Got an upcoming gig?? discuss it here!

Yes, we must talk about the baddasary of the Summer Slaughter Tour and how Nekrogoblikon should be in it. :O maybe we'll get some godly post from Tim, who has been absent since time began. I bet if he oversaw this 'fight' there would be a mass slaughter of helpless people, and banning going
Sure, it's magnificient and you probably say it sucks. It's a rock in opposition band wich has a lot of metal sonorities.

Yes, it has a lot of uncommons instruments. Oh! A violon! BLASPHEMY! And what? A bicycle wheel? Oh yea! And a 12 strings electric guitar? Maybe the most usual instrument in the band. Make your idea.

24th april oh yes baby...Arch Enemy, Opeth, DevilDriver and 3 Inches of Blood :OMG: :rock:
Sure, it's magnificient and you probably say it sucks. It's a rock in opposition band wich has a lot of metal sonorities.

Yes, it has a lot of uncommons instruments. Oh! A violon! BLASPHEMY! And what? A bicycle wheel? Oh yea! And a 12 strings electric guitar? Maybe the most usual instrument in the band. Make your idea.

Nobody jumped on it. The name is just silly.
Some other bands with silly names: Diablo Swing Orchestra, Dog Fashion Disco, Thinking Plague, Crotchdusters, Carnival in Coal, Mr. Bungle, etc.
5uu's, Idiot Flesh, Camel, Le Grand Guignol, Katzenjammer Kabarett, Nuclear Rabbit, That fucking tank, Spiral Architects, Stolen Babies, Tub Ring, U Totem are some others...

And no, I don't take drugs.
A friend of mine is going to see Tagoda Jones on sunday, but I don't 'cause I don't like them...

So, I have my ticket for the Pagan fest on April 26th... CAN'T WAIT!