Guitar Player's Thread

Nice guitar Lowberg.

What pickup is that in there? HZ-H4?

I fucking love those inlays!!

Also never knew that guitar had cream binding as opposed to just being all white. What a nice touch of class that gives it.
damn Alex, congratz on that guitar. Never seen inlays like that. Plus the neck-thru and 24 frets makes it that much better. Post a recording with it if you get a chance.
I'm not sure if I will change the pickup yet. The hz sounds really metallic and djenty in a cool way.
The sound is good except it lacks low end chunk, its a very attacky sound. I had to turn the bass way higher than I normally do on my amp.
Not sure if its the emg hz or just brcause there's not a lot of wood central to the body and bridge.

If I did change pups it would probabbly be like an emg 85 or something to balance out the sound
Drums would be great Jose! But if you won't or can't do bass because you only have shitty soundfonts for fruity loops it doesn't matter for me - I would appreciate it too. But my focus is more on drums.
As this is the most popular musician's thread I thought I could ask here:
I need a pair of clip headphones (No in-ear headphones for medical/personal reasons) that work well for Metal (Tech Death/Melodical/Black etc) and classical music. The Beyerdynamic 770 DT have been suggested to me but I still need to check them out. The headphones should be in a price range of €100-€200. I'm curious for the suggestions.
I suggested those for the mere reason they were the only 100-200€ clip earphones that I could find. But if you can go also for real headphones like those BeyerDinamic then you can go either for those or for some AKG 271 MKII or something in that line. They'll eat up your iPod or whatever's battery way faster than your normal ones, but you have great quality, comfort and all guaranteed.
Oh I'm sorry, I must have expressed myself the wrong way then. I was looking for the kind of headphones snowy showed me so it seems like provided a wrong translation.

Btw: Battery usage isn't a problem as I'll mainly (95%) use them at home.
then I would really recommend the dt 150/770. Try them. The dt 770 can be a bit too harsh in the highs. I like them both and own them both but I cant say which I like better. The DT770 sind auf jeden Fall gemütlicher über die Stunden zu tragen, die dt 150 hab ich eigentlich nur für Schlagzeug aufnahmen gekauft das der Drummer mal nich immer meine Kopfhörer aufhat, aber die klingne auch echt gut. Sind nur nich ganz so bequem wie die dt 150,aber auch schon sehr gut tragbar.
Crystal clear sounds.
I got to try all 3 of the pairs you suggested (besides the first clip you suggested, Jose) and the DT770 pro is definitely my fav. Ordered it already too and as soon it's hear I'll try to give a somewhat accurate review :p
No, don't get me wrong, the AKG are really great phones but that muting switch was the biggest turnoff for me. Surely, some people might like that feature but imo it's kinda annoying. Soundwise they provided great sound for every genre I tested them with (Hip Hop, Rap, Techno, Metal, Classical & Jazz) but I need to say that I prefer the Beyer because I enjoy a lot of highs. Bass was awesome with all the 3 of them but again, the Beyer won the race for me.