Hence my disclaimer.
Sklar has a degree in acting and does professional stage combat during the summers. He's a certified instructor in unarmed combat, rapier/dagger, broadsword, short-sword, quarterstaff and others.
Yeah but does he have a degree in pistol handling? Does he know how many deadly accidents happen every year because of LACK OF TRIGGER DISCIPLINE. That barrel went all over the place and it seemed like his trigger finger stayed on the trigger all the time, accident waiting to happen. One could argue that the trigger pull on a double action revolver is harder than on a semi-automatic, but that's no excuse to not exercise proper firearms safety(which should be done in any and all situations, from at a range, to an unloaded weapon, and to a self-defense situation, there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE, even actors should know this, too many have died because of shit like this).
Especially critical in the rolling, i counted at least two times where the barrel was clearly pointed towards the house/people/general area of the camera with his finger on the trigger. One thing is that he could've seriously injured or killed himself or one of you guys, but i'm much more annoyed at the general lack of respect for the firearm(which btw is not a toy, its never a toy, never ever EVER point a firearm towards a person, whether its loaded, on safety, or unloaded, never point it at something you are not ready to kill/destroy, and do not have your finger on the trigger unless you are just about to shoot).
And to those of you who have read this far and are about to go "but lol Muffin you're overreacting its just fun he knows what he's doing they're far away from people"
NO. Fuck you. Seriously just fuck anyone who handles a firearm like a toy and thinks its ok, you're the reason firearm control exists, you're the reason hundreds if not thousands of people die every god damned year, and while i may have overreacted at other insignificant things on this forum, either for lulz or for actual blind rage, i'm not backing down on this one. Never EVER treat a firearm like a toy, EVER, its a lack of respect for life for yourself and others and should not be tolerated in any form or shape.
ALWAYS exercise EXTREME caution around firearms, ALWAYS treat a firearm as if it's loaded, ALWAYS check a firearm if it's loaded or not when you receive it(no matter if you would trust the person you get it from with your life), ALWAYS check a firearm if it's loaded or not when you give a firearm to someone else, NEVER point a firearm at something you're not willing to destroy or kill, NEVER hold your trigger finger on the trigger unless you are willing to pull the trigger there and then/are ready to shoot.
Remember that a bullet, any bullet, can travel way farther than you think and still keep its killing power, do not ever fire up into the air, do not ever fire in an arc into an area where you do not know with 100% certainty is clear, do not fire in the direction of anything unless you know your target and whats behind it.
It's not the first time shit like this happens, although it's rather rare to instantly kill someone by random chance firing up into the sky/in an arc, it still happens more often than needed. Accidents in normal settings with firearms happen too, I bet some of you have seen the clip, but there's a video around the internet where negligence of firearm actually let a kid end up shooting his father in the stomach or something, i'm not going to find and post the video because its very graphic.
And btw all this goes to every single poster on this forum. And if you're ever handed a firearm-like object, don't trust that it's fake until you're absolutely certain, don't trust that its airsoft, don't trust that its loaded with blanks, dont trust that its a plastic piece of shit(polymer guns do exist). Please, for your own safety and others, try to remember some(preferably all) of the rules I've posted so far, movies and games have created so many misconceptions and so much neglect in firearms handling. You can actually kill someone with a single shot even with an airgun, let alone smaller caliber rifles(like the often extremely underestimated .22LR cartridge which some people seem to think is on the same level as a soft gun).
I'm serious about all of this, and it's not up for discussion.
TL;DR: Read it all you faggot, or you might end up with a broken nose if you ever handle a firearm near me or anyone else who
actually knows anything about firearms and how to treat them.