GMD Poll: Dio's Discography Ranked


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Apr 18, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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Directions: Rank Dio's 10 studio albums. Order and number each album 1-10. Ties are OK. Your first place album earns 10 points, your second place album earns 9 points, etc.

  • You may rank as few as 6 albums. Lists with less than 6 albums will not be counted.
  • If you list less than 10 albums, the first placed album will still get 10 points, the last placed album will still get 1 point, and the albums in between will have points distributed proportionately. The average points earned for albums that are not listed will not be impacted positively or negatively, so if you don't rank an album, you neither help it or hurt it.
At the end, the albums will be ranked based on their average number of points per vote.

You have until Friday, February 8th to finalize your list, re-familiarize yourself albums you haven’t heard in awhile, familiarize yourself with albums you haven’t heard at all, lobby for any albums you think are underrated, and lobby against any albums you think are overrated.

Holy Diver (1983)
The Last in Line (1984)
Sacred Heart (1985)
Dream Evil (1987)
Lock Up the Wolves (1990)
Strange Highways (1993)
Angry Machines (1996)
Magica (2000)
Killing the Dragon (2002)
Master of the Moon (2004)
2018 thread, 2018 themed mixtape, Darkthrone, Pestilence, Dio .....

1) Holy Diver (1983)
2) The Last in Line (1984)
3) Killing the Dragon (2002)
4) Dream Evil (1987)
5) Master of the Moon (2004)
6) Lock Up the Wolves (1990)
6) Strange Highways (1993)
8) Sacred Heart (1985)
9) Magica (2000)

Amazingly consistent discography. I don't own Angry Machines so I didn't rank it but it would probably go above #6 on this list based on one listen. Holy Diver is the GOAT heavy metal album so of course that is #1. Lock Up the Wolves and Strange Highways are basically even but if I had to reorder, I would put Strange Highways above LUtW right now but not by much. Magica is the only forgettable album but other than that, no completely terrible albums. Everything else ranks from classic to average on this list.
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1) Holy Diver
2) The Last in Line
3) Lock Up the Wolves
4) Dream Evil
5) Sacred Heart
6) Strange Highways
7) Killing the Dragon
8) Master of the Moon
9) Magica

Didn’t know angry machines existed
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1. Holy Diver (1983)
2. Lock Up The Wolves (1990)
3. The Last in Line (1984)
4. Dream Evil (1987)
5. Sacred Heart (1985)
6. Strange Highways (1993)
7. Killing The Dragon (2002)
8. Angry Machines (1996)
9. Magica (2000)
10. Master of the Moon (2004)
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Reactions: Baroque
1 - Holy Diver
2 - Last In Line
3 - Sacred Heart
4 - Killing The Dragon
5 - Strange Highways
6 - Dream Evil
7 - Lock Up The Wolves
8 - Master Of The Moon
9 - Magica
10 - Angry Machines
I'm also in the boat of not having a fucking clue Angry Machines existed until someone mentioned it on here a while back. I apparently only own 4 Dio albums. I should probably just buy the rest and pray to RJD for forgiveness.
Funny, Angry Machines was one of my first Dio albums (second after Holy Diver iirc) because the CD has the largest Dio logo.

1. Dream Evil - the best songs and most fantastical atmosphere on a Dio album, 9/10
2. Killing the Dragon - nearly as excellent as Dream Evil, really active/dynamic
3. Holy Diver - top quality pop metal hooks and production, a couple lesser songs though, 8/10
4. The Last in Line - sophomore slump that's like Holy Diver's inferior in every respect, which means it's still pretty good stuff, 6/10
5. Strange Highways - starts shaky with a vague alt-metal vibe ala Balls to Picasso, but gradually turns more Sabbath-y and legitimately powerful, I like fantastical whimsical Dio a bit more usually but still very solid overall, 6/10
6. Sacred Heart - rank at its worst and there's definitely a strong aura of lost inspiration, but still manages a few great songs and moments, 5/10
7. Magica - consistently decent with a couple very good songs but overall kinda tiring pacing, 5/10
8. Master of the Moon - pretty uninspired and his voice gets shaky at points, 4/10
9. Angry Machines - a lot of rehashed stuff and overall dreary atmosphere, but in a couple songs it actually works pretty well and it avoids being absolutely terrible, 4/10
10. Lock Up the Wolves - as dry and unpleasant as metal can get outside of a late 80s Anthrax album, 0/10

I'll leave those four in the middle unranked until I relisten to the last three, though I have a feeling it will go Strange Highways > Sacred Heart > Magica > Angry Machines.

EDIT: More relistening
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Really surprised to see Lock up the Wolves getting dumped on so heavily. Some of the slower, longer songs like "Between Two Hearts," the title track, and "Evil on Queen Street" deliver a dark, bluesy style that really compliments Dio's more aggressive singing. Then you've got a couple strong burners like "Twisted," "Walk on Water," and "Wild One." "My Eyes" is the only track I find to be plodding.
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Top two are pretty much interchangeable, but right now I'm feeling Holy Diver more.

Holy Diver (1983)
The Last in Line (1984)
Sacred Heart (1985)
Killing the Dragon (2002)
Dream Evil (1987)
Lock Up the Wolves (1990)
Strange Highways (1993)
Master of the Moon (2004)
Magica (2000)
Angry Machines (1996)
Are people ranking Magica low because of the stupid 20 minute story at the end or because they don't like the actual songs? I think this album has a lot of great tracks. "Turn to Stone," "Feed My Head," "Challis" and "As Long as It's Not About Love" are all highly addictive.
I hadn't gotten around to giving relistens to any of those I said I would. Listening to Magica and this definitely isn't that bad, although now I realize you're probably talking about the people putting it near or at the very bottom. The problems are that

1. Lord of the Last Day is a weak Shame on the Night retread and a bad choice for the first proper song
2. The choruses are pretty basic and repetitive
3. So are the riffs though at least some of them have a good groove

But the album has Losing My Insanity and that alone should put it above Master of the Moon on anyone's list, better synth panflute metal than the entire relevant Noktural Mortum songography put together.