Guitar Player's Thread
never got a chance to post this.
My friends and I did a cover of the theme from The Rock and Rebel Yell, bodom style. My friend (Guy with Alexi V) took care of most of the solos, because he is a senior and wanted to show off a bit before leaving. Although I did get a little passage of shred in rebel yell! It's a slopfest!!

just in case no one saw yet. :headbang:
Youtube Comment said:
the one with the long hair is good, the one with the V is a fanboi.

I couldn't help but lol at this tbh.

The singing reminds me of Dave Mustaine but it looks like he's trying to be Matt Heafy. Cool vid though.
I couldn't help but lol at this tbh.

The singing reminds me of Dave Mustaine but it looks like he's trying to be Matt Heafy. Cool vid though.

haha, yeah, but it takes serious guts to do that shit. I could never sing in front of an audience, hell I have a hard enough time playing guitar in front of an audience.
btw, your mat heafy comment reminded me to post this
haha the same show, I was so ashamed that they played this. I am glad I did not haha
Trivium + 3 guitars + huge amount of feedback coming from my friend's Mesa + that friend's cluelessness on what EQing is = utter shittery
The only kid who can play is the kid in the white pants, but his volume was so low, you can barely hear him.
haha, my friends might kill me for posting that video

@ Earthbreather

I really liked it :) I just didn't like how your friend sang.. I didn't like the eh's he put each time he finished singing something..

Thanks man, yeah we needed vocals, and I am still going through puberty and shit, so I could not do it, so he did it.
Mitch, you uploaded the intro to The stillborn one some time ago, think you could upload it again?
Cool stuff. I think the actual solos will be played over the main riff in F#min when it all kicks in and also the bit after that goes up to G#min. The intro will be left blank.

999 posts. :kickass:

You should be able to get a cheap mic for like £1 or something stupid like that from somewhere. I hear all the time how the Americans go to Radio Shack and get small pc mics that cost 'em $1.25 or something and sound good.

Have a look around, you don't need an SM57 or anything.

Awesome I didn't think of it like that I'll have a look around. Tomorrow I'm going to a car boot so hopefully i'll get lucky.

Ok I got bored the other day so I drew these and I guess they would be most appreciated in this thread:), Cookies go to those who guess them correctly. (P.S I Suck at facial features so they kinda look nothing alike :D)


I also drew PG but Haven't taken a piccy yet.:p
@warheart: do you know why paul gilbert is so famous and bruce bouillet isn't? He plays cool stuff, too...

Well Paul has always been better than Bruce and so he played faster and more often. He also taught Bruce so everyone looked up to him more.

Back then, Bruce used to play more stuff revolving around modes and making stuff sound cool with the melody where Paul just played his signature licks as fast as possible (he admits it) so more kids kinda go towards Paul because it's more impressive sounding I guess.

But then Racer X split in 1989 because they hadn't got a major record deal in 4 years time and Paul formed Mr. Big with Billy Sheehan and THAT'S what got him his fame. Especially their acoustic hit "To Be With You". It went to number 1 and so he got major exposure worldwide, especially Japan.

Bruce Bouillet did mixing and recording and engineering for all those years sinec 1992 just after he stopped playing with The Scream and then recorded Superheroes by Racer X and has only really came back onto the scene in 2007 when he joined Paul for the G3 tour, whereas Paul has done Racer X, Mr. Big, Solo albums, played loads of tributes with Mike Portnoy, done a few live albums, recorded another 4 Racer X albums etc etc so he's always been in the "spotlight" whereas Bruce was always in Paul's shadow and then stopped playing live completely after 1991 kinda time.

Look out for Bruce Bouillet's solo album which comes out soon. He's already recorded it and released it to a few fans who have sent him a money order but he hasn't set up a Paypal account yet so the majority of the RX fans can't/won't order one. He's released 3 tracks from it already and I can upload them later if you want to hear them.

(sorry for the huge reply :lol:)
That was pretty informative, huge thanks! An upload would be cool :kickass:

I recently dowloaded a bit mr. big stuff and I was surprised that they've made 3 or 4 songs I knew for a long, long time without recognizing paul gilbert :lol:
Yeah, Mr. Big do have some cool songs. If you haven't already, check out:

Addicted to that Rush
Colorado Bulldog
How Can You Do What You Do
Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy
Green Tinted Sixties Mind
Just Take My Heart
My Kinda Woman (old racer x song)
To Be With You

Kickass songs.