I think i'm getting a Krank amp for christmas from my uncle....the krankenstein i think. Anyone played on one?? how is it??
Check out Firewind's album Allegiance.
Gus G mostly used the Krankenstein for that one I think.
I think i'm getting a Krank amp for christmas from my uncle....the krankenstein i think. Anyone played on one?? how is it??
>is aware i require a good dist and CLEAN tone^Balls to the wall. Pantera's last albums could give you a hint on the kind of distortion it has.
@Muffin: You missed my point. I did read you're not going for a simple metal sound, and I wasn't telling you to go with one amp, I was telling you that for the point you're at the best thing for you would be a good cab with two chanels (or maybe go for the Engl Powerball with 4) to have dist/clean/crunch all in one and some power in there and the ability to switch between them and then somehow with a signal spliter or something (I'm not really experienced in this) have an effect rack with different pre-sets for each chanel, and then one or two powerful cabs to drive them. Of course it wouldn't be your dream rack and wouldn't be as versatile as the huge list of stuff you wrote, but would give you independence and the possibility of just playing straight from there in those small venues.
In the future and with time of course I want a wider setup and more guitars and all, but to get rolling and be able to gig and start doing things in the short term it's good to have a shorter set to start. Then, when you eventually have your desired gear, you may either sell that previous set or keep it as backup.
Check out Firewind's album Allegiance.
Gus G mostly used the Krankenstein for that one I think.
>is aware i require a good dist and CLEAN tone
>recommends ENGL Powerball
Again you're not getting my point. Of course Powerball doesn't have exactly a good clean sound, but you could get a decent one to go and as I've said what I'm aiming here is to show you a setup that for the time beeing and if you're to gig sooner than in 10 years (which I hope you do) would allow you to get decent sounding tones. Yes, not the ones you want exactly if you had the money to buy all that stuff you listed, but as a small rig to get going while you slowly keep getting your dream list.
The Powerball was just because it has a lot of chanels so it'd give you a somehow versatile while maintaining the price at an affordable level to start with something.
sup' guys, i was wondering about your guitar tuning methods, open string? just one hit in the string? or something else?
Reminds me of behemoth with some black dahlia murder riffs and the captain morgan i just drank
Yeah. I'm trying to find a good metal distortion for it. I have a cheap Digitech RP255 effects box, but I don't really like the sound I get all that much.