Guitar Player's Thread

Nice one again Reaperscythe, you made me want to play some Arch Enemy :d
Btw in what tuning is your guitar?
For all you guys who are amazing players... which is pretty much all of you from what I can tell

What have you guys found to be the most effective ways of practicing? Especially in terms of speed. All I've really heard so far is the typical answer of using a metronome and starting slow, working your way up. Which I'm sure is right, but I didn't know if there was anything else I could do to be improving.

Because up until now I've never really tried to be all that fast, focusing on other things. But now I'm really trying to change that, and not being able to play that fast is really frustrating me. I know speed isn't everything, but I'd like to be able to shred it up when I want to.

Much thanks in advance.
For all you guys who are amazing players... which is pretty much all of you from what I can tell

What have you guys found to be the most effective ways of practicing? Especially in terms of speed. All I've really heard so far is the typical answer of using a metronome and starting slow, working your way up. Which I'm sure is right, but I didn't know if there was anything else I could do to be improving.

Because up until now I've never really tried to be all that fast, focusing on other things. But now I'm really trying to change that, and not being able to play that fast is really frustrating me. I know speed isn't everything, but I'd like to be able to shred it up when I want to.

Much thanks in advance.

If for example, you are trying to a play a particular lick really fast, then I suggest you use the speed trainer on guitar pro. start off at 50% of the speed and once you've mastered it PERFECTLY at that slow speed, then increase it by only 5 bpm and keep doing that. every time you increase it, make sure you have got it down perfect before increasing the speed again. Honestly, speed is mostly about muscle memory. so as you are slowly increasing your speed, your fingers are just adapting more and more to the particular pattern you have to play. and then once you reach 100% of the speed, it wont even seem difficult anymore.
(sorry, I know you didn't address your question to me, but try this. it'll really help! but of course it requires patience).
Hey guys..

I haven't been on here in a bit but I finally got some stuff up of me playing..
None of it is serious really but leave me some feedback please =D

I'm the one with the RR24 of course...
What have you guys found to be the most effective ways of practicing? Especially in terms of speed. All I've really heard so far is the typical answer of using a metronome and starting slow, working your way up. Which I'm sure is right, but I didn't know if there was anything else I could do to be improving.

Well, in a sense it is "right," but here's the thing... trying to increase the metronome "just right" each time you practice isn't really the way you are going to solve your problem.

Speed problems are not a cause, they are an effect. What I mean by that is that you shouldn't be going about practice by tackling "speed problems." Rather, focus on having total control over everything you are playing. Be in precise control of the timing, dynamics, and overall feel to every note you play. The feeling you get when you play something really easy and it's as if you can play it in your sleep. What you need to practice is trying to feel like that all the time. If your arm ever feels tense or your hand cramped or you simply do not feel comfortable, then you are doing something wrong. Whether it's your picking motion, hand position, posture, even pick angle... you need to examine your playing at slow speeds and fix it. Otherwise you will not progress no matter how much metronome practice you do.

This is where having a good guitar teacher comes in handy. One that can examine your technique and tell you what you are doing wrong. If you're on your own, then I suggest youtubing videos of people like Paul Gilbert, Shawn Lane, Michael Romeo, Yngwie Malmsteen. These players all have control and remain in a very relaxed state when playing. It helps to familiarize yourself with the way their hands and arms look when they are playing. With that in mind, along with basic logical fundamentals (avoid excess tension, make economical movements, examine your technique at slow speeds - by slow I mean like quarter notes at 20 bpm), you can look at your own playing and try to better your technique. Post videos of your playing on forums and ask for technique critique.

My point is that you aren't doing yourself any favor by trying to improve with the narrow-minded approach of zomgSPEED IMPROVEMENT. Instead, look at the bigger picture of things and practice your control and relaxed state (at slow speeds) and if done enough and correctly, you will have total control at ANY speed.
i start to gradually get better at increasing my speed but the dilemma is that it is always with a different technique or style and my others falter.
For instance if i practice building up my pentatonics and 3 and 4 note runs but then areas like my sweep picking start to get sloppy and vice versa when i practice sweeping. Any ideas on that?
For all you guys who are amazing players... which is pretty much all of you from what I can tell

What have you guys found to be the most effective ways of practicing? Especially in terms of speed. All I've really heard so far is the typical answer of using a metronome and starting slow, working your way up. Which I'm sure is right, but I didn't know if there was anything else I could do to be improving.

Because up until now I've never really tried to be all that fast, focusing on other things. But now I'm really trying to change that, and not being able to play that fast is really frustrating me. I know speed isn't everything, but I'd like to be able to shred it up when I want to.

Much thanks in advance.


If for example, you are trying to a play a particular lick really fast, then I suggest you use the speed trainer on guitar pro. start off at 50% of the speed and once you've mastered it PERFECTLY at that slow speed, then increase it by only 5 bpm and keep doing that. every time you increase it, make sure you have got it down perfect before increasing the speed again. Honestly, speed is mostly about muscle memory. so as you are slowly increasing your speed, your fingers are just adapting more and more to the particular pattern you have to play. and then once you reach 100% of the speed, it wont even seem difficult anymore.
(sorry, I know you didn't address your question to me, but try this. it'll really help! but of course it requires patience).

Well, in a sense it is "right," but here's the thing... trying to increase the metronome "just right" each time you practice isn't really the way you are going to solve your problem.

Speed problems are not a cause, they are an effect. What I mean by that is that you shouldn't be going about practice by tackling "speed problems." Rather, focus on having total control over everything you are playing. Be in precise control of the timing, dynamics, and overall feel to every note you play. The feeling you get when you play something really easy and it's as if you can play it in your sleep. What you need to practice is trying to feel like that all the time. If your arm ever feels tense or your hand cramped or you simply do not feel comfortable, then you are doing something wrong. Whether it's your picking motion, hand position, posture, even pick angle... you need to examine your playing at slow speeds and fix it. Otherwise you will not progress no matter how much metronome practice you do.

This is where having a good guitar teacher comes in handy. One that can examine your technique and tell you what you are doing wrong. If you're on your own, then I suggest youtubing videos of people like Paul Gilbert, Shawn Lane, Michael Romeo, Yngwie Malmsteen. These players all have control and remain in a very relaxed state when playing. It helps to familiarize yourself with the way their hands and arms look when they are playing. With that in mind, along with basic logical fundamentals (avoid excess tension, make economical movements, examine your technique at slow speeds - by slow I mean like quarter notes at 20 bpm), you can look at your own playing and try to better your technique. Post videos of your playing on forums and ask for technique critique.

My point is that you aren't doing yourself any favor by trying to improve with the narrow-minded approach of zomgSPEED IMPROVEMENT. Instead, look at the bigger picture of things and practice your control and relaxed state (at slow speeds) and if done enough and correctly, you will have total control at ANY speed.

..Are very good tips!

Eveningninja mentioned something very important stuff in there:)

I do almost NEVER practise with a metronome, start out slow etc. Just when learning the notes.

What I do is just have fun and play songs that I find challenging:confused:
Great cover, the tone fucking rocks! Good luck with the TOTTG solo, Mr. Latvala has some nice soloing in there :lol:

I didn't know that Roope did the solo on that, but when I first heard that song I really liked the solo. Now I know why I guess. That's too funny.

I did one of these when I read he did the solo >:OMG: lol
Sup guys, I r new.

What do you think?
(Jackson RR3)

By the way, I just came home from school so I was dead tired which was why most of the shit I played was either improv, too fast, messy and in general, fucked up.

Cheers ^^
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By the way, I just came home from school so I was dead tired which was why most of the shit I played was either improv, too fast, messy and in general, fucked up.

So why do you post it then?
nevertheless, where was the blues? :rolleyes:
Hi, welcome to the forum:wave:

It was good, but I don't think you got the right chords?

Or is it your tuning that is messing with my head?

Which part? I know that for Downfall I got the wrong chords, for Silent Night I got the wrong ending phrase, for She-Wolf solo I went down to the wrong note (stupid tuning) and for Hate Me I fucked something up.