Guitar Player's Thread

I got pretty nice gear i just realised.

Ibanez MTM-2
Schecter C-7 Hellraiser
Ibanez WD-7
MXR M-108
Boss SD-1
Randall RH50T
w/Behringer/Bugera cabinet 4x12
Peavey Studiopro 1x12 65 watter...

Not bad at all... :kickass: Although i have to confess the Peavey is (maybe) starting to sound a bit blown. The weakest link is obviously the cabinet. It's got Bugera speakers...

Originally Posted by <Arcane> View Post
If you had 10.000 &#8364;... what equipment would you buy? I think more than half of the money will go into guitars...
If you had 10.000 &#8364;... what equipment would you buy? I think more than half of the money will go into guitars...

I'd get 2 custom ESPs (one with the F shaped body and the other one with the M shaped body), a Jeff Loomis signature Schecter and I'd buy a nice amp with the remaining money.

Also maybe new pickups for my strat replica because I love that guitar but the pickups suck.
because i fucking hate the tone of humbuckers (especially of the emgs i have played).
there not that versatile as you say, because they ever sound like single coils. and i want that sound not that warm ,smooth humbucker shit.
the epiphone dot got the only ones i like

set it up for a coil tap switch?
No offense but on the other hand, a true single coil will never sound like a humbucker, but a humbucker with coil tapping CAN sound like a single coil.

so +1 to humbuckers :)

And for the &#8364;10,000 thing, thats around like 13,000 US bucks so...

Right now I'd probably get...
Peavey 6506 ($1000)
Mesa Dual Rectifier ($1500)
Mesa Standard 4x12 ($800)
USA Jackson Soloist or Kelly ($1700)

That should leave me with like 8,000 bucks left over that I would use to buy studio gear and a case of studio beer lol

Maybe a new wireless unit too, mines busted :(
And upgrade my cymbals and stuff on my drums, ooo also a black panther snaredrum, OO and get a kick drum trigger and sound module...

fuck I could blow $13,000 on equipment in like 2 days haha..... :(
set it up for a coil tap switch?
No offense but on the other hand, a true single coil will never sound like a humbucker, but a humbucker with coil tapping CAN sound like a single coil.

so +1 to humbuckers :)
first part: i don't want my single coils to sound like humbucker :D
second: you might be right, but the hums i splitted (i know there a difference between cil tapping and splitting but whatever..) and i never sounded like my mustang vintage coils. of course this guitar(the mustang) would sound shit with it's crurrent pickups if you played some heavy stuff on it ;)
but i really can't stand the clean sound of my ibanez which one emg humbucker.

however, i got my single coil guitars and you got your humbucker guitars.. so theres no need to change anything :D
With 10,000 I would get 1 custom rhoads and it would be awesome! And Id get an Engl Powerball Or Invader with an engl cab to go along. That would be all I need besides maybe a wireless system but Id be going over 10,000 probably.
Some high res pics of the new Edwards Blacky...




Many more pictures here
:lol: and this is where the part of me that thinks money can buy happiness comes in. honestly, we would all be happier with the gear we want.

Kind of, yeah :lol:

If you had 10.000 €... what equipment would you buy? I think more than half of the money will go into guitars...

ESP Alexi STD Pink Sawtooth
ESP Alexi STD Blacky
Jeff Loomis Signature (with Floyd)
Ibanez SV5470F
Engl Powerball
Marshall 1960 cab
A nice wireless
Maybe a noisegate

And I'd be happy as fuck, but you know, dreaming is free but that stuff is not, and atm I can't even afford the Edwards versions of Alexi's ESPs which are the cheaper part besides the wireless and maybe the cab :lol:
Kind of, yeah :lol:

ESP Alexi STD Pink Sawtooth
ESP Alexi STD Blacky
Jeff Loomis Signature (with Floyd)
Ibanez SV5470F
Engl Powerball
Marshall 1960 cab
A nice wireless
Maybe a noisegate

And I'd be happy as fuck, but you know, dreaming is free but that stuff is not, and atm I can't even afford the Edwards versions of Alexi's ESPs which are the cheaper part besides the wireless and maybe the cab :lol:

ESP STD :lol:

I can play a major scale playing quarter notes at 50 bpm :D

Are you just starting to learn the guitar? Keep it up man! Use that metronome!