drums are quite irritating. Come on, you can be a progressive band enough without using bongo drums.
Secondly, the vocal performance could be better. Sure Mike has improved technically with his singing and that's a good thing, but the vocals - both DM and mellow - sound somewhat hollow compared to his earlier works.
Thirdly the album should be a concept album. To make an "almost-concept-album" leaves much to hope for.
Fourthly the arrangements between the song parts are quite mediocre. Especially the last 7-8 minutes in R/HF are quite disorganized.

On the other hand, there is lots of good stuff going on too. TBOTH is an amazing song with some great death metal groove and an epic middle section. Easily the best song on the album and maybe among their top 10 songs. GOP is nice too, especially the second half and the haa-aa-aa-aa-a-aa part. BNM is fine too, if we exclude the intro and the outro. And IY is a beautiful closer.
The Grand Conjuration and most of Beneath the mire prevent GR from being as good as past albums.
@=NoBigDeal=@ said:
GR is not bad but its far from the masterpieces Opeth have recorded in the past. To criticize it a bit.

Firstly, the mellow songs on the album are not very emotional, with the exception of Isolation Years that has some beautiful melodies.[...]
Secondly, the vocal performance could be better. Sure Mike has improved technically with his singing and that's a good thing, but the vocals - both DM and mellow - sound somewhat hollow compared to his earlier works.
I disagree with you on that. One of the biggest reasons why I rank Ghost Reveries higher then your avarege Opeth fans is of the emotional singing.

@=NoBigDeal=@ said:
Thirdly the album should be a concept album.
Yes. It would be really cool with a real concept album based on the ockult theme Opeth used for GR. But it isnt something that lowers my views on the album in any big way.
Concerning Ghost Reveries, I think what bugs some people is probably the fact that it's a bit overproduced. M. Akerfeldt stated in an interview that Jens Bogren can be really picky with the takes he uses on an album, everything has to be perfect, in pristine condition, or he scraps the takes. No room for imperfections, therefore no room for what I call the "human abstract" which often makes a song (or whatever form of art, for that matter) unique and breathtaking. And that can have an effect on the overall "spontaneous" feel also. I think it's a great album, though. Just a bit overproduced... !
Rick from Oddyssey said:
Concerning Ghost Reveries, I think what bugs some people is probably the fact that it's a bit overproduced. M. Akerfeldt stated in an interview that Jens Bogren can be really picky with the takes he uses on an album, everything has to be perfect, in pristine condition, or he scraps the takes. No room for imperfections, therefore no room for what I call the "human abstract" which often makes a song (or whatever form of art, for that matter) unique and breathtaking. And that can have an effect on the overall "spontaneous" feel also. I think it's a great album, though. Just a bit overproduced... !

you may be onto something there.. but still there are parts which just dont sound as clever and unique as Opeth are so famed for..
captain-insano said:
At least this isnt one of those fucking "If you found out jim bob the drummer was gay would you still like the band" threads.

jim bob isn't gay, wtf.
Rick from Oddyssey said:
Concerning Ghost Reveries, I think what bugs some people is probably the fact that it's a bit overproduced. M. Akerfeldt stated in an interview that Jens Bogren can be really picky with the takes he uses on an album, everything has to be perfect, in pristine condition, or he scraps the takes. No room for imperfections, therefore no room for what I call the "human abstract" which often makes a song (or whatever form of art, for that matter) unique and breathtaking. And that can have an effect on the overall "spontaneous" feel also. I think it's a great album, though. Just a bit overproduced... !

That makes sense, but I think it sounds more 'alive' than the ultra dry/compressed deliverance.
GR did not initially knock me out of my socks the first time I heard it like Morningrise or BP, but I'm sticking with it because I am fully aware that Opeth is a progressive type of band that takes chances and goes in different directions.
daz436 said:
you may be onto something there.. but still there are parts which just dont sound as clever and unique as Opeth are so famed for..

I have to agree with you there, except for tracks "Ghost of Perdition" and "The Baying of the Hounds", that are, in my humble opinion, the best tracks of the album, typically Opeth sounding (except the Tool influenced part in G.O.P.). The addition of keyboards also changes Opeth's overall sound,as songs are now written with keyboards in mind, whereas previously (except obviously on Damnation) it has never been the case.
It's just as amazing as any other Opeth!

Take each moment in each song of every Opeth and listen to it for it for what it is. Each moment and section are art, and stop trying to compare it to each other....Each song is just as amazing as any other, it's just personal taste as to favourites, etc...

Grand Conjuration is on a grand scale. It's supposed to be! Lots of people don't like it, but IMO they're missing the point. It's supposed to be over the top. And as for the "repetative" nature of the song, it's supposed to be also: it's dealing with a ritual, and as a ritual it's supposed to be done in a step by step process from beginning to end with out any deviation...

Make sense?
wankerness said:
That makes sense, but I think it sounds more 'alive' than the ultra dry/compressed deliverance.

GR definitely sounds more alive, I agree with you there. I'm more referring to the seemingly flawless musical execution displayed on the album (not that it is a bad thing) . In the past you could hear, every once in a while and on every album, moments of slight hesitation, an incomplete bend here, a not perfectly tight drum fill there, Mikael not always "on the note" vocally... none of that on GR (none that I discovered so far anyways). Performances were more "human" in the past, therefore probably more heartfelt than absolutely calculated to meet the demands of the producer/engineer. All reasons for which my favorite albums are Still Life and Blackwater Park. They bear the trademark Opeth sound but are more intense, heartfelt and human than Ghost Reveries, which still has its excellent moments nonetheless. puedo creer que digas que no hay sentimieto en aquellas canciones... el album en si tiene un feeling especial, una vibra que ningun otro album tiene!. Me sorprendio tu comentario ya que para mi es un gran album... Y un consejo... aca son bravos, si atacas a la banda mejor te atienes a las consecuencias jajajaja :lol:... yo una vez me puse a pelear y creeme, se defienden con todo jajajaja :lol:
The Greys said:
The Grand Conjuration and most of Beneath the mire prevent GR from being as good as past albums.
Can't agree more. It's also the softer parts in BotH and R/HF that "don't cut it" for me.