I remember somewhere online someone bought one of those 6505 1x12 combos used for like $350, literally sawed the thing in half above the speaker, threw some plywood on the bottom and tolexed it and voila 6505 head lol
I'm pretty sure it's been previously established that zirkonflex is a total fucking dinlow (as with most people who use default smiley avatars seemingly)
I'm seriously thinking of purchasing the Peavey 6505+ 112 combo and I was thinking do any of you guys have experiences with it or anything? I haven't been able to try one yet but according to some clips it sounds pretty good. The only thing that really bothers me is the fact that it's apparently being manufactured in China(?) and I've heard some people talk shit about that; Like, it's not as reliable as the ones that they make in the U.S. etc.
Here's a link for more info on the amp: http://www.thomann.de/gb/peavey_6505_112_combo.htm
So, any advice, opinion, experiences?
has anyone ever heard anything about bare knuckle pickups, so far the reviews seem pretty good but i was wondering if anyone has ever played them .. btw im thinking of putting them in my esp eclipse which currently has seymour duncans (JB and 59)
Generally reviewers HAVE played them... That's they review them.
Sup, nigz!
What new going on around here?
I just sold my Ibanez MTM2 for 350 euros and bought a Ibanez RG7321 for 320 euros. Which btw is a fine guitarAlso got myself a MXR Smartgate which is quite okay (Paid 80 euros for it...new)
I am looking for some advice about organizing my pedals. I need a budget solution for a pedalboard which has room for 4-5 pedals and inbuilt power supply. Problem is, the MXR 10 band EQ has 18 volt power requirement...fffu. I've been eyeing the Gator pedalboards with the gator power supply under the board. Comes with a bag. Then velcro taping the fuck out of the pedals.
Ibanez weeping demon wah
MXR 10 band EQ
MXR Smartgay
Boss SD-1
has anyone ever heard anything about bare knuckle pickups, so far the reviews seem pretty good but i was wondering if anyone has ever played them .. btw im thinking of putting them in my esp eclipse which currently has seymour duncans (JB and 59)
I have actually been doing a lot of research on these as of late. Really interested in the Painkiller w/ camo cover.
From what I have head online and from reviews they seem to be great PU's. But they are exspensive.
The painkiller with camo cover would cost me about $220.00 US dollars, which IMO is a shit load of money for a PU. I paid less than that for my RR24M.
What you really have to ask yourself is this: Does the BKP sound 3x better than a DiMarzio, Duncan, EMG, etc...all the mass produced PU's which IMO sound pretty damn good.
I would love to try one but I just can't get over the fact of how much they cost and who knows if I will really like it once I hear it in person. I mean I am sure it would, but is it really worth the extra cost?
I would just make one if I were you. Wood would be easiest and cheapest. Or buy some square tubing and make one that way.
You could buy the Boss DC Brick to power all your pedals as well. It has plug ins for 9v and 18v.
I would run the smart gate through the f/x loop if you have one though, so it doesn't really need to be on the pedal board at your feet. Same with the 10 band, unless you are using that as a lead boost.
So really you only need 2 pedals on the board and if you get the Boss tunner pedal it can power up to like 9 other 9v pedals with it.
So you really have a few option here.
Really? I always lived under the illusion a Noise Gate should be LAST in the pedal chain before the amp. Can you elaborate on this?
Thanks for the tips! And the Gator power supply seems like the cheapest...I get a good pedalboard with that aswell.
yeah i know what you mean a set would cost me about 400$ CAD and would it be worth it idk my friend should be getting his set soon so i guess i will play his guitar through my set up and see what happens