Guitar Player's Thread

Thanks guys!

I'm looking to buy a bass guitar, any brand/model recommendations for within 300 USD? I'm looking at some esp bass guitars with active pickups on ebay, is that my best option?

new or used mexican fender jazz bass. do it now
thanks for your recent help guys ;)

but i got another question:

i watched 3 different instructional dvds and the 3 have the guitars 1 step down, but even though that, they keep telling the notes of the fretboard are like if the guitar was in standard E (normal tuning). Its normal to consider this in general guitarrists? It does make things easier though..

for example he says "this is an E note", and if the guitar was in standard E it was in fact an E note, but as the guitar is 1 step down it isnt an E, but a D theorically. So they keep saying its an E even though sounds D? its this normal?

thanks ;)
Guitar theory is often just stuck with standard tuning in mind. There's no reason to be nitpicky about it really, it's the intervals and relation/theory between those notes that is important, not the ACTUAL notes in space and time. However, you can view it either way. I generally say the actual notes because it makes sense to me, but plenty of people do it the way you described.
So they keep saying its an E even though sounds D? its this normal?

It is actually. My band has a bit of trouble, the guitars are downtuned a tone but the keys and violinist aren't.

They tell me a note and I have to think twice to figure it out, the same goes when I tell them a note I'm usually a tone low for them.

nah i was just making a joke about bassists and their lack of theory skills.

In return I guess I should rip on us guitarists too:

How do you make a guitarist turn down his volume?

Put sheet music in front of him.

har har har
new or used mexican fender jazz bass. do it now

I definitely like Fender jazz basses. My friend has one; its beautiful and sounds great. Would those pickups work well for metal? I should have also mentioned that I'm looking for a 5-string bass, preferably with active pickups (not a deciding factor though).

Check this page every day for a few weeks if you don't mind waiting a bit before buying the bass:

Often stuff like this pops up:

(those are not currently in stock, just examples of good bass deals I've seen)

I just might consider those, the prices are hard to beat!

Lowberg said:
There is a reason why we have to talk using standard tuning notes instead of the actual step down notes:


har har har

That's funny, however bassists usually refer to notes in terms of frets.

"Hey man, is that one riff on the 7th or 5th fret, I can't tell."


Lowberg said:
nah i was just making a joke about bassists and their lack of theory skills.

In return I guess I should rip on us guitarists too:

How do you make a guitarist turn down his volume?

Put sheet music in front of him.

har har har


P4T0U said:
I bet some of the Loomis fans out here never heard about the japanese bonus track from Zero Order Phase called Omega's Influence.

I can see why that track was left off the album, it doesn't really sound like the others in context. Still a good song, kind of Marty Friedman influenced.
Guitar theory is often just stuck with standard tuning in mind. There's no reason to be nitpicky about it really, it's the intervals and relation/theory between those notes that is important, not the ACTUAL notes in space and time. However, you can view it either way. I generally say the actual notes because it makes sense to me, but plenty of people do it the way you described.


Guitarists really need to start saying notes and scales by ear, it drives me insane when they do it based off of the fretboard.

Also it has come to my attention that there is a distinct lack of Swabs since I returned. This pleases me greatly.
What drives me nuts is how all guitarist can't agree on how to say a tunning.

I call it drop C and some other guitarist wants to argue with me saying I should call it drop D tunned down 1 whole step.

Or I call it D standard and they say, no it should be E standard down a whole step.

WTF over?
Yes...I hate you!

That chick getting hit in the face still cracks me up everytime.

Is it the fact that she gets knocked out or the face the guys makes afterwards that makes me laugh? Who knows...I just wish I could get it tattoo'd on me in video like that.