Guitar Player's Thread

noob question, don't know the proper name, so i'll just post a pic from a Mitch's song


how that works in theory? it seems that he just plays 4/3 frets down. There is any thinking behind this or is just what sounds better?
a shit lot players do that, but never bothered looking into that
Hes harmonizin in 3rds.
So, you see in bar 13, Top note is a seven bottom is eleven. Eleven is 3 notes up the scale, so it sounds neat.
So yeah, hes playin notes in teh same scale, all notes apart, whether its 3/4 frets depends on major or minor interval. (from root to major or minor 3rd)
hope that helps, im a pretty crap teacher.
He's right. It's E Harmonic minor (E, F#, G, A, B, C, D#) and it's best to start from the lowest line in pitch and think of it the harmony as being 3 diatonic notes up.

So the harmony for every note in the scale would be

E - G
F# - A
G - B
A - C
B - D#
C - E
D# - F#
got it, kudos both. i found this and i had to share

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noob question, how that works in theory?

Yep, he is just using notes in the scale. As for thirds, he could use a minor third or major third depending on what sound he wants.

A major triad is notes 1, 3 , 5.

If you flatten the third note it will give you a 'minor' sound.

A power chord is the two notes 1 & 5. Since there is no third you can use a power chord in both major and minor applications.

I'm teaching some friends theory with our jamming and a good site I found is this one.

There's only so much you can do with a cover if you want it intact, they've always thrown them in to the set and I recall learning this one.

I prefer Dungeon over LORD, the new direction is too soft for my taste but the Kylie song was nicely done.

that's more like it :) I'll check out more songs when I'm more focused. crazy shit just happened here...and I'm using this forum as a distraction.

Oh well for scale charts i have the Andre Segovia (the godfather) diatonic scale charts which goes through different scales and helps you with the technique, mostly the right hand with different strokes and fingereings. it just gets you acquianted with basic classical stuff

bah stuff like bach/vivaldi etc. are so intolerably boring with guitar it's sad and i hate that kind of stuff...check out Garoto, Marco Pereira and other brazilian guitarists they are outstanding. yea i think i've heard of pumping iron, it should do you well, if you really want to get into it technique is's very very precise and scientific almost. but yeah i was doing this all on a steel string acoustic for a while but i found an amazinggggg yamaha classical guitar for like 175 bucks and i love it, it's outstanding.

can you give more details on this yamaha? what model exactly?
can you give more details on this yamaha? what model exactly?

Well it's a Yamaha G-245SII

It's an old one, not made anymore. But yamaha has great classical guitars, and just check craigslist and put in "classical guitar', you should get some good stuff. if you find anything let me know, there isn't too much to worry about but there are things you should look for, mainly the shape the wood is in and stuff like that.

heres mine


shes a beaut :) like i said this was only 175 bucks, you can find great guitars like that for the same price or less if you haggle like i did
so yesterday I went to a local music shop with my friend. Tried out bunch of stuff. So Schecter PT - pure awesomeness,at first i couldn't get used to the neck,but after 2 min it felt perfect. Really liked it. Jackson js30kv - neck feels great,but it sounds like crap :(. Gibson SG Faded - wow overpriced piece of shit,neck was thick (well not problem for me anyway) and it felt cheap (just like KV :D). Epiphone Les Paul studio - well it felt better than Sg but pickups didn't have enough gain (i couldn't do a pinch harmonic with it,well i turned up gain on the amp and voila - pinch harmonic parade). Ibanez RG 350 - white with pearloid pickguard,nice looks,good playability,nice sound. Oh yeah the price was good too. And yeah bought DR 11-50 Tite Fits and Dunlop Acoustics 12-54. And still trying to find JD Jazz III with max grip... But those ones aren't in stock yet.
Hey guys, I need advice... Next wednesday I'll be singing a cover song live with my new bf's band and I was wondering what do you vocalists do during instrumental bits when you are not playing guitar. Everytime I've had to sing in a show I was always playing at the same time so it didnt bother me, but now I'm thinking ''oh crap''... any ideas ??? the song is Master of Puppets, so there'll be a shitload of free time for me to stand on stage doing nothing and looking like an idiot.
headbang, air guitar are the most common shit, then have a drink or throw bottles of water to the crowd like T Kotipelto haha Id go play with the guitar player or somebody like Alexi and Janne
I can't fathom how you didn't think of headbanging, seriously.
Or even better, why don't you improvise something instead of doing something that's been done 1000000000 times before?

no offence :)