Why would you? Anyways, maybe I got you wrong, but I wouldn't start worrying for studio/venue patches to liven up the sound. I'd instead get a good working and powerful guitar rack (or amp with some rack effects) that sounds good in itself. Then the only thing you need is a mic to drive the sound to the venue sound system. Trying to fix a venue's crappy sound with tons of eq from yourself is kinda pointless. Those things happen in small clubs, they don't usually take place in fairly reasonable size venues, so if the sound system is really crap then I'd better have a powerful amp/poweramp and cab and play straight from it.
Same goes for studios: you won't find crappy equipment in fairly good studios. Only in cheap home studios or really small ones. And then there's not much you can do no matter how much stuff you have.
To sum it up, get a good amp or a good preamp+poweramp combo and couple effect units (noise gate, please) and a good cab and you're good to go.
No. If you really think that just a preamp poweramp combo and a "couple of effects" will do, you're missing the kind of sound i want completely. And I'm not aiming to replace the venues gear completely, i wont have TIME for that on stage, I'm talking really small venues, like those clubs you mention, i still want to represent a general sound that's more close to what i want, than going full focus on one great distortion amp and having a SHIT clean sound. In bigger venues i will of course eventually end up growing the rack, it's not like i'll be having this initial setup for years. And im not buying the EQ to use in someone elses studio, i want to eventually build one myself, i.e a home studio(for myself, bassist is already building a studio for himself that i could potentially use whenever i want, but i want to be able to work from the comfort of my own living room to get down ideas when i get them, not when i have time to pop in there)
Seriously not everyone plays metal all day long, where the ideal sound is a balls to the walls distortion and leaving it at that, going to a studio and shitting out a series of tracks and just let producer and some random bloke take care of your sound and everything.
I'm actually interested in the whole process of creating the atmosphere i want, from the smallest EQ adjustment and layering to tracking it to writing it to practicing guitar in my home and playing it live.
Put it this way, my "dream" setup would be the following:
Guitar(no point in listing specs, i want at LEAST 5 different ones) -> Pedal Tuner ->Morley Bad horsie 2 -> OD pedal(probably Maxxon OD808 or similar) -> Signal Splitter
Split 1[rythm/crunch/distortion]:
Peavey 5150 -> Cab(Probably matched, maybe Basson, need to test those)
Split 2[solo/sounds/noise/atmospheric/ambient]:
RACK(this is the main rack, it will contain things not particularly in this chain of split, but i will list some auxiliary things here that may be infront or after the signal splitter)
Wireless Unit
Rack Tuner
Noise Gate
Mesa Boogie Recording Preamp
t.c electronic G-Major
GCX Audio switcher -> VLGCP Midi Foot controller
POWER AMP(gonna have to test these if i can, if not VHT or Mesa, can always sell and get the other/an other if i dont like it)
Cab(same as before, matched or basson)
Split 3[clean/ambient/noise]:
Roland JC-120
t.c Electronic G-Force
Eventide H8000FW(pricey fucker, doesn't kill the dream though)
(this is a combo, no cab needed)
Ideally, i'll have 4 4X12(2 dry, 2 wet), but 2x12 or other will work too, or some other configuration
This is the basic idea of what I'm aiming for in the long run. To anyone keen to point out that this is a ridiculously expensive setup; i am very aware of this. But you got to understand that the rack and sound side of music is just as big of a hobby for me, as the playing guitar side, i love it, and i want this out of interest, love, and sound ideas.
It will take time, dedication, and money. I am aware of this, but this is how i want it, this is what i want to do. It's a hobby, and its far from the most expensive hobby out there, I've seen folks shelf out more cash at things more trivial than this. It's my choice, and I don't expect many of you to understand why I want to do it this way, but believe me, i can't fucking imagine how you guys can stand a plug and play setup with only one sound.
To me that would be like living of dry bread and water for the rest of my life, i want more tastes.
I got my answer though, thanks Lowberg
inb4 trolling me because i'm a gear whore