Guitar Player's Thread

if I leave my new strings on for a couple of days without putting on the locking nut, will they automatically stretch by themselves? cuz I tried stretching them manually by doing bends and abusing the hell out of the whammy bar, but the pitch never seems to go back. for example, if I tune the high E perfectly to pitch, and then pull on the whammy (raise the pitch), and then re-check the tuner, it seems to stay at the correct pitch. but then when I test out the whammy by pushing on it (lowering the pitch) and then check the tuner again, the pitch will have lowered. and vice versa (for example, if I start by lowering the pitch with the whammy first, it stays; but as soon as I raise the pitch with the whammy, it'll raise the whole pitch when I check with the tuner).

What sucks is that this is only happening when I use the whammy bar, and not when I just bend with my fingers. Any ideas as how to solve this?
For me, it's not enough to bend the strings and use the Whammy. I stretch each string seperatly with my right hand by gently (high e) or brutally (low E) pulling it many times.

Other ideas:
- bad trem springs (but your guitar is pretty new, so I don't know if this can be the point.
- trem is not set up right
- Edge III problem (it's ok, but really nothing more. The Xiphos is a great guitar, but there HAS to something mediocre about it if you look at the cool price)
I have a peavey classic 50/50. I don't think that an ENGL power-amp would make that much of a difference, Ive tried my GP-1000 though Mesa and Marshall power-amps and it didn't make that much of a difference.

Well, from what I've heard the ENGL makes a big difference.
- Edge III problem (it's ok, but really nothing more. The Xiphos is a great guitar, but there HAS to something mediocre about it if you look at the cool price)

I've always wondered if an old Edge Pro would fit an Edge III guitar without any luthier work, every time I look at my old RG I keep thinking how awesome it could be if I got some Dimarzios for it and changed the hardware.
Yeahh its a power amp, Power tubes don't change the tone too much untill you crank it past like 7,which not a lot of people do nowadays.

On another note, I was messing around at 3am last night trying a completely different guitar tone from scratch instead of relying on presets. Its a little dark, and could use a little more bite to it but i think it cuts though the mix nicely
if I leave my new strings on for a couple of days without putting on the locking nut, will they automatically stretch by themselves? cuz I tried stretching them manually by doing bends and abusing the hell out of the whammy bar, but the pitch never seems to go back. for example, if I tune the high E perfectly to pitch, and then pull on the whammy (raise the pitch), and then re-check the tuner, it seems to stay at the correct pitch. but then when I test out the whammy by pushing on it (lowering the pitch) and then check the tuner again, the pitch will have lowered. and vice versa (for example, if I start by lowering the pitch with the whammy first, it stays; but as soon as I raise the pitch with the whammy, it'll raise the whole pitch when I check with the tuner).

What sucks is that this is only happening when I use the whammy bar, and not when I just bend with my fingers. Any ideas as how to solve this?

Best way to stretch strings is to do it manually. Place your thumb under a string, pull it up gently and slide your thumb the length of the string towards the headstock. Do this for each string several times, then tune up to around about your selected tuning and lock the nut. Should work fine if your trem is set up correctly.

I can't think of anything else except how you stretched your strings and what Corny has already mentioned.
umm, actually it is. :lol:

If you would even consider buying an ENGL Rack Power Amp for a GP-1000 (or any rack pre-amp for that matter) that costs $2,350 US dollars instead of spending almost 1/5th of that money and buying a different brand power amp that would have all the same features, YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED.

You could buy a fucking ENGL Powerball for less than that.

Very great tone and nice solo!
What is your Revalver preset?



I used guitar cab impulses outside of revalver, so that's why there's no poweramp/cab thing there.

Oh and I did 4 rhythm guitar tracks in that clip. If you wanna do just two, you might want to increase the gain a bit in my preset
^well, the ENGL is different. Not better.
And yeah, I get what you are saying - buying another pre might be less costy than buying a head, but buying a power amp like the ENGL is the same as buying a new head :rofl:.

It could also be because of your pickup(s). Really, if you have a "wrong" pickup you can make any amp sound bad. When I used a Seymour SH-5 in bridge pos my Lee Jackson sounded way to loose, but when I used it with a Screamin Demon it just rocked bawlz.

besides that, I prefer that "heavys metal" thing tone much to anything else I've heard you record.
If you would even consider buying an ENGL Rack Power Amp for a GP-1000 (or any rack pre-amp for that matter) that costs $2,350 US dollars instead of spending almost 1/5th of that money and buying a different brand power amp that would have all the same features, YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED.

You could buy a fucking ENGL Powerball for less than that.



I used guitar cab impulses outside of revalver, so that's why there's no poweramp/cab thing there.

Oh and I did 4 rhythm guitar tracks in that clip. If you wanna do just two, you might want to increase the gain a bit in my preset


and your Cpu is 0.4% mine is like 40%(my damn computer suck!!!!)
Whoa awesome tone Lowberg!
Maybe I should check that Revalver thing out too.
Damn, downloading the demo now. Hope it'll work out.
Maybe you should try tweaking with ToneDirect Monitoring in the Toneport preferences?