GMD Poll: Death's Discography Ranked

At least he has a death metal album on his list but yeah he's obviously trolling there
Well excuse me. That's just offensive. If you believe in freedom of opinion/expression, i.e. the building block of Western civilization, why would someone's opinion immediately strike you as such w/o hearing them out ?

Fear Factory's debut album is everything that's beautiful and unique about 90's metal. A crossover musical project of eclectic influences.

Hallucinations is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise muffled and suffocating shroud of musical conformity and brings more personality to death metal in one record than most bands' discographies.

Reign in Blood took twisted chromatic jazz riffs and gave them an evil soul, it's the most important metal album technically as to the established prominence of death metal. The ultra-violence with the growls, blast beats and gore would ensue shortly in other bands, but the riffing in Reign in Blood was a foundation and backbone for the genre.

Amon Amarth's debut studio album was the most convincing example of a record that takes you right into the guts of epic death metal, where melody helps establish the nostalgic euphoria in the heavy solemn atmosphere while the relentless aggression pushes the emotion to a climax.

Illud Divinum Insanus: the perfect tester of character. Morbid Angel are responsible for monuments such as Covenant, which likely nobody will ever say they achieved on the same level as. Trey Azagthoth and David Vincent owe nothing to the metal community. Illud is a smirk in the face of all metal elitist geeks who think they know what it takes to compose great death metal. Historically, it's as vulgar and loose as the decade it was released in, the 2010's, a symbolic death of music. Rhythmically it alternates between brutal techno poundings and blast beats, fat organic power chords and industrial textures. Rather than hiding itself under a different project name, it came out as the next Morbid Angel studio record. Unapologetically. It's a Jim Halpert prank over the Dwight Schrutes of the world, and just like The Office, it actually worked.
why would someone's opinion immediately strike you as such w/o hearing them out ?

Okay, I'll hear you out

Fear Factory's debut album

Not death metal


Death metal

Reign in Blood

Unquestionably thrash metal

Amon Amarth

Death metal

Illud Divinum Insanus

Questionably death metal

So now let's revisit the original premise:

why would someone's opinion immediately strike you as such w/o hearing them out ?

Because only 2 of those albums are death metal by definition so there's no reason to hear you out since anyone who actually dives into the genre understands the basic genres and the qualities that each of them possess. You, obviously, haven't done this or you are trolling. I am guessing the latter.
Soul of a New Machine
Hallucinations (Atrocity)
Illud Divinum
Reign in Blood
Amon Amarth - Once Sent from the Golden Hall
Very little death metal in that list. Sort of funny and sad at the same time.

Instead Illud, you should have named Domination, just in case you didn't want to go for a far more obvious and superior option like Altars or Covenant.

RIB as death metal is just low quality bait.
I've tried pretty hard to get into Death. Definitely interesting, but they don't amaze me. DM's one of my least favorite subgenres though. Lot of it just sounds like a version of thrash with more obnoxious vocals, less satisfying pace, and gratuitously random/awkward riffs. I've acquired a lot of metal tastes over the years, but something about DM is just too much for me.
I must've felt shamed into trying more DM after writing this, cause at least a third of the music I've listened to for the past three months is DM. Suddenly clicked like never before. I'm still not that impressed with the songwriting of most major DM bands (Death included), but it really fits my mood lately, whatever that mood is.

Main thing that stands out to me about Death is how much personality Chuck lends the music compared to other DM vocalists. The whole inhuman/guttural thing works well in some bands, but more often than not it's just terribly formulaic and an excuse for vocalists to blend into the sound without adding anything of unique value. With Death I feel like I actually get to know Chuck a bit through the vocals, and I relate to his morbid/cynical worldview. It also strikes me that Death's sound is more on the minimalist side, and their riffs are good enough to create a really dark mood without the sound engineering that a lot of other bands depend on.

Ranking most of their albums seems like an exercise in deep meditation on subtle nuances that I probably don't care enough about. There's a clear number one, and a clear bottom two, but everything in between is pretty interchangeable for me. I like the ferocity of the early albums, I sometimes like the "deeper" elements of the later albums, and with stuff like Spiritual Healing and Human it's hard to tell if it's the best or worst of both worlds.
  1. Symbolic
  2. Leprosy
  3. Spiritual Healing
  4. Scream Bloody Gore
  5. Human
  6. The Sound of Perseverance
  7. Individual Thought Patterns
Last edited:
1. Leprosy
2. Scream Bloody Gore
3. Spiritual Healing
4. Symbolic
5. Human
6. Individual Thought Patterns
7. The Sound of Perseverance

I haven't heard albums 3-7 in a long ass time. IIRC Symbolic has some catchy songs.
So did this ever get finished?

#7 The Sound of Perseverance (1998)


Average points per vote: 2.3/7
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