Guitar Player's Thread

Hey snowy, is there a place where we can hear some of your recordings? It seems like you do a lot of stuff and I'm interested in hearing your work.

Yeah I'm doing too much projects at the moment thats why nothing is done yet, but as I guess that the bands wont sue me because they dont sell anything I'm going to send you some of the stuff I recorded this year if you want me to.
But its just alternative rock stuff, no metal. At the moment I record anyone and anything as long as I get a bit of money :lol:
I got some ''finished'' stuff from the time where I had no idea what I was doing when I recorded bands but lol, almost any band I recorded back then move away or splitted up :D This or it just sounds as good as today (skillz and good micz do the trick :headbang: )

Oh yeah and I just got back recording that Spider :erk: it was ok, but the other guitarist had some valve amp (forgot the name) and it totally owned the sound of the other guitarist :lol:
you need to load the VST plugin as an effect inside the DAW

Reaper doesnt tell you why because theres no way it could detect what your intentions are in the first place.
Its a good DAW and all, but it doesnt read your mind.

No I wasn't talking about the VST, I was talking about it recording the sound I'm getting from the TH1 used as if it were PodFarm. I'm not using the VST one (although just in case I'm getting the VST version too), I'm using the Standalone version, and I want Reaper/Audition/whichever DAW I use to record what sounds through my earphones like with PodFarm. Can that be done or do I HAVE to download the VST and use that one when recording?

if you're plugging you guitar straight into the interface in that case the UX2, Reaper will only record the dry signal, the effect is applied in real time, pretty much like a DI, so you can use and change to any VST you want to.

like Muffin said you have to load it. if you haven't:
Options > Preference > Plugins/Vst
choose your vst folder, most of the times is C:/programs or something /VstPlugins (is smart to put all your vst's in the same folder)
click scan

after that is done, add a track, click on the FX button square thing in the track. Add the TH1

Ok once I have the VST I'll try that, but what I said, I want to know if it can record what I'm hearing, because the version I have right now of the TH1 is as I said like a PodFarm. The name as I said is TH1 Standalone (version 1.0.2).
It could be because Cubase was like my first real recording program that I began using....I mean, I think I used Cool Edit Pro for like one recording ever. But it was so limiting, I decided to switch to one of the more "pro" recording programs. And cubase it was. So *shrug*. I just became used to it I guess. Now I find Reaper a bit weird to use, although the one recording I did on Reaper has owned any of my Cubase recordings.... who knows. Could be just the change of tone from my pod though.
^Instead of just coming in and saying "Audacity", could you elaborate a bit on why should we work our asses off learning a new DAW/what will it bring to us to make the change worth it?

TH1 related again, I downloaded the VST plugin now too, and to show you guys what I meant about the tones, I recorded a couple quick tries. They are raw recordings, no editing whatsoever done to them (besides paning). And it's Bodom because they're the only backing tracks I have and it was pointless to record over a whole song as you'd loose the feel of the tone.


It's a .rar folder with three short bits (nevermind the playing in KTS, it's a quick take so you hear the tone):
-Kissing The Shadows (no solos, don't worry, just used for the melodies) [tone 1]
-Hate Crew Deathroll [tone 1]
-Hate Crew Deathroll [tone 2, heavier]

What do you people think? Imo it's a pretty good tone, and can become much better with some tweaking.

ah ok, then i don't know how to record the Standalone sound =/

That's ok, give my .rar file with the tones a go and I'll forgive you :p
^Instead of just coming in and saying "Audacity", could you elaborate a bit on why should we work our asses off learning a new DAW/what will it bring to us to make the change worth it?

This, only for Reaper for me. I downloaded it and tried it, and jeeeeebuschrist it is cluttered (at first glance). I couldn't even get the damn MIDI to work, + it said I had to pay after 30 days (yes I know some of you are using it for like... forever).

Sony Vegas does everything for me that I want, only addition would be MIDI, but I got ACID for that, and it's not very handy with it.

Can anyone recommend me another überproDAWyo, I want it to be huge and do everything, so I can look cool when editing.
^Instead of just coming in and saying "Audacity", could you elaborate a bit on why should we work our asses off learning a new DAW/what will it bring to us to make the change worth it?

You shoudlnt work your ass off to understand a certain DAW, you should learn more about mixing and real recording. Then you will be able to understand most of the DAW's, the differences between them are there, that's right, but if you know what you're doing and what you need you will learn to work with your DAW very fast.
Sorry again, but most of you guys wont need anything like protools or logic just because they wont use it properly or just the rec function.

I own logic and prtools, they are just really really good working DAW which offers a great workflow.
And you cant cmpare it to audacity. Without wanting to sound arrogant I dare to say that a great DAW doesnt help you if you just cant use it. People dont leanr that stuff for nothing. I leanrt everything on analoge and digital stuff (mainly both combined) and I can say that understanding how a real sound-console works is the essential part in understanding all those little features of a DAW. There are so many tricks and things that are good to know, that you wont get some awesome recording guy without knowig what you're doing. You wont learn from things when dont even know that they exist.
If audacity would offer protool's features it wouldnt be for free.

stop learning that stuff, I still need money and musicians start to think they are the best recording engineers ever because they play their 4 chord songs and know all about the soul of songs :rolleyes: :lol:
dude, wtf? First you compare it to audacity and now to cubase? Of course you wont need to buy pro tools if you got cubase(even if protools offers some things that cubase doesnt have, I dont know.. I rarely use cubase). btw pro tools doesnt require any avid /digidesign hardware anymore ;)
I meant that you can't hear in what daw a song is mixed, the sound quality remains nearly the same. One daw may calculate a bit different than another but you can't hear it, and in the end it all comes down to skills and a good pair of ears.
I do also have the problem that whenever I try to record the sound of the standalone program of Revalver, a window pop up which says that the device is not available because another program may be using it. It really sucks because I now have some pretty good tones out of Revalver but I can't record anything when using it (I also can't play any other audio files while Revalver is running). Is this a hardware problem or just wrong audio device settings (I'm using ASIO4ALL)?
And another question: When I add modules in Revalver, the signal starts from the first module and goes one by one through the following modules you add. So my question is how should I arrange the different moduls?

This is my basic structure:

1. Noise Gate
(2. stomp boxes)
2. Power amp
3. Amp
4. speaker

What if I want to add some effects? Should I place them on last place or between noise gate and power amp? It changes the sound alot depending on where I put the different modules.

@ Ensi, Mitch: Try adobe audition
I meant that you can't hear in what daw a song is mixed, the sound quality remains nearly the same. One daw may calculate a bit different than another but you can't hear it, and in the end it all comes down to skills and a good pair of ears.

Wrong. Bounce a track in ableton live and one in logic. You can hear the difference.
CoCOB@ the first Deathrow sample was the best, but a bit thin, the bass should help have more body

<Arcane>@ why use the standalone? use the vst.

check this video
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^Ok, first HCD and KTS are the same exact tone, just that the left guitar in KTS is always doing melodies, that's why it doesn't sound the same. They were just raw recordings, over the weekend I want to dig more into it, I'll post more samples. But what I meant about the tone, it's there, it sounds pretty good and pretty close to real amps.