Got an upcoming gig?? discuss it here!

I'm going to another local show tomorrow with Cameron and Russell... and RJ and Dennis... and probably Lizzie, too. lol Just a bunch of shitty metalcore bands, but there's great moshing. And one of the bands does a Wall of Death song. I'm only wasting the five bucks in hopes for a Wall of Death.
Last Saturday: PaganFest in Montréal.

Turisas rock as hell, Ensiferum too but Tyr sucked balls.

Eluveitie wasn't here, it's really sad, maybe they forgot to take the plane.

Really nice show.
Lol the candian summer slaughter tour It'll be almost just as brutal as the U.S. one. Not as many bands though:
For the record, I don't care if you aren't a fan of some of the music I like, and quite honestly, I don't care what you have to say about it. However, that's all you seem to do and I'm no better for retaliating. So, to quell your attempts at making this forum a shitty place, I'm simply going to post a picture of Panic! At The Disco every time you say something that's unnecessary towards me, or somebody else. Being the metal God that you are, the pure disgust you will feel upon seeing an image of them should inspire you to shut the fuck up every now and then.