If anyone's interested in buying a Lee Jackson GP-1000 Perfect Connection Tube Preamp, there's one on eBay (http://cgi.ebay.ca/Lee-Jackson-GP-1000-Perfect-Connection-Tube-Preamp-/350381242029?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Vintage_Electronics_R2&hash=item51945976ad)
may as well put the .54 on, see how it feels, then get some more strings
A noobish question... My guitar is at standard D at the moment (0.10-0.49)... I'm feeling like to play songs in drop C now... I tuned my guitar to drop C and it sounds like shit - what else... but I have one string left. A single 0.54 string. So could I change my low e-string with the 0.54 string or should I buy a complete new string set?