Guitar Player's Thread

I can only speak for myself, but when i said i would be in hadn't actually listened to the backing track, and when i did download it and started playing around i couldn't come up with anything kewl or even fun to play.

Btw, i took me like 3 tries to understand "OMGTEH INTERNETZ0RZI'MDEFINETELYIN" :lol:
^Ok, so I'm looking forward to the metal backing, I hope more players will attend :)

Yeah same here. Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't this blues thingie just supposed to be some kind of test? I'm guessing some people might just have signed up for "the real thing".
nice ;)

I sent my solo in a couple of days ago.. I made it a quicky when I just got the SV, I might record another one. Anyway, I dont know if blues or metal really matters... people are willing to take the effort or they aren't... If you really must, it's not impossible to shred over a blues track.

OMG 1337 posts !! :O
haven't practiced in a week? i find that hard to believe. i imagine you always have your guitar in your hand with all those songs you tab out :p

I always have my guitar with me but that's not practising. I don't call it practising if I'm not through an amp and playing stuff repeatedly to a metronome. What I do is jsut noodling around.

And here's the list of people that said they'd do it:

1. Warheart
2. Rock Hydra
3. Bucketbanger9000 (if he can get an adaptor)
4. Conti
5. Epi
6. AlexiWildchild (if he can get the adaptor too)
7. umosay 
8. Ruins
9. inhe
10. Corny
11. MatthewK
12. [B][COLOR="Red"]Mystique1721 (if she's feeling brave)[/COLOR][/B]
13. _DJ_british_motard_
14. enjoi17 

And the people that post here that aren't for definite are:

Vikk Cavanagh 
Night Reaper (posts here but hasn't said anything about the jam)

Congrats to the pplz in red who have already completed and submitted their solos. :kickass: I'll start jamming out some ideas after din dins.
I got an adapter a week ago or so. But the distortion from the prog sounds so shitty. I'll aks a friend if he can borrow me his Boss ME-50.

200. post! :)
all done haha, I was surprised how fast it took to make it sound decent, damn my V-Amp's tone is better than I ever could have thought.
i decided to pick up the guitar saturday. i put it right back down, and then i did the same with my dads bass. and i put it down. I NEED TO PLAY MY DRUMS!!!
Playing in blues might be fun for you, but not everyone's into the same thing.

i know that everyone may not like blues, but the thing is everyone agreed to do this, and in order to be a good guitar player, you shouldn't limit yourself to only playing one genre of music. and even if you think you're solo isn't "good enough" yet, it's the effort that counts :) . you can improve over time, but its not like we have 2 months to do this one little jam. (and btw, this was the first time i EVER jammed to anything. it's not like i'm "into" blues or anything. i've always thought that i couldn't improvise, and i know i still can't do it well, but i wanted to at least try)

Yeah but the thing is that everyone came up with the typical "OMGTEH INTERNETZ0RZI'MDEFINETELYIN" - attitude and now there's just a handful players left...mysterious...

I recorded it an I'm not happy with 2 bars and the sound. But that shouldn't be a barrier, I re-record it this week (maybe today, maybe saturday).

exactly, so many people were "amg i'm so totally in this jam!"

And here's the list of people that said they'd do it:

1. Warheart
2. Rock Hydra
3. Bucketbanger9000 (if he can get an adaptor)
4. Conti
5. Epi
6. AlexiWildchild (if he can get the adaptor too)
7. umosay 
8. Ruins
9. inhe
10. Corny
11. MatthewK
12. [B][COLOR="Red"]Mystique1721 (if she's feeling brave)[/COLOR][/B]
13. _DJ_british_motard_
14. enjoi17 

And the people that post here that aren't for definite are:

Vikk Cavanagh 
Night Reaper (posts here but hasn't said anything about the jam)

Congrats to the pplz in red who have already completed and submitted their solos. :kickass: I'll start jamming out some ideas after din dins.

lol, funny how the unlikely/indefinite people did it first.
Guys, I can't wait to listen to the final result of this jam-thing. And as Mystique said, it's the effort what matters, perfection doesn't count... I think it all will be nice anyway.

I feel glad for you that are able to play this instrument that I like so much! So, please... hurry up! Don't make us listeners wait too much... :)
omg alexiwildchild die pl0x, i love your guitar


yeah alexiwildchild, how is the Edwards and how does it compare to LTD and ESP ? People say it's kinda in between LTD and ESP but I never played an Edwards

It plays, feels and sounds really good. I love it. :D The quality is really good, better than a 400/1000 LTD. It's nearly as good as the ESP STD's, maybe it is as good as them. :p They're built in the same "hall" as the ESP's. I know a guy who owns the Edwards Sawtooth, the ESP SV, and the ESP RV-398AL. He said that he can't feel a huge difference between the SV and the Edwards. The Edwards is a bit heavier, maybe because of the rear belly contour or so.. The SV sounds a bit thicker, because of the EMG 81. So.. the Edwards is really good, one of the best guitars I've ever played. If you have any more questions, just ask. ;D
┼Victim of the Night┼;6076614 said:
I feel glad for you that are able to play this instrument that I like so much! So, please... hurry up! Don't make us listeners wait too much... :)

Yeah, c'mon people!!

If you don't want to do it, just let us know so we're not waiting for you. Cheers.

lol, funny how the unlikely/indefinite people did it first.


I didn't think you or BucketBanger would do it and I didn't think I'd get mine done today so yeah, cooool.

That's 4 solos now.