Guitar Player's Thread

i think Darrel voice too theatrical in Nevermore, Praises to the war machine was brillhant
oh man, I know I'm kinda the loner with that opinion but this was really boring.
Cool dude, he can play fast but to my ears it does sound like shit (eventhough I'm able to appreciate musical skills).
oh man, I know I'm kinda the loner with that opinion but this was really boring.
Cool dude, he can play fast but to my ears it does sound like shit (eventhough I'm able to appreciate musical skills).

I agree on that aswell. You are not alone with the opinion...I just didn't see the point with that video :lol:

As for the Nevermore preview, I have been drewling at hearing some new stuff for a long time. I am still excited for it.
"rattlerattlerattle clangaclanga bloopetybloobybloblob rattlerattle"

mixing that shit into an album got to be a major fucking headache, stupid.

I do think there are some great bass players who really add alot to the music with that type of playing though, such as Alex Webster and Steve Digiorgio.
hey guys!
So I'm going to the Line 6 headquarters on Thursday because I'm having trouble with my PODxt and Windows 7. It seems that some of the Windows 7 OSs aren't working very well with Line 6 hardware. People on their forums are having clicking noises, a shit load of delay, or like me, just no sound at all even with the computer detects the hardware. The tech guys at Line 6 have been trying to duplicate this problem on their own computers so they can fix it, but they haven't been able to yet. So I offered to bring in my comp and my pod since I live really close by to the headquarters anyway. As compensation, they're offering me a Line 6 product/software.

SO, my question to you all is: what should I go for? I don't really want any more modeling packs. I have the metal shop and the bass expansion. I was thinking something more like one of their recording software, like Riff Works. Does anyone have any experience with this? How do you like it? Or any other suggestions would be good too!
I don't think that clicking noises, delay or no sound has anything to do with W7... Clicking noises and delay seems to be failure of your soundcard or cables, other mechanical units around you... No sound seems to be a normal software problem which you haven't found yet in your settings
I don't think that clicking noises, delay or no sound has anything to do with W7... Clicking noises and delay seems to be failure of your soundcard or cables, other mechanical units around you... No sound seems to be a normal software problem which you haven't found yet in your settings

Right, it's not a Windows 7 problem. It's a Line 6 problem. I spent an hour on the phone with Dell tech support last night, and today I spent an hour with Line 6 tech support. We tried everything. It's gotta be something wrong in their drivers. It's like a hit or miss for the Windows 7 Operating Systems. Some people with W7 aren't experiencing any problems, while others are. So they need to figure out why by having one of the machines that's not working with their hardware.
Well, it used to work fine with my old laptop which had Windows Vista on it. I haven't tried it with any other laptop with Windows 7 though. And either way, it shouldn't be causing this problem on this computer. This is a brand new laptop, it's not like I have a shit load of applications on it already and the specs on it are new. So whether or not it works on another comp with W7 doesn't matter. It needs to be working on this computer specifically. :)
Hi guys, I know Bullet For My Valentine is pretty much hated all around here, but if you would be so kind to check my Scream, Aim, Fire cover it'd be great. Spoilers: the wah sounds shit because it's PODFarm wah and I can't tweak it while playing, but still gets a nice effect I think. Bass has been recorded by me too. No effects added to guitars, just what comes straight from PODFarm.