Guitar Player's Thread

Bottom line is: Whatever works for YOU is the shit.


altho snowy has a point. if you record with your guitar directly in and then fuck around with the tone, it can make the recording process much easier in terms of how many takes you have to do. cuz once you get that perfect take, you are then free to change the tone as you want. if you record with the tone already on the signal, then you're kinda screwed if you wanna change the sound.
It's not that easy to find the software and get it working. I had Revalver but the full version wouldn't work and the trial version was a piece of shit.

I'll upload you a really easy crack for Cubase 5 in a couple days (all you need to do is install). It's only 168mb, it's the full version minus some products that takes up 18gb or something. not needed for recording though.

Actually a friend is suposed to let me that one, but I don't know if it fits for really distorted metal stuff, does it??

I used Guitar Rig 4 "Echo Lead" with some tweaks for the leads on that demo i posted in the COBOT album thread. You can make some decent tones but you have to spend a lot of time dicking around with all the combinations.
^Well thanks then! I never really used Cubase because I find it too complicated, but I can give it a go. My friend is going to lend me TH Overloud. What I've heard of it doesn't sound too bad, let's see how it is. But I'd like to try Guitar Rig and Revalver one day too.
Back to spider topic : I'm off guys, recording some guitarists who owns some spider head :/ He loves it . I dont.
Hey snowy, is there a place where we can hear some of your recordings? It seems like you do a lot of stuff and I'm interested in hearing your work.
I find Cubase easier to work with than Reaper.


Holy fucking shit.
Cubase is like the most wierdly routed, fucked up, gay looking complicated piece of shit software ever when it comes to intuitiveness.
Pro's can use it well because they know theyre way around it, but even making a simple drumbeat in midi or doing stuff with regions, let alone slip editing or cutting tracks is SO fucked up with all these useless tools which could just be the mouse cursor and a hotkey.
I kinda hate Steinberg on that one for trying to be overly intuitive and cool, it may be easy to use from a technical standpoint, but everyone that's ever used another DAW is gonna be confused the shit out of ...

... but probably its just not my thing because im a "grey host" fanboy.
I don't know ...
get Reaper, is very easy to use, and very light program, and it pretty much does the job for recording
get Reaper, is very easy to use, and very light program, and it pretty much does the job for recording

This man speaks truth.

Theres no reason not to try REAPER, its pretty much free(you gotta pay to use it legally, but the program is 100% unrestricted except for a 10? second wait in the start), its like 5mb big and it pretty much has it all.
Reaper's the thing!! search for some portable versions they dont have the waiting at the beginning, its just an ~8MB exe file. and its pure awesomeness, has everything you need.

You must be kidding with audacity :D
TH1 Overloud report:

Soundwise: I'm a very happy man, this thing sounds fucking amazing, go to for some samples and you'll see what I mean (of course they're a bit edited but you get the idea).

Downside: yes it has to do with me bein pretty much useless when it comes to wiring and understanding what do I have to select so that my DAW records the sound I'm getting, but I've tried both with Reaper and with Audition and they record the dry signal of my guitar, not the one from TH1. Audition says when I select "ASIO UX2" on session properties that the device is not available because another program may be using it, but I don't see that make much sense since when I open Pod Farm it uses the UX2 too and Audition lets me record with it. Reaper just records my dry signal and doesn't tell me why.

Can anybody help me? The chains I've tried are:

Guitar-->UX2-->TH1-->Open DAW
Guitar-->UX2-->TH1 and Pod Farm working simultaneously (Pod Farm only with tuner and Noise Gate)-->Open DAW
Guitar-->Line In-->TH1 (forget about this one, it had almost a second of latency).

get Reaper, is very easy to use, and very light program, and it pretty much does the job for recording

Then if you use it you may be able to help me with the problem I describe before.

zirkonflex, I sent you a PM just incaise you don't see it.

I use CEP but I don't understand anything so whatever. :D

You should update to Adobe Audition. It's CEP's big brother. It's exactly as CEP visually (a bit updated but you'll find everything), works better and has quite a lot of easy to use in-built effects (that unlike on CEP you can activate and deactivate at any time) like compressors, eqs, reverbs, limiters... it'll give you some extra tools that really help while maintaining the super easy to use interface of CEP.
you need to load the VST plugin as an effect inside the DAW

Reaper doesnt tell you why because theres no way it could detect what your intentions are in the first place.
Its a good DAW and all, but it doesnt read your mind.
if you're plugging you guitar straight into the interface in that case the UX2, Reaper will only record the dry signal, the effect is applied in real time, pretty much like a DI, so you can use and change to any VST you want to.

like Muffin said you have to load it. if you haven't:
Options > Preference > Plugins/Vst
choose your vst folder, most of the times is C:/programs or something /VstPlugins (is smart to put all your vst's in the same folder)
click scan

after that is done, add a track, click on the FX button square thing in the track. Add the TH1