Guitar Player's Thread

I ripped that PG video from Intense Rock and uploaded it to another forum. Someone has obviously uploaded it to youtube. "Woah...wild 'n' crazy" kinda became a forum motto over there at the time.
If we have a deadline, there'll be like 3 solos. :erk:

But yeah, we need one but it doesn't seem like anyone's interested. I'll try and remember tomorrow to start it. I've got 'till Wednesday to pull something out of the hat and record it, even though I haven't practised in over a week, roffles.
haven't practiced in a week? i find that hard to believe. i imagine you always have your guitar in your hand with all those songs you tab out :p

and yeah this really sucks how so many people were into this jam at first and now it seems like no one is actually doing it. come on you guys! playing in blues is fun, just give it a shot. it doesn't have to impress anyone as long as you're happy with it.
and yeah this really sucks how so many people were into this jam at first and now it seems like no one is actually doing it. come on you guys! playing in blues is fun, just give it a shot. it doesn't have to impress anyone as long as you're happy with it.

Playing in blues might be fun for you, but not everyone's into the same thing.
Playing in blues might be fun for you, but not everyone's into the same thing.

Yeah but the thing is that everyone came up with the typical "OMGTEH INTERNETZ0RZI'MDEFINETELYIN" - attitude and now there's just a handful players left...mysterious...

I recorded it an I'm not happy with 2 bars and the sound. But that shouldn't be a barrier, I re-record it this week (maybe today, maybe saturday).

We should bump the list of players warheart made and delete everyone who doesn't want to participate any more.